Phoenix Dance

Chapter 727 Looking for the main room

Chapter 727 Looking for the main room
Because Feng Range and his party had just arrived in Ruoqing City, they had only been active in Qingwu City before, so people from the outside world were not familiar with them.

However, this unfamiliarity does not affect their anger at Feng Range and his party's sudden creation of Wu Zun's tomb, which they have been peeping at for a long time!
Immediately, someone said, "These people have already entered, it seems that we have to go in quickly! Otherwise, all the good things in here will be taken away by them! Moreover, they dare to go in If we grab things in our hands and don’t give them some color to see, we really don’t pay attention to us!”

Many of these people who came here were from big families, and they were usually full of arrogance. Now that they saw Feng Range and his party going in ahead of them, they couldn't stand it anymore!
When they were agitating and thinking about how to solve the problems they were facing now, and then entered Wu Zun's tomb, Feng Range's side had already arrived at the entrance of the tomb.

Standing at the entrance of the mausoleum, Feng Range and his party felt a cold wind blowing from inside!At the same time, Feng Range also felt that the cold wind rushing towards her face was mixed with a breath she was familiar with.

This breath... As soon as Feng Range felt it, her face changed slightly!

The black vortex that took Ouyang Huang away in Mingsen Mountains before is really very similar to the familiar aura that Fengrange feels now.

Could it be that the inside of Wu Zun's tomb is also a conspiracy like that black vortex?This time, who does it want to take away!

Feng Range's complexion became more and more ugly at this time. She still has a grudge about Ouyang Huang being taken away by the black vortex, and she can't let it go!
Now that she suddenly encounters this familiar aura again, can she destroy this place? Take a good look!What the hell is this cold ghost thing!Could it be something related to the devil world?

If this is the case... She really doesn't have to worry about Ouyang Huang's matter!
So, without avoiding accidents to the people around her, she turned around and said to them with a serious face, "The things inside are a bit weird, I don't think you guys should go in, just stay outside! These few explosive talismans Take it, if you meet an opponent you can't deal with later, use it! However, when using it, remember not to hurt yourself. Everyone take a few!"

Feng Range was talking to them, and took out dozens of Explosive Flame Talismans, and handed them a few each.

Then, he said, "There is some danger in this mausoleum. Don't go in later. I can go in by myself! The danger inside should not hurt me!"

"No! Girl, how can you go in by yourself! I feel weird here, old man, something happened to this boy Huang, and I couldn't help it if I wasn't there at the time, but now, with us old guys here, how can we see it? Leading you into a dangerous place, don't you follow me!"

As soon as Feng Range said that he wanted to leave them all outside and go into the mausoleum by himself, and also solved her worries with the Explosive Flame Talisman, Bai Jing spoke.

As soon as he spoke, the rest of the people objected to Feng Range.

"Master, we can't let you go in alone!"

"Master, you can't go in alone!"

"Master, let us go in with you!"

"Miss Feng, let us go in together! If you come here, you have to go in together no matter what!"


Hearing the people in front of her speak one after another, Feng Range's mood fluctuated slightly at this moment...

Although the people in front of her wanted to follow her into the mausoleum, Feng Range refused them after thinking for a while!

"No! I can't take you in! You just wait for me here! I will come out as soon as possible!"

She had made up her mind to go at this time, and she didn't want anyone to follow her.Then, after finishing the last sentence, he dodged directly into the mausoleum.

Feng Range's strength has never been shown in front of anyone after it has been promoted.Now when she suddenly showed her strength, all the people around her were stunned!
sky!With such a fast speed, even if they want to follow, they don't have the strength to catch up!

As soon as Feng Range disappeared in front of everyone, everyone was dumbfounded!


After Feng Range entered the tomb of Wu Zun, and felt that it was impossible for the people she brought to catch up with her, her speed slowed down a little.

Then, slowly move forward.As she walked, she carefully observed all the arrangements in the mausoleum.

There is only one main road in the tomb, and the side chambers are opposite to each other. As for what is there?Fengrange is not interested at all!

Now she is going along the main road, just wanting to go to the main room.After she entered the mausoleum, Feng Range felt that the familiar aura that took away Ouyang Huang should have diffused from the end of the main road.

Regarding this, Feng Range was a little curious about the breath, how could this thing exist here?

If there is ghost energy in the tomb of the dead, she still believes it, but the devil energy... Could it be that there are demons here and there are some shady plots?
The scale of this mausoleum is not very long. After Feng Range walked for a long time without rushing, he did not reach the end of the mausoleum and found the main room.

But after she walked quite a distance, she discovered that the main road was going downhill, going underground!
Facing this situation, Feng Range's face showed a hint of surprise!What's going on in this situation?

However, at this time, she did not show any intention of leaving the house, and she still walked in without haste!

Before anything happened to her, the people who stayed outside met half of the ten gangs who broke in!

As for the other half of the ten gang, I'm afraid they will never go back...

After those who also entered here saw Bai Jing and the others as soon as they came in, the two sides immediately confronted each other!
Practitioners' matchmaking has never been about reasoning, but direct action!

Because the opponent is superior to Bai Jing and the others in terms of numbers and strength.So before the real action, in order to prevent hostility from bullying the children, the two little guys, Ran Yun and Ran Yu, were dealt with heavily. Bai Jing and the other five old men protected them behind them, and then started to confront them with a serious face. Enemy!

"Come on, let me kill them!"

"Kill me!"



For a moment, the two sides fought hostilely!When they started fighting, Feng Range was still approaching the main room...

(End of this chapter)

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