Phoenix Dance

Chapter 750 Mermaid Island

Chapter 750 Mermaid Island
Just as Feng Range and the others standing on the deck were still guessing whether the mermaid island was ahead, the mermaid who was dragging their boat dragged them into the mist.

After that, their boat moved forward in the fog for a while, and found that the fog in front of them gradually dissipated...

At the same time, a real island appeared before their eyes.

On this island, there are scattered houses, and there is a small castle-like building in the middle.After seeing the buildings on the island, Feng Range and others were still on the beach along the coast, and saw no less than two hundred mermaids, male and female, old and young, playing there.

When they saw Feng Range and their big boat being dragged by several mermaids and approaching their beach, all the mermaids on the beach looked at them!

At the same time, many mermaids started talking and discussing in whispers, "What's going on? Why did our patrol team bring back a large human boat?"

"Then there seem to be people on the boat! Why did they bring the human race here? What are they going to do?"

"This seems to be the first time since 1000 years ago that people entered our island of mermaids! I don't know what the purpose of these people is?"


With Feng Range's current strength, as long as she is not in a special situation, as long as she is able to capture any sound within a radius of more than [-] meters around her, she can clearly capture it.

Especially those mermaids on the beach at this moment, when they were talking about their arrival, Feng Range listened to those voices verbatim.

At this moment, Ai Luo got out of the water, and when her beautiful and swaying figure walked towards the beach step by step, the voices that were originally discussing gradually quieted down!
At the same time, all the fish's eyes were attracted by her!

"Princess Ello is back!"

"Princess Ai Luo has been missing for so long, why did she suddenly come back now, and she came back with that big boat?"

"Could it be that the big ship was brought back by the patrol team ordered by Princess Ai Luo?"


Just after Ai Luo appeared, the beach fell into a brief silence.But after the silence, an even bigger commotion broke out!

Elo is a princess!When Feng Range's ears clearly heard the discussion of the mermaids on the beach again, and when they heard the mermaids address Ai Luo, Feng Range was surprised for a while!

She really didn't expect that she would auction off a mermaid casually, and it would be the princess of the mermaid clan!Because of this, Feng Range understood why those mermaids obeyed her orders.

After Ai Luo was on the beach, Feng Range's big boat was also pulled ashore.So, at this time, they are also ready to disembark and dock!
However, before getting off the boat, Feng Range asked Mu Heng to tell the boatman and helmsman to stay on board and not to wander around.If something happened otherwise, they wouldn't help solve it!
After hearing Feng Range's explanation at this time, Mu Heng immediately turned around and went to the cabin to handle this matter!
When Mu Heng turned to go to the cabin, Feng Range and everyone else began to jump from the side of the boat to the beach.

After all of them went ashore one after another, Mu Heng, who was going to do what Feng Range told him, also went ashore after finishing his work!
After all of them came to the shore, Ai Luo walked towards them!
Walking in front of Feng Range, he bowed slightly and said to her, "Benefactor, please follow me! I will go to see my father for you!"

"En!" Hearing Ai Luo's opening at this time, Feng Range nodded and followed her away.

Earlier, Ai Luo had said that she would take Feng Range and the others to meet Haiwang.And now, she said she would take them to meet her father.At this time, Ai Luo also revealed her identity faintly.

However, because everyone except Fengrange didn't know that the father that Ai Luo said to go to see her was the king of the sea.Therefore, Feng Range is the only one who really knows Ai Luo's identity at this moment!

As for whether to tell other people about this matter, Feng Range thought about it for a while and thought it was unnecessary, and then silently said nothing!
Then, they followed Ai Luo to the palace in the center of the island...

Their pace is not slow, so after walking for a while, they came to Neptune's palace.

The mermaids guarding the Neptune's Palace saw that the leader was Ai Luo, who had been missing for a long time, and they all showed surprise expressions when they saw her!
Then, saluted her respectfully, "I have seen Princess Ailuo! Your Royal Highness, King Hai is discussing matters with his subordinates in the main hall!"

"En!" Hearing what the guard said at this time, Feng Range nodded towards them.Then, they continued to walk in with Feng Range and the others.

Although Ai Luo hasn't come back for a long time, she is still as familiar with everything in Neptune's Palace since she was a child growing up here!

After walking around in circles for two times, they came to the door of the main hall where Neptune works.

At this time, the four guards at the entrance of the main hall were all surprised when they saw Ai Luo suddenly appear with some human races!
Seeing her, Feng Range and the others, she exclaimed in surprise, "Princess Ai Luo, you are back? And they are..."

"They are my benefactors! Go and report to my father and tell him that I have brought my benefactor back and want to see him!"

Seeing the guards of the main hall were a little bit verbose at this moment, which made Ai Luo, who was always kind, a little impatient at this moment.So, she interrupted the talking guard and asked him to report to Neptune.

And the guard, when he heard Ai Luo's order at this time, did not leave immediately to report to the king of the sea, but looked at Ai Luo with some embarrassment!

"Princess Ai Luo, this...During the two years you left, some things happened on our mermaid island, even the sea king... the sea king is dealing with this matter now, and ordered no one to disturb, for this reason Subordinate..."

"An accident happened on the Mermaid Island? What happened!" Ai Luo became excited when she heard the guard's hesitant and embarrassed voice!

The Mermaid Island is her home. If something happened here, how could she, the daughter of the King of the Sea, not care about it!Don't worry!

Then, after talking excitedly with the guard, Ai Luo turned to Feng Range for help.

Looking at her, he begged, "Benefactor, you have helped the elves before, but I wonder if you can help my mermaids this time! Benefactor, please help us! Please..."

Faced with Ai Luo's sudden request for help at this time, because she didn't know the facts, Feng Range looked at her and didn't speak for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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