Phoenix Dance

Chapter 736 Trying to Meet the Elf King

Chapter 736 Trying to Meet the Elf King
It's just... just when they were about to walk out of this path, Feng Range's face suddenly changed!
Then, a female voice was heard shouting loudly, "Where are the elf guards! Come here quickly! There are people breaking in here! Come here!"

Hearing this suddenly remembered voice, following the sudden change in Feng Range's expression, the expressions of Galarei and the other twelve elves immediately changed as well.Following that, Sakir's face also became ugly!

"Let's go! Let's get out of here before the elf guards arrive here! If we are caught by the elf guards, we will be finished, not to mention you!" Sakir said at this time 'You' refers to Fengrange.

However, when he heard his eager words, Feng Range frowned and said, "It's too late! It's too late!"

"Who is it! How dare you break into the peak of the elves of my elves!"

As soon as Feng Range finished speaking, thirty elf guards from the elf team appeared in front of them.Jiang Fengrange and the others were surrounded!
"As an elf, an elf dares to violate the rules of the elves! Bringing humans into our elves' territory without permission is a capital offense!"

The elf who directly pronounced Sakir's existence as soon as he opened his mouth was the captain of the elf guard that surrounded Fengrange and the others this time.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Feng Range fixed his eyes on him.Then, he said in a single voice, "Huh? You say that, you want to kill us right here!"

For this straightforward and stern elf, Feng Range really couldn't like Hai when he saw Hai!Therefore, when she was talking to him, Feng Range's attitude was not so good!
In a head-to-head situation, as soon as Feng Range opened his mouth, the captain elf looked at Feng Range.

"Humans, you are still so arrogant in the territory of my elves. Is this a provocation? If this is the case, then even if I kill you here, I think my lord will not blame me!" The elf captain paused when he said this.

Then, he immediately ordered to the people behind him, "Come here! Let the captain kill this human race on the spot! If my king blames it at that time, the captain will bear the responsibility!",

"Yes, kill the clan!"

"Kill the clan!"

"Kill the clan!"


Hearing the elf captain's order, the elf guard behind him immediately became agitated!Then, holding bows and arrows, they rushed towards Fengrange and Galarei who were beside her.

Facing the elf guards who suddenly rushed towards them, Feng Range's expression turned cold!

Then, with a cold shout, "Looking for death!", he shot at them too!
Although Feng Range looked like he was going to kill someone at this time, when he actually made the move, he didn't kill him.This is because, for the sake of Galarei and the Elf King, she didn't directly kill them!

As soon as Fengrange made a move, Galarei and the others who were beside her also immediately made a move!Fighting against the elf guards with one against two, they have been practicing in Fengrange's space ring for four years, and they are not at a disadvantage.But faintly, it seems to have the upper hand!
Seeing this situation, the elf captain who took the initiative to provoke Feng Range and the others had an ugly face at this time, as if ink was about to drip out!
Regarding his reaction, Feng Range saw it, but ignored it at all, and still beat his subordinates one by one to the ground!

After more than ten minutes, the only people standing now were Feng Range and the group, and the elf girl who had summoned the elf guards to deal with them.

After Feng Range solved all the opponents, she turned her eyes to the elf girl.

When her eyes rested on this elf girl, that elf girl trembled unconsciously at this moment!
Feng Range had already demonstrated her absolute strength in front of her, and this elf girl couldn't help regretting that she had called out the elf guard just now by shouting loudly.

At the same time, what made her regret even more was that Sakir looked at her with disgust and displeasure!
"Sakir, I..."

"Shut up! Stana, you will no longer be my partner! I will not be your partner anymore, so let's end our relationship!"

The name of this elf girl was Stana, and she was Sakir's very good partner after Sakis disappeared.

But this so-called partner was only at the moment before Stana called the elf guards to hurt them, and it was over!
Sakir recognized Stana's voice as soon as she heard her voice, and felt particularly disgusted with her!
Even though they had been friends for many years after she disappeared in Sarkis, when everything happened just now, all their friendships ended here!
When Stana heard Sakir's cold interruption at this time, her face immediately became ugly!Then, after staring blankly at Sakir for a long time, he turned his gaze to Feng Range again, showing vicious hostility towards her.

However, after watching Fengrange for a long time, she turned around and left without saying anything!
Seeing her leave, Feng Range and his party didn't try to stop her at this moment.For an elf girl who was not a threat to them at all, Feng Range didn't take her seriously at all.

For this reason, naturally he would not care about it!

After seeing the figure of the elf girl completely disappear in front of them, Fengrange said at this moment, "Sakir, now take us to a place to rest temporarily! After we arrive, we Just take a break and see how we can meet the Elf King!"

Hearing Fengrange speak at this moment, Sakir and the others looked at her and nodded!

After getting everyone's consent, they were taken by Sakir to his home.

Now, they have encountered the elf guards face-to-face, so they don't need to hide their figures in the summit of elves.

When they walked into the middle of the elves, all the elves cast strange glances at them.

However, he directly chose to ignore these Feng Range.Followed Sakir and walked back to his home without looking sideways.

When they returned to Sakir's house, his parents were still alive. Seeing him bring many people back, especially when one of them was their eldest son Sakis, the two old elf couples were excited I have tears streaming down my face!
"Sachs, my son..."

(End of this chapter)

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