Phoenix Dance

Chapter 707 Don't Be Enemies With Fengrange

Chapter 707 Don't Be Enemies With Fengrange
Feng Range is not at all afraid that Emperor Ming Qing will blame her for making trouble at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet held by Ming Qinghuang this time, even messing up the banquet!

Anyway, she didn't take the initiative to jump up on this matter, and it's not her turn to blame.

Besides, when she was on the Trace God Continent, she was considered to be at the pinnacle.As for a human emperor like Ming Qinghuang, even if he is also a cultivator, he has not reached the level that Feng Range is afraid of.

Now, she is standing here quietly with Mo Xuan, waiting for Ming Qinghuang and Ouyang Huang to come!
The banquet was also ruined, after Ouyang Huang reunited with them, maybe they could leave here as well.After going back to the inn for one night, you can also go back to Qingwu City.

In the current Qingwu City, no matter whether the city lord is Ouyang Huang or not, or the identity of the silver-faced ghost doctor that Feng Range created there, Feng Range seems to have a home there. I don't want to go anywhere else.

Feng Range was also reluctant to move around in her previous life, and it's the same now!If it wasn't because she was reborn on the Azure Continent by accident, and she was also worried about the Feng family after she left, then she wouldn't be so anxious to find a way to return to the Trace God Continent.

While Feng Range and Mo Xuan were waiting quietly, the remaining people were quickly dealt with by the other blood clans.

After dealing with all the people here, they walked back to Feng Range.Then, Feng Range sent them back to the space bracelet to practice.

In the end, Feng Range and Mo Xuan were the only people standing in the entire banquet hall.

Originally, she didn't want to cause trouble, but before Ouyang Huang's arrival, Feng Range wanted to spend more time in the dark.But after these things happened, Feng Range didn't need to hide in the dark.

She walked out from the original corner together with Mo Xuan, walked to the place where the people lying on the ground were sitting before, found two clean seats and sat down.Then, Ming Qinghuang and Ouyang Huang who rushed over quietly...

The arrival of Ming Qinghuang and Ouyang Huang was not fast, because when they arrived, Fengrange's affairs had been over for a long time!
At the same scene, Ming Qinghuang saw all the people lying on the ground, and his face became a little ugly.

However, since Ouyang Huang was still standing beside him, he didn't put on any airs.At the same time, he didn't ask Feng Range and Mo Xuan immediately.

It's just that Ming Qinghuang doesn't ask, but it doesn't mean Ouyang Huang doesn't ask.

At this moment, seeing Feng Range and Mo Xuan sitting on the side with a relaxed expression, Ouyang Huang walked away from Ming Qinghuang and came in front of them.

After walking in front of them, Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range and asked, "Little Geer, what's going on? What happened?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question at this time, he saw the worry on his face again!Feng Range twitched the corners of her lips at this moment, and said to him, "Ask Mo Xuan about this!"

Ask Mo Xuan, why?
Hearing Feng Range's opening at this time, Ouyang Huang was a little confused.Feng Range should be able to answer his question, but why did he ask Mo Xuan?
Although he was a little puzzled at this moment, he still complied with Feng Range's words, and turned his head to look at Mo Xuan.

"Mo Xuan."

Hearing Ouyang Huang call him at this moment, Mo Xuan raised his head and looked at him.Of course, after meeting Ouyang Huang's eyes, he used the simplest words to tell what happened here before.

When Mo Xuan was talking about these things, Mo Xuan's voice was not deliberately lowered, so Ming Qinghuang who was standing not far away naturally heard it.

After hearing that all these things were caused by her only daughter, Qing Aoning, his face became terribly gloomy!

Then, he said to the guards behind him, "Go find Princess Ning and put her in confinement! No one is allowed to release her without the emperor's order!"


Hearing Ming Qinghuang's order, the guards standing behind him immediately went to carry out the order.

As for the movement on Ming Qinghuang's side, the three Feng Range who were not far away naturally also heard it.After that, there was no further conversation.

After wandering around the entire banquet hall, Ming Qinghuang slowly came to Fengrange and the other three step by step.

This Emperor Ming Qing, with a thin figure, a stern face, and an extraordinary momentum, is a cultivator of considerable strength!
After taking a look and making a simple judgment on the supreme ruler of Ming Qing Kingdom, Feng Range was a little surprised!

The strength of this emperor Ming Qing has reached the height of the first rank of King Wu, which is really extraordinary!
Although it is clear that Ming Qinghuang's strength is much higher than Ouyang Huang and her, Feng Range still does not succumb to his momentum!

Ming Qinghuang's strength is very high, but Feng Range has many methods!If Emperor Ming Qing cared about her ruining his Mid-Autumn Festival banquet this time and wanted to do something to them, she would not be afraid of him!

Therefore, when Feng Range looked at Ming Qinghuang, Ming Qinghuang also looked at Feng Range.Feng Range's aura at this time is not inferior to him at all!

After seeing Feng Range's extraordinary appearance, Ming Qinghuang suddenly laughed, "Hahaha! Brother Ouyang's wife, this bearing is really extraordinary! Even, Madam Ling's His temperament is far better than that of Brother Ouyang!"

Hearing Ming Qinghuang's sudden laughter, and even faintly admiring Feng Range, this eased the originally quiet and tense atmosphere.

At the same time, it also showed a result. Regarding the matter here, Ming Qinghuang should not add Fengrange's responsibility in the follow-up.

So, after hearing Ming Qinghuang speak and before Ouyang Huang spoke, Feng Range spoke first.

She said, "Ming Qinghuang is so ridiculous! I'm so sorry, you invited us to the banquet, but I messed it up!"

"It's nothing! It's nothing! If it's my empress's Ning'er who provoked this matter, Madam Ouyang is being generous if she doesn't blame my empress's Ning'er!"

Hearing Feng Range speak, Ming Qinghuang responded immediately.

Hearing his reply, Feng Range didn't know why, but now she had a strange feeling...

Ming Qinghuang said that she was generous and spared Qing Aoning.But obviously, before everything happened, she had already beaten Qing Ao Ning Kuang so hard that she turned into a pig's head. Is this her generosity?

What's the matter, Feng Range felt that Emperor Ming Qing was mocking her at this moment!

However, Ming Qinghuang didn't say anything after that, so she just wrote silently.

Regarding the dark wave between them, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan, who were standing by the side, also sensed something...

(End of this chapter)

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