Phoenix Dance

Chapter 710

Chapter 710
Ouyang Huang's mini plane flies much faster than a helicopter.

When they came, they needed a rest halfway, but this time they didn't need it at all.It only takes one day to go back to Qingwu City!
It's just that the time of this day is indeed more than ten hours, and when they arrived outside Qingwu City, it was already dark!

Originally, at this time, the people of Qingwu City should have already slept peacefully.But for some reason, after Feng Range and Ouyang Huang got off the plane outside the city and entered the city, they saw the lights of Wanjia.

Moreover, the street that was supposed to be bustling with few people turned out to be full of people.

After seeing the sudden appearance of Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, these common people rushed forward one after another!
They shouted one by one, "City Lord Ouyang is back, we are saved!"

"Master Ouyang, please save us!"

"City Master Ouyang, the spirit beasts in the Mingsen Mountains have not only started to riot these days, but there will be a wave of beasts in the near future!"

"City Master Ouyang, once this beast tide breaks out, our city walls will definitely not be able to survive! If this huge spirit beast enters our city, then we..."

"Master Ouyang, please find a way to save us!"

"Master Ouyang, please save us!"

"Master Ouyang!"

"Master Ouyang!"

"City Lord Ouyang..."

Hearing the voices coming from all directions at this time, many people even bowed down to him directly!At this moment, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang couldn't help frowning.

In this situation... Feng Range and Ouyang Huang couldn't help turning their heads to look in the direction of the Mingsen Mountain Range after hearing these people speak.

The spirit beasts over there have rioted, is this true?If it is true, then how could everything be in a peaceful state suddenly be broken?
What caused this?

Now that the sky was getting dark, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't have time to rush over to find out.However, they still have to take care of the city people standing in front of them, or even kneeling in front of them.

Therefore, Ouyang Huang said to all the people in front of them at this moment, "Everyone! Everyone, get up first, please? Then hear me! You are talking about the beast tide, because my wife and I have just arrived from the emperor. I haven’t done some investigation since I came back from the city, so I don’t know the specific situation. Now, it’s getting dark, everyone go to rest first! I’ll take it to the Mingsen Mountains to see the situation tomorrow morning, and then I’ll tell you What is our next arrangement, okay? If we don't fully understand the situation, we really won't be able to make arrangements. Now that everyone is begging me like this, they must trust me, so listen to me, okay? Let's go and rest, everyone!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's opening at this time, those people who were still restless gradually calmed down!Then, those kneeling people also listened to his words at this time, and stood up one after another.

There seemed to be a very reliable aura about Ouyang Huang. After hearing what he said plainly, all the people nodded their heads one by one!

Then, he said to Ouyang Huang, "What City Lord Ouyang said is true, then let's listen to City Lord Ouyang!"

"Yeah, let's wait for City Lord Ouyang and the others to see what's going on in the Ming Forest Mountain Range tomorrow, and let's make arrangements!"

"I believe City Lord Ouyang will protect us, he is a good City Lord!"

"Then let's go back to sleep!"

"Well, I went to bed early, so I can make arrangements tomorrow!"

"City Lord Ouyang and his wife just came back from the imperial city, and they must be tired too, so let's go to rest earlier!"

"We are the ones who interrupted you, the city lord and his wife should go to bed early!"



After hearing Ouyang Huang's words, these uneasy people gradually felt at ease, and then left one after another.

Before leaving, some people casually said a few words of concern out of their concern for Ouyang Huang and Feng Range.After hearing their words, Ouyang Huang replied lightly at this moment.

After that, he and Feng Range temporarily stood in place and watched them leave.

After seeing them all leave one by one, until there was no one left, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked at each other in dismay!

"Little song..."

"My bad feeling before, is this fulfilled? What happened in the Mingsen Mountains? Can this situation be controlled by humans? If it can't be controlled..."

Ouyang Huang stood beside Feng Range, and when he heard her uneasy words, he stretched out his arms to wrap her around her, and pulled her into his arms.

Then, he comforted her, "Little Ge'er, you think too much, let's go back! Let's go over there tomorrow to have a look, and then we'll know if there's anything?"


Hearing Ouyang Huang's relief at this time, Feng Range was not at ease.However, in order not to let him continue to worry about herself, she also tried her best to pretend to be relieved!
Feng Range's state of mind at this moment is particularly uneasy, making her seem to lose something important, so even if she really wants to feel at ease this time, she still can't do it!

Leaning in Ouyang Huang's arms, Feng Range felt a little warmth.Then, her body, which was still tense due to excessive anxiety, relaxed a little at this moment.Afterwards, they went directly back to Fenghuang Mansion.

Ouyang Huang liked the original City Lord's Mansion at all. After he transferred some people from the City Lord's Mansion to the Fenghuang Mansion, he directly relocated the Fenghuang Mansion to look like the City Lord's Mansion.

After they returned to the City Lord's Mansion, someone reported to him about the situation they encountered outside!
Since he was not in the mansion and no one sent them to investigate in the Mingsen Mountains, the people in the mansion actually learned not much more than the people outside.

For this reason, Ouyang Huang didn't make things difficult for them, and let them go to rest first.At the same time, he also told them to let them follow him to the Mingsen Mountains to investigate tomorrow morning!
After receiving the order, the man went to inform other people in the mansion first, and then went to rest.

After no one came to disturb them, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range didn't stay in the lobby for long, and returned to their original room.

When he arrived in the room, Ouyang Huang said to Feng Range, "Little Geer, you are a little uneasy now, don't meditate tonight, just sleep peacefully!"

"Well, good!" Hearing what Ouyang Huang said at this time, Feng Range did not object.So, I nodded and agreed!
After Feng Range fell asleep, Ouyang Huang did not meditate that night.Just accompany Feng Range, hug her and sleep peacefully...

Ouyang Huang also felt Feng Range's uneasiness. He felt as if he was leaving...

(End of this chapter)

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