Phoenix Dance

Chapter 749? Meeting the King of the Sea

Chapter 749 Meeting the Sea King
I don't know if the underwater situation is very serious. Ai Luo didn't come back after going for a long time, and didn't send any message.

Just like that, Feng Range and the others couldn't make any rash moves, so they continued to wait quietly...

Waiting until the setting sun had disappeared, Ai Luo still did not appear.At this moment, Feng Range's brows could not help but frown again!

What's wrong with Elo?How come there is no news for so long?

Feng Range knew a little about Ai Luo's character, she would not think that Ai Luo had returned to her hometown at this moment, so she left them and went back to Mermaid Island by herself.

It's been a long time since Ai Luo appeared, Feng Range couldn't help but think that something really happened to Ai Luo.If not, why hasn't she come up after she's been down for so long!

Just when Range was worried for Ai Luo, she heard Ran Yu who was next to her say, "Sister Ai Luo has been down for so long, why hasn't she come up? Is she Is something wrong?"

Hearing Ran Yu's words at this time, the eyes of the rest of the people were also looking at the sea under the boat at this time, and there was a hint of worry in their eyes inadvertently!
Everyone here doesn't have a deep friendship with Ai Luo, although they all know that she belongs to the mermaid tribe.However, at this moment, he was a little worried about her!Because, everyone here knows that the reason Ai Luo entered the water is actually because of them.At this time, she went into the water to negotiate with her clan on their behalf, so that they would not hurt them!
At this moment, Feng Range looked at the water below several times, and even used her mental power and consciousness to search, but it was fruitless.So, she said to the people around her, "Everyone is waiting on the boat, Ai Luo has been down for so long, I have to go down and have a look!"

"Okay, be careful!"

"Master, be careful!"


"Hmm!" Everyone is clear about Fengrange's strength.So at this moment, after hearing her words, everyone told her to be careful, and didn't deliberately stop her!

Hearing their instructions at this time, Feng Range also lightly responded, and then the whole person turned over and jumped into the sea.

Seeing her action, everyone thought she would fall directly into the sea.However, just when her body was about to touch the sea surface and there was only half a meter left, she stood up in the air!
Since the night had already fallen, Feng Range's actions at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, seemed to be stepping on the sea.Everyone couldn't help being amazed at the strength she showed at this time!
After Fengrange stood on the surface of the water, she immediately put her spiritual power and consciousness into the seawater, and continued to search for Ai Luo's whereabouts!
Because Feng Range is a human race, she cannot survive underwater, so it is not easy for her to go directly into the water at this moment.

Previously, since she was still three or four meters away from the sea surface on the deck, her consciousness and spiritual power could not be put into the sea so deep.But now, when approaching the surface of the sea, her mental power and consciousness can be plunged into the water for at least ten meters. For this reason, she can also search for Ai Luo's current location and whether she is still in this area. Below the sea.

Feng Range's figure was moving inch by inch on the surface of the sea at this time, and she used her mental power and consciousness to search carefully for every inch she passed, for fear that she would miss Ai Luo's figure if she was negligent.

At first, after searching for more than half an hour, Feng Range still didn't find any clues.

Just when even she was about to give up, suddenly her spiritual power touched a familiar breath.At the same time as Yuci, suddenly there were bursts of water waves on the surface of the water, and one by one mermaids came out of the sea with weapons in their hands, and surrounded Feng Range in groups.

Seeing this situation, Feng Range's eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to take precautions in his movements.

In such a situation, not to mention the others who saw this situation on the boat, even Feng Range who was in the encirclement thought that they were going to fight at this time!

But just when Feng Range was about to make a move, suddenly there was another wave of water on the sea under Feng Range's feet.Then, with Feng Range's downcast eyes, he saw Ai Luo's figure emerging from the water.

After getting out of the water, Ai Luo raised her eyes and saw Feng Range's vigilant look, and then looked at all the mermaids around, showing a scene that surrounded Feng Range's group, Ai Luo At this time, the pupils of the eyes flickered slightly!

Then, he immediately retracted his eyes and looked at Feng Range, and said to her, "Benefactor, I have already negotiated with them, and then they will guide you into Mermaid Island. I will attack you again! Benefactor, after I get on the mermaid, I will take you to meet the king of the sea!"

Hearing Ai Luo's opening at this time, Feng Range's original eyes did not look at her, but after she finished speaking the whole sentence, Feng Range looked at her!
"The king of the sea in front of you?" Feng Range looked a little surprised at this time, but she restrained herself after a while, and said, "Lead the way!"

"Well, benefactor, please get on board!"

Afterwards, Feng Range followed Ai Luo's wishes, and Yu Xing returned to the deck.

After seeing her return to the boat, Ai Luo gave orders to all the mermaids who surrounded Fengrange before!

"Everyone prepare, return to Mermaid Island!"

Hearing Ai Luo's order at this time, the mermaids started to move at this time.Several of them came to Fengrange's big boat, pulled the rope, and prepared to drag their boat forward!
Seeing this situation, Feng Range's eyes slightly deepened when she heard Ai Luo start to command those mermaids...

Ai Luo, what is her identity in the mermaid clan?Why do those other mermaids seem to respect her so much?For her orders, they also obey her like their subordinates.

Come to think of it, her status in the mermaid clan should not be low!

All this, Feng Range thought, when they arrived at Mermaid Island, they should know the answer!

At this time, with the traction of the mermaid, when Feng Range and their big boat were moving forward, the speed became very fast!

Their boat passed quickly on the sea, and after an unknown amount of time, they came before a dense fog.

Through the blurred shadows, Feng Range and the others seemed to observe behind the mist, as if there was an island.

Could it be that there is the mermaid island...

(End of this chapter)

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