Phoenix Dance

Chapter 719 2 years later

Chapter 719 Two Years Later

After she entered the practice room, she did not immediately enter the state of practice and retreat.At this moment, after entering the Shihuang space, Chi Qingyao, who rarely appeared like Baqi, appeared.

Chi Qingyao is in the state of soul body, as long as he is willing, everything Feng Range can see, even in his space, he can see everything Feng Range sees.

When Ouyang Huang's accident happened, Feng Range's mood was greatly fluctuated, which also affected Chi Qingyao at that time.Therefore, Chi Qingyao also saw and knew everything that happened later.

However, because he was in the state of a soul body, he couldn't help Feng Range at that time!If he had appeared at that time, maybe he would have been sucked into that black vortex and become a part of its energy.

When his apprentice's husband-in-law had an accident, he couldn't do anything to make his apprentice feel so sad now.Chi Qingyao is a person who loves and dares to hate, so he feels a little deeply sorry for this!
For this reason, he came to her right now.After entering Fengrange's practice room, Chi Qingyao didn't say anything, and threw out three exercises to her.

He knew that she should be going to practice in closed doors next time. During this period of time, it would be most appropriate for her to practice two or three more exercises!
Seeing the ancient books he threw over, Feng Range immediately reached out to catch them!After catching it, she looked up at Chi Qingyao, and asked, "Master, you are here! This is..."

"Cultivate well, I'll go first!"

Regarding Feng Range's question, Chi Qingyao didn't want to say more, and after saying something casually, she disappeared from her face.

After infatuation was about to leave, Feng Range's attention hadn't come to him for a while, and then he stood there in a daze for a long time!

In this way, it took Feng Range a long time to come back to his senses, and then went to read the classics that Chi Qingyao threw to her just now.

They are three classics of exercises!After briefly reading the contents of the classics Chi Qingyao gave her, Feng Range discovered that these three classics turned out to be three exercises!
Could it be that Chi Qingyao's behavior is asking her to practice these three exercises?

Chi Qingyao's behavior at this time is already self-evident.That being the case, after Feng Range pondered for a while, he felt that he really didn't have many skills for fighting.If possible, she really needs to practice more, so that she can use it personally!

There are indeed a lot of exercises in the library pavilion in her Shihuang space, and the level is not low, but many of them are not suitable for her to practice, so Fengrange didn't find them to practice.

But now, after a rough look at the exercises Chi Qingyao gave him, Feng Range discovered that Chi Qingyao's vision was very high, and the exercises he brought out were all like the original "Nine Satin Ling" , very suitable for her practice.Moreover, she also discovered that the attack power of these exercises is ten times stronger than those generally suitable for girls to practice!
After obtaining these skills, Feng Range finally discovered that Chi Qingyao really loved her as an apprentice!
At the same time, she also had a deeper understanding of how Chi Qingyao got the name of genius!

After getting the exercise from Chi Qingyao, Feng Range began to practice.

Since her strength had been raised too fast and too high due to the awakening of the power of the double bloodlines before, the first thing Feng Range had to do was to stabilize her strength before she could actually practice and rest her skills!

So her arrangement is like this, she first needs to meditate to sort out the growing strength in her body.Immediately afterwards, she will fight against the body training to let her body adapt to the sudden surge of power in her body.

Only when her body adapts to these powers, can she use her surged power more flexibly in actual combat!
After preliminary thinking and finalizing his plan, Feng Range started to move at this moment!
While she was practicing now, in another small courtyard specially arranged by Feng Range, those people who followed her to this plane also stepped up their cultivation to varying degrees.

Although Feng Range didn't tell them about Ouyang Huang's situation when he went to see them.However, Mo Xuan and Saranuo, who were sent in by Feng Range, knew that something had happened to Ouyang Huang.

With the existence of the two of them, the rest of the people naturally know a little about the situation!
For this reason, everyone speculated that Feng Range was practicing so hard at the moment, probably because he wanted to find an opportunity to rescue Ouyang Huang!Thinking about it this way, the rest of the people also began to practice desperately.They all thought that when Feng Range was going to rescue Ouyang Huang, their strength had improved, and maybe they could help her!
In this way, everyone in the entire space of the first wasteland fell into an unprecedented state of cultivation...

During the period, Feng Range spent half a month to figure out the power distribution in his body, and then spent another two and a half months to let his body get used to the newly increased power.

After that, she began to practice the three exercises given to her by Chi Qingyao in a cyclical and gradual manner.

Time is in their cultivation, day by day, it seems to be slow, but it passes quickly...

In the blink of an eye, two years passed in a blink of an eye!The days in Shihuang Space seem to have passed for nearly a hundred years.

During this period of time, not only Feng Range's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.Even the strength of the rest of the people has improved a lot.

When Feng Range walked out of the practice room and went to the small courtyard over there to see their current situation, they were all shocked!
Gao Ying, Ka Yina, old master Ouyang and Ouyang Huang's father Ouyang Chi, who had the lowest strength before, have all reached the level of the Spirit Sect, and their strength has grown so fast!

Regarding their rapid growth in strength, Feng Range felt that their situation was probably due to the fact that they were in Shihuang's space, where there was a strong spiritual energy, and the pills she had refined!

If it weren't for these superior conditions, how could they have raised their strength to such a height in just two years of retreat!

Among them, some people whose strength has already reached the spirit sect, have also reached the level of the spirit king in the past two years of cultivation.

Regarding their current situation, Feng Range was not only shocked, but also satisfied!

Then, when they got in front of them, Feng Range said to them, "Get out with me! It's time for us to find out the news about the promotion altar, and then continue on our way!"

"Yes! Great, we can finally go out!"

"It's over if you hold back in here, it's time to go out and exercise your muscles and bones!"


At this moment, when Feng Range said that he was going to take them out, everyone who had been nested in the space for too long, jumped for joy at this moment!

They have been here for too long!
(End of this chapter)

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