Phoenix Dance

Chapter 728 Breaking Through the Exalted Level

Chapter 728 Breaking Through the Exalted Level
As Feng Range got closer to the main room, she found that the cold aura that she was familiar with became stronger and stronger.Moreover, this feeling is more and more like the feeling brought to her by that black vortex.

Feng Range had been close to the aura of the black vortex at the closest distance, and then experienced Ouyang Huang's incident, so she was more familiar with this aura than other people.

Afterwards, after walking for a long distance, Feng Range felt that the location of the main room should be almost here!

At this time, her heart beat a little faster!Ouyang Huang was taken away by that black vortex, how Feng Range hoped that this black vortex brought him here!
However, because I haven't seen the main room yet, let alone entered it, Feng Range doesn't even know if this is possible!
She continued to walk forward step by step, and at the same time, she could faintly hear the sound of bombing coming from outside.She guessed that it was probably because there was already a fight outside, and his people used two Explosive Flame Talismans because they lost to the opponent's strength.

The explosive flame talisman is very powerful, because they have never used it before, and they don't know its power. They don't know if this use has hurt themselves!
Regarding the danger of using the Explosive Flame Talisman, Feng Range simply reminded him that he was still a little worried that they really used the Explosive Flame Talisman at this moment.

For this reason, she unconsciously quickened her pace at the moment.She wants to deal with the matter here quickly, and then go out to have a look.

She was a little worried about her people now, because she didn't explain clearly, and she was afraid that something would happen to them now.

If something goes wrong, it should be much easier to deal with it with her here!

Now she quickened her pace and walked towards the main room faster.

In this way, after walking for a while, she came to a seemingly heavy carved stone door.

This stone door is very thick at first glance, Feng Range doesn't even know if she can open it with her own ability?

Holding the tentative vulgarity, Feng Range summoned up [-]% of his strength and moved towards the door forcefully.Just when her power landed on this stone door, it unexpectedly didn't shake the door at all.

Regarding this, Feng Range's expression became a little dignified!
It seems that this stone door cannot be opened simply!So, Feng Range stared at this stone door for a long time.

After a while, she did it again.Just now she used [-]% of her strength to push the stone door, but this time she used more than [-]% of it!
If Feng Range's current strength is used to [-]%, he can almost walk sideways on this road!

I don't know what the result will be if she exerts her strength this time?

Just as her hands were slowly attaching to the stone door, the stone door began to move slowly.It vibrated a few times first, then slowly began to move, opening a gap!

When this gap appeared, Feng Range felt a strong cold breath, as if it was going to freeze her suddenly.

Feng Range's expression at this moment became even more dignified!

Under Feng Range's force, the Shimen opened more and more slowly!
As the gap gradually widened, and when it could accommodate a person to enter, Feng Range withdrew his strength.At this moment, she was shocked by the scene in front of her eyes!
A small black vortex is almost exactly the same as the black vortex that swallowed Ouyang Huang!

Seeing this black vortex, Feng Range's expression changed drastically.First anger, then expectation, the same black vortex appeared here, she didn't know if it was the same vortex, if Ouyang Huang was brought here!

where is he?

Feng Range's expression returned to a calm state after being unpredictable for a long time.Then, she stepped up and walked inside, and slowly approached the black vortex.

Just when she stepped into the door of the main room, the black vortex seemed to sense his approach.It's just that the vortex didn't seem to be afraid of her at all, instead there was movement, and it approached her a little bit.

Just when the two of them were about to touch each other, the black vortex shrunk rapidly, becoming the size of a small black bead, and flew towards Fengrange.

Seeing the beads flying towards her, Feng Range's expression changed slightly!She didn't know what the black vortex wanted to do, and she was afraid that it would hurt herself.So, just when she was about to reach out her hand to block it, she discovered that the black vortex had directly penetrated her palm and rushed into her body.

Just after the black vortex entered her body, Feng Range immediately noticed that the black vortex had penetrated into her dantian with a lot of power.

Realizing this situation, Feng Range's complexion changed again at this moment!

This black vortex is not trying to use the power it carries to explode her!

Regarding this possibility, Feng Ran believed that it was still possible.Just when she was thinking this way, from the center of the vortex, an evil force began to erode her dantian.

As soon as this power came out, the original pure power in Feng Range's body also began to explode!With this outbreak, the two forces started to fight evenly!

With the two forces working in her body, Feng Range's originally graceful body became distorted...

The evil force that rushed into Feng Range's body was very strong, and Feng Range's resistance was at a disadvantage from the very beginning.However, because Feng Range's strength itself has not declined, and her willpower is also tenacious, the two forces fought fiercely after this coming and going.

At the same time, it wasn't just for any reason, Feng Range also felt that during the struggle between the two forces, this evil force was actually absorbed into her body little by little!
What is the reason?Feng Range was puzzled for a while!

With the continuous absorption of this evil force into the body, Feng Range's own strength is rising little by little!As her strength increased little by little, and when she was about to reach the critical point of Zun-level strength, Fengrange's power began to counterpress this evil force!
While counterpressing, her body intensified the absorption of the enemy's power.

Between one and two, Feng Range has reached the critical point of breaking through the rank of Zun!Immediately, with a 'boom', a pure force burst out from her dantian and poured into her seven tendons and eight veins.It directly raised her strength to the eighth level of Lingzun, and Wuxiu also reached the second level of Lingzun.

Regarding this situation, Feng Range was stunned for a moment!

How is this going?

(End of this chapter)

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