Phoenix Dance

Chapter 718 Leave, Retreat

Chapter 718 Leave, Retreat

After Feng Range walked out of the small courtyard, Mo Xuan and Sa Lannuo also finished their affairs in a short while and caught up with her.

After catching up with her, Sarano said at this moment, "Ge, will he really come back?"

"Yes! He will definitely come back!" Feng Range originally walked silently.At this moment, hearing Saranuo's sudden question, Feng Range turned to look at him, and answered firmly!
Regarding Ouyang Huang's matter, it is like a thorn in Feng Range's heart at this moment. As long as anyone mentions it, her reaction will be very big!

She looked like this, on the contrary, it was even more distressing to watch than the pain of crying.

Ouyang Huang has a demon body in his body. He was originally a member of the demon clan in his previous life. Even if he was sucked into that black vortex, Feng Range believed that he would not die because of it.He will be fine!
And, as he said, he will definitely come back to her!
However, Feng Range hopes that the time should not be too long!Because, from the moment Ouyang Huang left, she found that she was out of control and would miss him.This feeling is really uncomfortable...

Originally, Saranuo just asked casually about Ouyang Huang's situation, but after he asked the question, he saw Feng Range's reaction was such that Saranuo immediately regretted speaking.

At the same time, it also made him feel as if he was going to tear Feng Range's scar again.Let him be with Feng Range, this time I feel a little uncomfortable!

Immediately, after receiving Fengrange's response, Saranuo didn't say anything and fell silent!

Now that Saranuo was silent, Fengrange and Mo Xuan were naturally not interested in speaking.

With all three of them in silence, Feng Range took out his long sword when they reached the edge of the Qingwu Academy's examination field, and jumped up.

Seeing her actions at this time, Mo Xuan and Saranuo immediately followed her and jumped on the long sword, and then Feng Range drove Yujian towards Qingwu City.

Every time before Yujian and driving Ye Zhou, Feng Range carefully avoided it, fearing that being seen by some forces and people would cause unnecessary trouble for herself.

But now, after Ouyang Huang left, she no longer had the heart to think so much.Moreover, after waking up with her dual bloodlines, her strength has soared!

With her current strength, she can almost walk sideways on this continent!There are probably not that many people who can deal with her.

Using Yujian to go back to Qingwu City, the speed is almost as fast as a flash.

When their figures appeared above Qingwu City, many people looked up.Many people who saw them, but didn't see their appearance clearly, all guessed, which master came to their Qingwu City!

For peerless masters, they are all admired by the world!
It's just that Feng Range was only thinking about going back to Fenghuang Mansion at this time, so he didn't notice these things.

After returning to the Phoenix Mansion, Feng Range said to Mo Xuan and Saranuo, "I'm going to retreat for a long time. Do you want to stay outside or go into the space! If you don't go in this time, I will also I don’t know when I will end my retreat, so think about it!”

When they heard Fengrange touch Yujian and speak like this, Mo Xuan and Saranuo were speechless.

retreat?For some unknown reason, her sudden strength has suddenly risen to a height that even they would look up to, and now she actually tells them that she still has to retreat!
Regarding Fengrange's decision at this time, Mo Xuan and Saranuo just said silently and didn't know what to say...

And at the moment when they were silent for a moment, Feng Range's gaze stayed on them all the time.

She was silent for a long time, and when she saw that they didn't answer for a long time, Feng Range spoke again, "Since you can't think well, I will send you in to practice!"

She said, without waiting for the slightest reaction from them, she sent them directly into the space of primordial wasteland.

After finishing these, Feng Range walked towards her room with a flat face.

There are still about [-] or [-] people left in Fenghuang Mansion. These people were all rescued by her and Ouyang Huang in Yuancheng Mansion.Later, these people also followed them and were placed here by Ouyang Huang.

As for the other guards of the original city lord, after Ouyang Huang did not return for nearly half a month, they withdrew from here.

When Feng Range went back to the room, because she was not in the mood to say anything to others, she simply avoided those people who stayed in the mansion.

Back in her room, everything was quiet, Feng Range couldn't help feeling a little sour at this moment.I feel extremely uncomfortable!
Next, she was going to go to the Primordial Space to close a long test. In order to prevent anyone from accidentally disturbing her, she decided to set up an isolation array around the room.

This time, Feng Range planned to arrange the isolation array better, so that its effectiveness should not be consumed if it is used for a long time.

When leaving Qingwu Academy, Feng Range had this plan.Therefore, even though her mood is particularly low at the moment, she is not sloppy in doing things at all.

She calmed down her emotions a little, and then took out forty or fifty spirit stones from the Shihuang space, preparing to set up a superimposed isolation formation.

This superimposed isolation formation was specially designed by Feng Range, so that it also has the function of defense.

After all the required spirit stones were prepared, she began to arrange them...

In the process of setting up, because there were a few times when she set up formations, Ouyang Huang would also help him set up the formations.So, at this moment, Feng Range couldn't help but think of him again...

However, Feng Range's absent-mindedness didn't last long at this moment, and she quickly calmed down her thoughts and quickly set up the formation.

When she was concentrating on doing one thing, Feng Range temporarily forgot about Ouyang Huang's departure because of too much devotion, which made her heart hurt.

This time the isolation array was set up with some particularity, so after Feng Range was completely set up, four hours had passed.

However, time was not of much concern to her now.Anyway, she is going to retreat next, and she can afford it in this world!
After activating the isolation array at the end, she stepped into the primordial space in a flash.

After entering, she first looked at all the people in Shihuang space.When she saw them, she didn't tell them about Ouyang Huang.

Then, after a few brief exchanges, she went to the practice room to retreat...

(End of this chapter)

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