Phoenix Dance

Chapter 742 Heading to Mingling Kingdom

Chapter 742 Heading to Mingling Kingdom

After leaving the Elf King, Feng Range and Sakir rushed back to his house as quickly as possible.

When they came back, Galarei, who had originally gone back to his home to meet his relatives, had already returned.Even Feng Range saw several people waiting for her at Sakis and Sakir's house with their brothers and sisters.

Seeing the existence of these people, Feng Range glanced at them one by one, and then nodded as a greeting!
At this moment, Sarkis said, "Master, the matter with the king has been settled! When can we leave?"

As for Feng Range's strength and ability, none of Sarkis and the others would doubt her.But when he heard him ask the second question that everyone present was most concerned about, the whole scene became silent and depressing...

They had been separated from their relatives for many years, and now they were about to part again after they were reunited, which made each of them feel reluctance in their hearts!
At this time, Feng Range's gaze was fixed on them, and she carefully noticed the subtle expressions of each of them.

At this moment, she didn't answer for a while, but fell silent for a while...

For the feeling of parting from relatives, Fengrange has a clear feeling.She understood how each of them felt at the moment, and she even thought about not taking them with her.However, she could not refuse their insistence!
So, how should she solve their current situation... She is a bit in trouble!
Under Feng Range's silence, the atmosphere of the scene became more dignified.

After waiting for quite a while, the girl elf Hedeli among the group of people spoke, "Master, this is something else after all, so let's go with you!"

Hearing that Hedeli's sudden opening broke the original silence, Feng Range looked up at her!

After staring blankly at her for a while, Feng Range opened her red lips and said, "You all stay here now, and get together with your relatives here! I have Bai Jing and Saranuo by my side , it is no problem to go to Mermaid Island with me. I have already negotiated with the Elf King, and I will return to the Elf Peak to borrow your family's promotion altar. If you still want to follow me and leave your homeland If so, then I will not hesitate and take you away directly!"

"Master! We..."

"Master, you take us away now!"

"Master, let's not stay!"

"Master, let's go together!"


Regarding Fengrange's loyalty, after following her for a long time, Galarei and the others strengthened their belief even more.

Now at this moment, when they heard that Feng Range wanted to persuade them to stay temporarily and be with their relatives, all of them were anxious!

They really want to get together with their relatives, but they don't want to leave Feng Range's side.They really wanted to follow her all their lives, they were afraid that one day she would leave them behind!

For their thoughts, because they have stood on the opposite side, so each of them has never broken this idea in their hearts.Now that they heard that Feng Range had made such a decision, they really couldn't calm down!
One by one, they spoke anxiously about their desire to follow Fengrange all the time.Even, they can give up their chance to get together with their relatives, and they want to be with her all the time!
After hearing their words at this time and seeing their reactions at this time, all those experiences with relatives present can't be calm at this time!
"Brother, you..."

"Sister, why can't you stay? Is your master really that good?"

"Brother, we are elves, we should stay on the top of elves, our homeland, why don't you go?"

"Brother, can you stop leaving? Do you know how sad your parents and our parents were when you disappeared? Can you stop leaving..."


When Galarei and their relatives heard them say that they were going to leave them again, they could no longer suppress their inner desire to keep them.Just at this moment, when they heard them express their thoughts excitedly one by one, Galarei and the other twelve elves were stunned!
At the same time, Feng Range was shocked by what they said.When they miss their loved ones, their loved ones miss them too.So, when she misses everyone in the Feng family, do they also miss her...

Feng Range's expression at this time was a little lost, a little sad...

Now she is getting closer and closer to returning to the God Continent, but she also misses her grandfather more and more!Hope they are all well now...

At this moment, when the whole scene fell into silence again and no one broke it, Feng Range said forcefully, "Sachs, you all stay! Accompany your relatives, do as I say. I’ve been to the Mermaid Island before, and I’ll come back again after finishing my work there! At that time, if you want to follow me to the God Continent, I’ll take you away together!”

Feng Range was talking at this time, she took out her long sword, and Yu Jian flew into the sky!

As soon as her words fell, she took advantage of Galarei and the others before they could react, drove Yu Jian, and disappeared into Sakis and Sakir's house at a high speed.

Facing this sudden situation, Sarkis and everyone were dumbfounded at this moment!
She, she just left...

Feng Range has always been the master of one thing, and her reaction and behavior at this time are justifiable.It's just that this happened without any warning, and Galarei and the others had no time to react.Watching Feng Range leave just like that, they were nothing but stupid!
"Everyone, don't do this! Master, she really promised the king that she would come back and borrow our family's promotion altar. She will come back!"

At this time, except for the relatives brought by Galarei and the others, they didn't respond to Fengrange's leaving just like that, and there was Sakir who had a better reaction than Fengrange who had been in contact with Fengrange for a long time.

When Sakir saw that his elder brother Sakis and his companions were a little bit shocked by Feng Range's direct departure, he opened his mouth at this moment!

He repeated the agreement between Feng Range and the Elf King, just as Feng Range said before, and he said it again!
Hearing what he said at this time, Galarei and the others moved their gazes to him in unison, staring at him steadfastly...

After Feng Range left the home of Saqisi and Saqier, she went directly down the mountain of Suoyunfeng.Next, she will go to Ming Ling Country to find the Mermaid Island...

(End of this chapter)

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