Phoenix Dance

Chapter 729 The Tomb of Wu Zun Collapses

Chapter 729 The Tomb of Wu Zun Collapses
Originally, when the two forces collided, some damage was caused to Feng Range's body.But just after her strength got a certain improvement, the damage slowly recovered!
Feng Range originally hated the black vortex because of Ouyang Huang's matter, but now her mood has become complicated!
She can no longer tell whether she should hate or love this black vortex. This black vortex took Ouyang Huang away, and now it has given back her strength, making her love it so much!

However, although Feng Range can't wait to love her, she can't like this black vortex.So, she still hates it now!
After all, it was a fact that it took Ouyang Huang away.

Just when Feng Range was a little taken aback by the growth of his strength, the mausoleum, which was originally fine, suddenly shook violently!This is a sign that the mausoleum is about to collapse!
When Feng Range noticed this situation, her expression became even more shocked!Then, she immediately picked up the "Misty Steps" and rushed straight to the outside of the mausoleum.

When she quickly moved halfway through the main road of the mausoleum, the gravel on the top began to fall down one after another.

Just when the mausoleum began to show signs of collapse, the two gangs fighting outside were fighting in full swing.

At this time, Bai Jing and the others had already killed many masters with the Explosive Flame Talisman.But on their side, many people suffered a lot of damage from the aftermath of the Explosive Flame Talisman!
The current situation of the two parties is actually similar, but in terms of casualties, there is no one on Bai Jing's side.

Therefore, in this battle, because of the explosive flame talisman Fengrange left them, the people from Bai Jing's side fought more with less, and the stronger one was slightly defeated!
As for the person who was blown up by them several times in a row with the Explosive Flame Talisman, after being severely injured, and seeing something happened in Wu Zun's tomb at this time, they just scolded their mothers!

"Damn it! What's going on here?" A son of a big family asked,
He came here with the family members, and now their people have been messed up by Bai Jing and the others, dead and injured.Now that I see Wu Zun's tomb again, I don't know what's going on, it seems that something happened, so how can I explain it to let him go back!
Or all the people they are traveling with, how should they go back and explain to their families!
Just as they were watching everything that was going well, suddenly something happened that caught them off guard, everyone was dumbfounded!
Just when they were dumbfounded, Bai Jing and others stared blankly at the entrance and exit of the mausoleum where Feng Range's figure had disappeared before.Some are worried about Fengrange who is still in the mausoleum!
"Master is still inside, is she okay?"

Ran Yu was the youngest in the group, and seeing this sudden change now, she most directly expressed her worry about Feng Range.

Hearing her asking this question made the other people who were worried about Feng Range feel even heavier at this moment!

At this time, someone couldn't help suggesting, "Why don't we go in and have a look!"

Hearing someone's suggestion at this time, Mo Xuan, who had always been silent, stopped him, "No! We can't go in! She will come out safely!"

Hearing Mo Xuan speak at this time, although he didn't explain why.But after hearing him speak, everyone's originally impetuous mood gradually calmed down!
It's fine!She will be fine!At this moment, everyone is silently chanting in their hearts...

And the people on the side, when Bai Jing and his party suddenly said that one of their people had entered the mausoleum, and that the movement might be caused by her, all the forces present looked at them. Greed was revealed.

They cannot enter the current Wu Zun Mausoleum!Here, they also lost a lot of masters in the battle with Bai Jing and the others. This time it really made it difficult for them to explain to the people in the family.

But now, if they take what she got in the tomb from the hands of the person who entered the tomb, then they don't have to worry about being blamed by the family!
After hearing their conversation, all the opposing forces with Bai Jing and his party came up with such thoughts one after another.

Bai Jing and his team quickly noticed the unkind motherland projected from them!
However, when Feng Range was about to part with them, he gave each of them enough explosive flame talismans.They haven't used a few of them yet, and they still have quite a few left.If these groups of people are restless at the moment, they don't mind blowing them up with a few Explosive Flame Talismans.

Therefore, Bai Jing and his party turned cold eyes on their malicious intentions!

Just when the two factions were confronting each other in a cold war, suddenly the entire mausoleum in front of them collapsed with a 'boom'!

With the collapse of the mausoleum, everyone's eyes stared straight at this moment!Especially Bai Jing and the others showed worried expressions on their faces!

"This this……"

"How could this be? How could..."

"Is Master buried in it? Master, is she buried in it? Uwa...Master..."



"I'm fine!"

Just when everyone looked at the collapsed mausoleum and thought that Feng Range was definitely buried in it, and was very worried, Feng Range's cold voice sounded not far from them!

"Master! Master, you are fine! Master! Woooooo...Master, Xiaoyu thought something happened to you, so I'm so worried! Master..."

As soon as she heard Fengran's voice, Ran Yu, who was most worried about her at first, wailed with joy!
When they heard Ran Yu's cry following Fengrange's voice, Bai Jing and everyone else looked in the direction of Fengrange's voice!
At this time, they saw her hazy and graceful body in the dust of the collapsed mausoleum.

After seeing her figure really appear, everyone's original worries were deeply relieved at this moment!

But just after they breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes turned to the other side again, and they became wary of the people who were hostile to them!
You must know the purpose of these people coming here, but they all came to the mausoleum.Now the mausoleum is destroyed, and Feng Range is the only person who has entered the mausoleum.

No matter whether Feng Range got anything from it or not, now these people are all looking at Feng Range.

As long as the person who has entered the mausoleum is caught, then they can explain what happened before, to their family!
(End of this chapter)

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