Phoenix Dance

Chapter 711 Entering the Mingsen Mountains

Chapter 711 Entering the Mingsen Mountains
Early the next morning, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang got up early.This night, they actually didn't sleep well, and the uneasiness in their hearts could never be erased, how could they have a good rest!

When they walked out of the room, someone came to report from outside.Last night, Ouyang Huang asked the people who had arranged to make arrangements. Later, as long as Ouyang Huang gives an order, they will follow him to the Mingsen Mountains.

Regarding the rumors in the city in the past few days, there are still some real things. The original guards of the city lord's mansion actually wanted to investigate for a long time.

However, although they are only the guards of a city, their discipline and temperament are like soldiers, strictly obeying the orders of the superiors!After Ouyang Huang and Feng Range hadn't returned from the imperial city, they didn't dare to take any private actions without Ouyang Huang's order.

Ouyang Huang also valued their strict discipline, so Ouyang Huang still valued those who stayed in Fenghuang's mansion!

Now that they are ready, there is no need to delay, and they will go directly to the Mingsen Mountains!

Therefore, Ouyang Huang said to the guard who reported to him, "Cheng Yong, let's go now!"

"Yes!" After Cheng Yong heard Ouyang Huang's order, he immediately conveyed it to the rest of the people.

At this time, Ouyang Huang also turned his head to look at Feng Range, and said, "Let's go!"

"En!" Feng Range responded casually at this moment, and then followed Ouyang Huang away.

When they walked outside, they saw that Cheng Yong had already brought two-thirds of the people in the mansion to the Martial Arts Field for the whole episode.

Seeing the appearance of Feng Range and the other two, they greeted them majesticly, "My lord, hello madam!"

"Master City Lord, hello madam!"

"Master City Lord, hello madam!"


Hearing their reactions and saying hello, Feng Range followed Ouyang Huang's side without any reaction at all!

As for Ouyang Huang, he nodded slightly and said, "Good job, you guys! Let's go!"


With Ouyang Huang's order at this time, this team of about 80 to [-] people, under the leadership of Cheng Yong, followed Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, and was about to leave Fenghuang Mansion and head towards the outside of the city. The Mingsen Mountains, a hundred miles away, went to...

I don't know what dangers exist in the Mingsen Mountains at this moment?They go now, don't know what dangers they will experience next?
However, regardless of their current identities, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang wanted to go there to find out for the sake of the people in Qingwu City.

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were very curious about what happened there!Although the mood of the two of them at the moment is faintly uneasy, a little uneasy!
After leaving the gate of Qingwu City, in order to speed up the journey, Feng Range took out an off-road vehicle at this time, and said to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, let's drive before! They, I will take them in." Go into the bracelet, and bring them out after you get there!"

"it is good!"

Ouyang Huang would not object to Feng Range's proposal.Just like this moment, he easily agreed again!
After seeing Ouyang Huang's agreement, Feng Range turned back and said to the people who followed him and Ouyang Huang, "I will send you to a place later, and you can practice as you like inside. The spiritual energy of the mansion is stronger than that of the outside world. In the Martial arts field in our mansion, you should have taken turns to practice there during this time! Your strength should have improved a lot! Now I will send you in, don’t resist!"


Hearing Feng Range's opening at this time, those guards responded one after another!
After getting their consent, Feng Range directly wrapped all of them with spiritual consciousness, and sent them all into the space bracelet in an instant.

After seeing these people disappear in place, Ouyang Huang got into the off-road vehicle that Feng Range took out first.Then, she said to Feng Range, "Get in the car!"

"En!" At this moment, Feng Range responded, and then got into the car directly.

After Feng Range got into the car, Ouyang Huang started the car and set off.

Because when they first came here, they are now heading to the Mingsen Mountains, and they are still very familiar with the path to go.

It would still take a lot of time to travel the hundreds of miles on foot, but now I drove by car and arrived in a short while.

After reaching the edge of Mingsen Mountains, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang got off the car.Then, put the car away!

Before they entered the Mingsen Mountains, they acted for the convenience of the few people.In the case of investigation, Feng Range temporarily did not consider sending out those people in her income space bracelet.

Under Feng Range's default approach, Ouyang Huang also felt it.However, as long as it is what Fengrange wants to do.No matter what it was, he always expressed his support, so he didn't say much at this time!
The two stood calmly on the edge of the Mingsen Mountains for a while, and faintly heard wild beasts barking from the depths of the mountains.Their voices belonged to Feng Range who had subdued several divine beasts, so she could hear some uneasiness and mania from their roars!

What happened to them?
Feng Range told Ouyang Huang about his discovery and his psychological feelings.

After hearing what Fengrange said, Ouyang Huang thought for a moment...

Then, after regaining his senses, he said to Feng Range, "Let's go in! We can only find out what happened there if we go in and check it out! But we still have to be careful when we go in!"

"Well, good! To ensure safety, let me bring Yaqi out!"

As Fengrange said, he directly summoned Yamata no Orochi in Shihuang space.

Yamata no Orochi appeared in human form, stood in front of Feng Range, and said in a cold voice, "Didn't you tell me not to disturb me? What's the matter?"

Hearing Baqi speak, Feng Range told Baqi some of the things that happened here!
After understanding the situation, Baqi's expression became slightly condensed.

As for the movement coming from the depths of the mountains, it was also noticed after it came out.It found that there seemed to be something bad there, which made it a little jealous!
However, at the same time, Yaqi was also a little curious about it!So, after pondering for a while, she agreed to go with Feng Range to find out!

So, the two of them, together with the beast, entered the Jinming Mountain Range...

(End of this chapter)

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