Phoenix Dance

Chapter 735 Elf Guard

Chapter 735 Elf Guard
At this moment, everyone left at once, and Sakir had no intention of staying here any longer after being stunned in place.So, they also followed Feng Range and the others, and left together!
When Bai Jing and Mo Xuan were advancing, they intentionally waited for Feng Range, so the speed was very slow.Feng Range and his group caught up with them not long after they chased.

When Fengrange and the others caught up, seeing Sakis and the others who came out of the Cong space ring, and Sakir who followed him, Bai Jing and Mo Xuan were slightly stunned at this moment. Leng!Then, without saying a word, she followed Feng Range and continued on her way...

After that, they walked a long way, and when they were about to get closer to the peak of the elves, Sakir, who followed them all the way, suddenly spoke!

"That, that bad woman, we can't go any further! If you try to enter the elf settlement from here, you will be caught by the patrolling elf guards. If so, you will be caught Expulsion, there will be no chance to see the king!"

"Huh?" Hearing Sakir's words at this time, not only Feng Range, but even Sakis, who is still very familiar with the top of the elves, turned their heads and stared at him blankly!

"Brother Saqier, what do you mean by this? Before entering here, there were no elf guards patrolling here except for two guards! When did the elf guards come here?"

"Brother Sachs, this is what happened. Didn't you all disappear suddenly back then? The king sent a lot of elf guards to look for you, but they couldn't find them. The summit was a sensation! For this reason, the king was worried that such things would happen again, so he placed some elf guards to guard us in places where the elf guards would not appear before! Protect our people! Sach Brother Si, let's go in from another place! Now the top of the elves does not welcome foreigners, so..."

Hearing that Sakir said a lot at this time, Feng Range immediately understood the meaning of his words.It seems that she wants to have an audience with the Elf King this time, but I'm afraid it won't be easy!

Therefore, he didn't intend to embarrass Sakir at this moment.Just said to him, "Let's go to the entrance you said!"

Hearing Fengrange's opening at this time, Sarkis and others had no further objections.Regarding Feng Range, no matter whether they recognize her as the master or not, with her current strength, they have already surrendered to her instinctively!For this reason, no matter what she wants to say now, they will not object!
So, someone Feng Range suggested, they let Sakir lead the way and followed him...

The road led by Sakir is a bit off, and it is not easy for Feng Range and the others to follow him.Moreover, this goal is too big!So, after walking for a short distance, Fengrange decided to send everyone except the twelve elves into the space of Shihuang!

As for waiting inside the top of the elves, do you want to consider sending them out again?Just see what happens!
Before sending them in, Feng Range looked up at them and said, "Next we are going to sneak into the interior of the Elf Peak, our goal is too big, I will send you into the space first! "

Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Bai Jing and the others naturally would not choose to hold her back.So they all nodded and agreed!
After meeting each of them and agreeing, Feng Range wrapped them up with divine consciousness and spiritual power, and then sent them into the Shihuang space with a single thought!

After sending away everyone who should be sent away, Feng Range said to Sakir, "Let's continue!"

When he saw Feng Range send many people away with a big move, Sakir had never seen such a battle before, so he was dumbfounded all of a sudden!
Hearing Feng Range's reminder now, he nodded his head stupidly, "Oh, good..."

Afterwards, she continued to lead the way for Fengrange...

At this moment, although Bai Jing and the others were not around Feng Range, the twelve elves, Galarei and Sakis, followed behind her.Their surrender to Feng Range has already reached the bottom of their hearts.

Although they have returned to the peak of elves now, they still want to follow Fengrange in the future.If a strange woman like her has been following her, their future life should be even more exciting!

Before, they always thought that they would never return to the top of the elves, their homeland.For this, they are just remembering memories, and occasionally miss it!
But this time, Feng Range brought them back, which moved them so much that they didn't want to add it.

If they can come back here again this time, and maybe they can see their long-lost relatives later, then all the thoughts they still have in this life will be satisfied!

After Feng Range met the elf king, they asked the king to follow her and leave the elf peak. This should be their most glorious thing!
This kind of thought arose from the hearts of the twelve elves when they were in a space ring...

They followed Sakir and continued to walk forward. After walking for a long distance, Sakir finally stood on the side of a bush that seemed to be trampled and flattened by humans.

Then, he turned his head and said to Feng Range and the others, "Let's go from here! However, I know there are a few elves here, so you have to pay attention later, don't let other elves see her. Otherwise , we're in trouble!"

Hearing Sakir's reminder at this time, Feng Range and the others nodded slightly.

With her current strength, if she is discovered, nothing will happen.But in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, they should be careful!

After all, the elves and mermaids really don't welcome foreigners breaking into their territory.Once discovered, there may be some riots, and they will attack them without saying a word!

Although Feng Range is not afraid of this, in order to save trouble, she should pay attention to it!
After they followed Sakir into the trampled bush path, Feng Range let out her divine consciousness!She pays close attention to the situation around her all the time, and if she finds anything unusual, she will take action immediately and propose a countermeasure!
However, it seems that no other elves appeared here today.They walked quite smoothly along the way...

 This article is almost over!There are about thirty chapters left.

(End of this chapter)

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