Phoenix Dance

Chapter 737 The King of Elves

Chapter 737 The King of Elves

Before returning to the Peak of the Elf, Sarkis didn't miss the Peak of the Elf and his elf family much.

But now, after he came back here, saw his younger brother Sakir, and now saw his elf parents, Sakis immediately became jealous and excited!
Galarei and the others standing behind him seemed to be infected by their family at this time, and they missed their family a little bit!Tears welled up in their eyes, and they really wanted to go home at this moment, to meet their long-lost elf parents.

Their eyes flickered at this moment, and they looked at Feng Range, "Master, can we also go back to see our parents? We have been away from them for too long, and we don't know if they are okay now?"

Hearing what Galarei and the others said at this time, Feng Range was originally attracted by the family affection of the Sakis family, but now she turned to look at them.

"If you want to go back, go back! If you still want to follow me in the future, you can come to me. If you don't want to follow me, you can do whatever you want!" Feng Range looked at them at this time, and said flatly I spoke.

When seeing the warm scene of Sarkis's family, she also thought of the scene when she was in Feng's house, everything was protected by her grandfather.Therefore, Fengrange didn't embarrass them much when they heard Galarei's request at this moment.

Seeing that Fengrange agreed to them easily at this time, Galarei and the others were not surprised at this time.Instead, all of a sudden, everyone bowed down together!
They swore to Feng Range in unison, "Master, we haven't repaid your great favor to us. After we visit our family, we will definitely come back to follow you and go to the mainland of God with you." !"

Hearing their oath at this time, Feng Range was stunned for a moment!Then, I didn't come back to my senses for a long time...

After a while, Feng Range recovered from his senses, and said softly to them again, "Okay! You guys go back now! I will wait for you!"

"Yes, Master!"

After receiving Fengrange's order at this time, Jialalei and the others responded again, then turned and left...

After they left, Sachs' family finally regained their composure from the excitement of seeing their eldest son who had been missing for many years!
He looked over at Fengrange who had just talked with Galarei and the others, looked at her and asked faintly, "Girl, are you a human race? You saved my Sakis and brought him back ? And the ones just now, his partners?"

It was Sakis' elf father who spoke, and Feng Range looked at him when he heard him speak!

"Hello, my name is Feng Range! When I met Sarkis, something happened to him! Then he met me by accident, and I gave him some help, and he followed me!"

Feng Range didn't tell the details about Sakis's father's question, but gave some general outlines.

After hearing her answer, Salth's father didn't ask further, but nodded and asked another question!
"That's it! That girl, I want to ask you, is there any other purpose for coming to my elf summit this time besides sending these children back to their homes?"

"Huh?" Hearing that Sakis' father asked another question at this moment, Feng Range's eyes narrowed at this moment, "I want to see the Elf King, and I have something to tell him! And , I want to borrow something from your elves!"

"Meet the Elf King! Borrow something from my elves?" After hearing Feng Range's answer to his second question, Sakis' father was stunned!
At this moment, Sachs, who had been standing beside him without speaking, interjected, "Father, after Galarei and I disappeared, I forgot you because of the erosion of demon energy! It's not that I met the master, I'm afraid I haven't remembered brother Saqier and you, and it's even more impossible to come back here! Father, the master now suspects that our elves and elves are polluted, and she wants to save our elves , That's why I want to see my king! Dad, can you think of a way to let the master see the king?"

"What! Polluted by magic energy! How could this be..."

Feng Range didn't go into details about Saqis and the others, but when Saqis saw that his father didn't accept Feng Range so much, he couldn't help telling his original situation !
And sure enough, after hearing what he said, Sarkis' father was shocked at once!

Regarding Fengrange's words, although Sakis' father can show distrust.However, he would still believe what his son said!

Hearing Sakis say that he was eroded and polluted by demonic energy earlier, and even now there are other elves in the elf family who have been eroded and polluted. I can't calm down anymore!

Their elves and mermaids valued purity the most. If it was polluted, it would be tantamount to destruction for their elves!
Just when Sakis' father was so excited that he couldn't express it in any words, suddenly an ethereal voice sounded from above their heads, "Guests from afar, my king has been waiting for you for a long time, please come Let's see you in this king's palace!"

this sound...

When she heard the voice that suddenly sounded from above her head, Feng Range's beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed slightly!
Following the change in her eyes, the one who was most shocked at this time was Sakis' father!Then the voice of the Elf King!It is the voice of my king!He is summoning this human race in front of him...

At this moment, Sakis' father thought that even if he promised his son to help Feng Range to meet the Elf King, it would not be easy.

But at this moment, when he didn't do anything, the Elf King appeared and summoned her. It can be seen that the identity of this girl is not simple!

Just when he was still in a daze, Feng Range said to Sakis and Sakir, "Sakis, you just came back, stay here and get together with your parents! By the way, I am also here waiting for Galarei and the others to come back. Sakir, take me to the Palace of the Elven King now!"

"Me? I'll take you there?" Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, Sakis and his father hadn't reacted for a while, and Sakir spoke in a daze.

But when he heard his stupid opening at this time, Feng Range gave him a straight look, and then said, "Let's go!"

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward and left Sakis and Sakir's house first.

Seeing Feng Range's actions at this time, Saqier immediately chased after his father's slap signal...

(End of this chapter)

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