Phoenix Dance

Chapter 738 The Palace of the Elf King

Chapter 738 The Palace of the Elf King
After Sakier went out after Fengrange, he caught up with her after a while!
At this time, when the two of them were walking on the street, many elves looked at Feng Range, their eyes became a little strange.At the same time, looking at Sakir, I was a little envious!
Seeing this situation, Fengrange and Sakir immediately understood!Obviously, the elf king's previous sound transmission was heard by the entire elf family, which is why the current situation has been caused.

At the same time, the general elves know that their king generally does not call other people into his palace.It doesn't matter whether they are outsiders or their clansmen.

If this person was summoned into his palace by the Elf King, then the identity of this person must be not simple!
For this reason, the way they looked at Fengrange and Sakir now became extremely eager!

For these gazes, Feng Range didn't feel anything when she saw them, and just ignored them!But after catching up with her, Sakir, who followed her, shook his shoulders at this time, feeling a little uncomfortable!
So, he muttered, "I've never been stared at like this before, it's so scary!"

Hearing his muttering in a low voice at this time, Feng Range's originally flat eyes could not help but flicker slightly at this moment, and then looked at him!

Then, he said to him, "Take me to the Elf King quickly!"

As Feng Range spoke now, she took out her long sword, and prepared to fly with the sword!Just walking on two feet like this, she felt a little too slow, she might as well fly forward with Yujian!

Anyway, after she really entered the pinnacle of elves, she felt that both her Ye Zhou and Yu Jian could be used.

After she threw her own sword, she didn't make the long sword bigger.Anyway, this Saqier is an elf, he was born with wings and can fly, so there is no need for her to carry him with the imperial sword.

After standing on the flying sword, Feng Range directly drove a dodge to disappear in place!
As soon as her voice fell, Sakir immediately spread his wings and chased after her.

Feng Range's speed didn't accelerate to the fastest speed at this time, so after being chased by Sakir, he finally caught up with him.

After Saqier caught up with Fengrange, he breathed heavily and sighed to Fengrange, "This... the master of Brother Saqisi, your strength is really powerful! The flying speed is so amazing! It’s faster than the elves of our elf family. No wonder Brother Sakis and Galarei are so impressed! From now on, you will also be my master, and I, Sakir, will follow you! If my parents agree If so, when you leave here, I will go with Brother Sachs and follow you! I also want to see the outside world like Brother Sachs, and I don’t want to be trapped in this elf forever Dianli..."

After hearing Sakir suddenly say a long paragraph of emotion at this moment, Feng Range glanced at him intently, without saying a word.

Regarding Fengrange's silent words at this moment, Sakir didn't want her to say anything at this time.Following her silence, he also fell into a short silence because of his own thoughts!

After they flew silently in mid-air for a while, Sakir came back to his senses at this moment.Then, he pointed to one direction and said to Feng Range, "Master, the tree of life of our elves is in that direction! Our king's palace is built on the tree of life. Let's go in this direction, and then It won't take a while to reach the king's palace!"

"En!" Hearing Sakir's guidance at this time, Feng Range nodded slightly.

Then, he sped up a little more and headed towards the tree of life, which is the palace of the Elf King...

In the following imperial journey, Feng Range and the others flew for nearly an hour before they saw a tree of life as tall as a city standing in front of them.

As soon as he came in front of the Tree of Life, Sakir's expression became quite dignified!

This tree of life is the most lofty admiration of their elves!

At this moment, the voice of the Elf King came to mind again from above their heads, "Dear guest, since you have arrived, please come in!"

As soon as the voice of the Elf King fell again, a guiding light appeared in front of Fengrange and Sakir, and was about to lead them to fly up the tree of life to the palace of the Elf King. See Elf King.

As soon as the guiding light appeared, Feng Range stared blankly for a while.Then, Daze Sakir continued to fly up the tree of life!
Just when they flew up the tree of life, Feng Range's eyes lighted up slightly, and a strange light flashed across his face!

At this moment, Feng Range suddenly seemed to understand why the king of elves urgently invited her to come and meet him as soon as he knew she was here.At the same time, he also vaguely understood why the old man he met in Cangsen country earlier gave him directions...

The tree of life that the elves rely on for survival seems to be...

After Feng Range and the others flew up to the Tree of Life, they flew for a while before arriving in front of an exquisite small hall that was actually not very large and magnificent.

When she saw a courtyard with the size of five or six rooms in front of her, Feng Range was surprised!This is the palace of the Elven King?
Is this what the so-called palace looks like?

Just when Feng Range was amazed, the door of the so-called Elf King's palace was opened, and two people came out from inside!

The elf man in the lead looked about 20 years old at a glance, wearing a white gold-rimmed robe, silver hair, and a handsome face with a handsome charm.Under presumably with Ouyang Huang, they were faintly evenly matched.Is this man the elf king of the elves?

Just when Feng Range was secretly guessing his identity, the elf man standing in front of her and Sakir said, "Your honored guest, welcome, please come in!"

This person's voice was the one Feng Range had heard twice before, and he was the king of elves!
When Feng Range guessed that this person was the king of elves before, she was a little surprised!And now, after confirming that he is the king of elves, Feng Range is even more surprised!
This elf king is so young, it is really beyond her expectation!
However, he quickly recovered from his surprise!

You must know that after a cultivator's cultivation reaches a certain level, he will be able to stay young forever and stop aging.The elves of this elf family can also be regarded as cultivators, and they have such characteristics.

Therefore, after thinking of this, Feng Range was relieved!
Then, I followed him and his attendants into his 'palace'...

(End of this chapter)

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