Phoenix Dance

Chapter 730 Heading to Cangsen Country

Chapter 730 Heading to Cangsen Country

Just when these people's gazes were cast on her, Feng Range immediately noticed something strange!Feng Range could also understand the meaning revealed on their expressions.

They are trying to catch her!However, it depends on whether they have this ability!

Feng Range's current strength has reached the ranks of Wu Zun, Ling Zun, and Shuangxiu, which is not something that ordinary people can fight against.

As far as Feng Range's current strength is concerned, this piece of Mingsen Continent can already be regarded as invincible!Almost no one can be against it!

Now these people want to get her attention, which is tantamount to courting death!
When Feng Range heard Ran Yu's words, he glanced at Bai Jing and the others.When she saw that they were more or less injured one by one, her eyes flashed a cold light.Looking at those who are still looking at her with malicious eyes at this moment, they are full of killing intent!
"You take these healing pills! After we go back to Ruoqingcheng to pick up Xiaoying and the others, let's leave here!"

At this time, Feng Range took out a few small porcelain bottles and threw them to Bai Jing and the others. These small porcelain bottles were filled with high-level healing elixirs, which could make their wounds heal quickly after taking them.

When they saw the elixir Fengrange threw to them, Bai Jing and Mo Xuan immediately touched the elixir bottle, poured out the elixir inside, and distributed it to everyone.

While Bai Jing and the others were taking the elixir to heal their injuries, Feng Range's gaze returned to those people who were trying to catch her attention.

He said coldly to them, "Do you want to take me back and explain to your family? If so, I'm afraid you will all be buried here today!"

Feng Range said coldly, the strength of Wu Zun in her body also dissipated at once, and then rushed towards these people!

If you dare to hit her attention, you will die!
When they sensed the Wu Zun aura emanating from Feng Range's body, the people who were trying to catch her attention changed their expressions one by one!
For the strength that Fengrange showed at this time, they all felt palpitations!The strength of this person, they are unmatched!

Following that, they immediately had the idea of ​​wanting to escape.However, will Fengrange give them a chance to escape?

Feng Range stepped in front of them, and then started a one-sided massacre with bare hands!

Because of Ouyang Huang's departure, Feng Range's depressed mood has lasted for too long.Today, she will start a killing spree, to vent out the discomfort in her heart!
As soon as Feng Range made a move, corpses lay all over the ground, and blood flowed like rivers.

Seeing this scene happening, Bai Jing and everyone else couldn't help but shudder!I thought silently in my heart, it's really cruel!
However, fortunately, they are on one side, so they don't have to worry that Feng Range will deal with them in the same way as the enemy!
Because Fengrange's strength is too high and strong than all of them, the massacre didn't last long, and everything ended!
After Feng Range stopped, she slowly returned to Bai Jing and the others.

At this time, Bai Jing and others discovered that although Feng Range sold and killed many people this time, there was not a single drop of blood on her body.

Feng Range is now wearing a white dress. After experiencing the collapse of the mausoleum and the torture and killing of those who tried to attack her, her clothes were not stained with anything except a little dust.

Seeing this, Bai Jing and others who were in a panic didn't know what to say!
At this moment, only Mo Xuan said, "You have been promoted to the rank of Zun!"

"Well, let's get out of here! Go back to Ruoqing City to pick up Xiaoying and the others, and then go to Cangsen Country!"

At this time, Feng Range responded to Mo Xuan lightly, and then talked about their next plan.

At the same time, she also plucked flowers and twisted leaves into a leaf boat, and jumped onto it!

"Come up!"

Hearing her words, everyone who had almost recovered from their injuries jumped onto Ye Zhou.

After everyone stood firmly on Ye Zhou, Feng Range drove Ye Zhou back in the direction of Ruoqing City!

Feng Range and the others stayed in Wu Zun's tomb for a day and a night, and now they are still in the dark when they go back.Therefore, when their Ye Zhou flew over Ruoqing City, no one noticed them.

After reaching the sky above the small courtyard where they rented, Feng Range controlled Ye Zhou and landed steadily.

After getting off Ye Zhou, Feng Range said to Ran Yu, "Xiaoyu, call Xiaoying and the others, and tell them we are leaving!"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Feng Range's order at this time, Xiaoyu went away in a hurry!
Now Ran Yu, Ran Yun and Gao Ying, the three of them are already so lively that they can't see their suffering before they met Feng Range!

Feng Range felt very satisfied with them now!
Because their current health, happiness, and many other things are brought to them by her!She can make them what they are now, and she really feels quite content!
However, if they have returned to the Continent of Jishen, returned to Feng's house, and Ouyang Huang is still by his side, she should be even more contented!

Thinking about the matter of Feng's family, and thinking about Ouyang Huang, Feng Range's expression became slightly melancholy at this moment...

However, she believes that it won't be long before she will be able to go back!Because they are going to find the promotion altar next!After she found it, she believed that it would not be far before she returned to Feng's house!

Until then, she will leave everyone in Feng's house, and then go to the devil world to find Ouyang Huang.

She didn't know why, but she had a vague feeling that he must have been taken to the Demon Realm by that black vortex!

How to put it, Ouyang Huang's previous life was also related to the devil world, and the black vortex also contained devil energy.It is reasonable for him to be taken to the Demon Realm!

Feng Range and others were waiting in the yard, and after a while, Ran Yu brought them out!
After they came out, Feng Range said to them, "Next, I will send you to the space to stay! When I reach the peak of the elves, I will see if I can bring you out again! Mo Xuan and Mu Heng just stay outside with me!"

Feng Range said at this time, regardless of whether any of them objected, he sent everyone except Mo Xuan and Mu Heng to the Shihuang space.

Even Si Bei, Feng Range didn't mind showing Shihuang space in front of him, and brought him in!

At the same time, she also notified Shi Huang to let Si Bei take him to sit under the tree of the Soul Cultivation Tree after Si Bei entered, so that his body would recover faster!

Then, after Mo Xuan and Mu Heng followed her to Ye Zhou, they left Ruoqing City and headed towards Cangsen Kingdom...

(End of this chapter)

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