Phoenix Dance

Chapter 748 Ai Luo's Identity

Chapter 748 Ai Luo's Identity

At this moment, Feng Range looked at Mu Heng and said to him, "Mu Heng, go and tell the boatman, follow the sound and hurry up! We must find the Mermaid Island tonight!"

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Hearing Feng Range's urgent order at this time, Mu Heng immediately responded and went to do the matter.

After Mu Heng left, Feng Range and the others continued to listen quietly to the voice of the sea girl.This ethereal singing is really wonderful!

Feng Range was standing on the deck and looking into the distance. After receiving Mu Heng's message, Feng Range and everyone immediately felt that the speed of the ship was speeding up!

Along with this, the song of the sea girl that was originally heard in their ears became more and more clear.

But at the same time, Feng Range didn't know why her right eyelid twitched slightly!There is always a feeling of uneasiness slowly coming out...

Is this something bad going to happen?
Feng Range clearly knew that her uneasy performance should be due to her premonition talent as a strong being at work again!
So, at this moment, Fengrange said to all the people who were still standing on the deck, who were fascinated by the scenery and the song of the sea girl, "Everyone, pay attention next! Suddenly I feel uneasy, always I think something bad is going to happen! Mu Heng, you go and inform the boatman and the others, and let them pay attention!"


Hearing Feng Range's order at this time, all the people who were still in a leisurely attitude and a little loose, now restrained their emotions and became alert at all times!
At the same time, for their 100% safety, they quietly approached Feng Range one by one at this time.

In any embarrassing situation, I don't know why, as long as they are close to Feng Range, they will feel at ease!
This is probably because in the world of cultivators, Feng Range is a person of great luck, and in the face of any difficulties, he will turn danger into safety!

Those who follow her are also affected by her blessings, and their luck will not be bad!

As for Ouyang Huang's situation, Feng Range had already seen that he was a person with good luck.But why does that happen?Could it be that it was destined...

Because of Fengrange's reminder, everyone's vigilance was widened when they continued to go to the Sunset Sea!
Just after their big ship drove forward for a certain distance, everyone on board suddenly felt that their hull was violently hit by a powerful force!
This happened when Feng Range and the others were prepared, so none of them fell out of the boat and into the sea.

When everything happened, there was a feeling of joy secretly in everyone's heart!If it wasn't for Feng Range's reminder, they should all have fallen into the sea right now!

With their current strength, if they fall into the sea, they probably won't be able to deal with the attack from the sea below.

At this moment, Feng Range said to them, "You all go to the cabin and tell the boatman that they are paying attention! When we got here, we should have been attacked by mermaids. They don't want us to Coming here disturbs them. I'll go and see, if it doesn't work, let Ai Luo come out!"

"Okay! Girl, then you have to be careful!"

"Master, you have to be careful alone!"

"Master, if you can't handle it alone, just bring Sister Ai Luo out!"


After listening to Feng Range's instructions, Bai Jing and Ran Yu also instructed Feng Range.

Hearing their advice at this time, Feng Range nodded in response, "Well, I will be careful!"

Then, she approached the side of the boat directly...

As she approached the side of the boat, her head cautiously looked out into the sea.At this moment, the second, more powerful impact hit the ship again, causing Feng Range to almost fall into the sea!It also makes the hull of the ship sway at this time, which is very dangerous.

At this time, Feng Range's eyes narrowed slightly, and his brows were slightly frowned!
After being hit by the mermaid in the sea a few more times, not to mention that the ship will capsize, even the force of the impact is probably not enough for the ship to bear a few more times!
Under such circumstances, Feng Range either resolved these mermaids in the shortest possible time, or thought of other ways to quickly resolve the current situation!
If this situation continues, their ship will be really dangerous!
Thinking of this, Feng Range thought again, if she were to deal with the mermaid in the sea with a one-man enemy, she might not be able to solve it in a short time!At the same time, because they are members of Ai Luo's tribe, it is not easy for Feng Range to hit them hard!
In this way, it may not be feasible for Feng Range to take action against them.Well, this last situation is only the last one left!

Ask Ai Luo to come out and help solve the situation they are facing now!

At this moment, Feng Range did not hesitate, and directly sent a message to Shi Huang in the space, saying that Ai Luo would come out to help.

Because of Fengrange's help before, Ai Luo immediately agreed to come out to help after receiving a message from Shihuang that she was in trouble!

After receiving Shihuang's response at this time, Feng Range directly searched for Ai Luo from Shihuang's space, and then brought her out with a thought!

When Feng Range first arrived at her, Ai Luo's fish tail turned into a pair of human legs.But just after she entered the primordial space and stayed there for a while, she returned to her mermaid state.

So, when she appeared at this moment, she appeared in the state of a complete mermaid.

After her figure landed on the deck, she and Feng Range looked at each other!He said to Feng Range, "Benefactor, I can feel the breath of my people! Your difficulties should be caused by them. Now I will help you solve this matter!"


Hearing Ai Luo's opening at this time, Feng Range nodded slightly.Then, watching Ai Luo jump lightly, she jumped from the deck into the sea.

After hearing the sound of 'bang', Feng Range poked his head out, but Ai Luo was no longer in sight.

At this time, Ai Luo should have sunk into the sea, go and communicate with her clansmen!

For a long time afterwards, Feng Range and the others didn't feel any impact anymore...

At this moment, Ran Yu and the others came out of the cabin and came to Feng Range's side, "Master, did you ask Sister Ai Luo to help?"

"En!" Hearing Ran Yu's question at this time, Feng Range responded lightly.

After that, no one made a sound and waited quietly.Waiting for Ai Luo's situation...

(End of this chapter)

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