Phoenix Dance

Chapter 743

Chapter 743
When going up to Shuyun Peak, Feng Range found it more difficult.But when it comes down from the top, it seems relatively simple.

At this time, she didn't even need to use Yu Jian and Ye Zhou at all, she just jumped down from the top!She was already able to fly in the air, riding the wind and falling to the foot of the mountain, which was fast but would not hurt her at all.

As for the strength of the strong, Feng Range once said that she only needs to be at the peak of alchemy and medical skills.But now, she doesn't think so.

The strength of the cultivator itself is also crucial to survive in the world of cultivators!

She is very fortunate that after reliving her life again, due to the pressure of life and goals, her strength has improved a lot compared to her previous life!In the future, even after returning to the Dao Shen Continent, she will still not give up her cultivation, and she will improve her strength even more, hoping to reach the peak of this cultivator's world!

After Feng Range jumped off the towering cloud peak, she fell for about 10 to [-] minutes, and she saw the land below from a distance.

At this time, she took out her long sword and thrust it into the mountain wall with all her strength, holding the hilt of the long sword tightly with both hands.She fell very fast, and what she did at this time was to use the resistance of the mountain to the sword to slow down the buffer of her fall.

The purpose of doing this is that she is afraid that when she lands, she will smash a big hole in the ground below!In that way, although it won't hurt her, she may become very embarrassed!
However, after her long sword was inserted into the mountain wall, with this resistance, the speed of her falling down was really slowed down significantly.

Seeing that this was effective, when her body fell nearly 30 to [-] meters, she began to pull out the long sword inserted on the mountain wall, and then took advantage of the momentum to step on the mountain wall, turning her body over.When the ground was only a few meters below her, she turned around and landed smoothly and gracefully.

After she fell to the ground, she took a deep breath!Regarding the behavior just now, she has never done it before, and she is still a little nervous in her heart!
But now, after landing safely, she breathed a sigh of relief!
Then, she stood there for a while, and brought out Bai Jing and Mo Xuan who were sent into the original space by her after meeting Sakir.

After coming out, Bai Jing and everyone looked around and found out why they had returned to the foot of the mountain. At this moment, their faces showed surprise!

Then, he asked Feng Range, "Why are we back here again? Could it be that they didn't take you to meet the Elf King? Then what should we do?"

Hearing their questions, Feng Range raised his head and glanced at the top of the endless Suoyun Peak.Then, he said to Bai Jing and the others, "I have already met the Elf King, and the matter of borrowing the promotion altar has been settled! Next, we are going to the Mermaid Island, and then return to the Come here. Let's go!"

Because Feng Range has already negotiated with the king of elves about borrowing the promotion altar, Feng Range is eager to come back here after going to the mermaid island, and use the promotion altar to return to the God Continent go!

It was precisely because of this urgency that Feng Range chose to leave the Elf Peak immediately after negotiating the terms with the Elf King and go to the Mermaid Island.

As far as the moment is concerned, after she finished explaining to Bai Jing, she also immediately plucked a leaf and turned it into a leaf boat, and jumped on it first.Then, he glanced at Bai Jing and the others, signaling them to hurry up too!
Bai Jing and the others seemed to have sensed Feng Range's urgency from her reaction, so they looked at each other and jumped onto Ye Zhou one by one.

After getting on Ye Zhou, Feng Range immediately drove Ye Zhou to the direction of Mingling Kingdom...

It is well known that the Mermaid Island is in the Mingling Kingdom, just like the top of the elves is in the Cangsen Kingdom.However, there are very few people who know the real and specific locations of these two secret places.

In the past few hundred years, if there is the only one who has climbed to the top of the elves, it should be Feng Range!

In the dark, she is also the destined person to save the elf family from the embarrassment of extermination.If not, Feng Range would not have met the old man who showed her the way, and even if she would find Suoyun Peak in the end, she would not have found it so soon.Even if they reached the peak of the elves, they might face their elves' clan and would not receive the courtesy of the elves king.Everything, I have to say, is predestined somewhere...

Just when Ye Zhou, who was on their imperial journey, had just left the border of Cangsen Kingdom, the youngest Ran Yu spoke!

"Master, when we arrive at the Mermaid Island, can you please stop sending me into the space again? Sister Ai Luo is so beautiful, I want to see if the mermaid sisters in the Mermaid Island are all like Ai Luo My sister is so beautiful!"

Hearing Ran Yu's sudden opening, Gao Ying, who had been with her all this time, also spoke at this time!She said, "Master, every time you experience something, you send us into the space. It's not good! You said that you will take us out when you reach the peak of the elves. What happened? Master, to the mermaid island Be sure to let us stay outside, okay?"

If you talk about Ran Yu's harsh words, this little girl is quite obedient and well-behaved.But if there is Gao Ying's involvement at this time, then this matter...Feng Range will feel a headache...

After being cured by Feng Range, Gao Ying was favored by everyone, and her temperament became more and more lawless!For her, Feng Range is not very old, so she doesn't want to control her like an elder!
Because of her pampering, Gao Ying was not afraid of Fengrange at all!
Seeing her standing together with Ran Yu and opening her mouth to look forward to it like this, Feng Range fell silent for a while and didn't answer.

Her gaze was fixed on the front, driving Ye Zhou to fly steadily.

They have been flying for a long time at this time, and they are gradually approaching Mingling Kingdom.At their current distance, they can already see roughly the scenery of Mingling Kingdom!
At this time, a country built on the coast, the exterior walls of houses and palaces are all white, very dazzling and beautiful!Many decorations in this country come from the sea, Feng Range was stunned when he looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance!

When the other people on Ye Zhou saw Feng Range's blank expression at this moment, they also followed her gaze to look at the scenery of Mingling Kingdom in the distance.When they saw the white houses and palaces in the distance, other scenery, and even the boundless blue sea, everyone's eyes were stunned at this moment!
What a beautiful country...

(End of this chapter)

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