Phoenix Dance

Chapter 755 Re-chapter Top of the Elves

Chapter 755 Returning to the Peak of the Elves
After Feng Range and their boat returned to the coast of Mingling Kingdom, she handed over the rest of the reward to Mu Heng, and asked him to leave the boatman and the others.

Afterwards, they picked flowers and leaves directly from the coast of Mingling Kingdom and prepared to go back to the top of the elves!
Now, Feng Range has done all the things she was going to do, so her mood at the moment can be described as returning home like an arrow.

On Ye Zhou who was going back to the top of the elves, Feng Range's eyes were always looking at the direction of the towering Yunfeng in Cangsen Kingdom, showing deep thoughts.

For the Feng family that has been away for many years, and the grandfather who has loved and guarded her for many years, does Feng Range really miss him...

Every continent has a time gap. I don't know how many years have passed on the Trace God Continent during the few years she left?
Is the Feng family safe?Is her grandfather still well?

Also, the two people who broke into her yard when she was refining alchemy, disturbed her, and forced her to die and be reborn, are Feng Ranqing and Feng Ranyue alright?Are they ready to wait for her to go back for revenge?

At the same time, Feng Range naturally misses and cares about the Feng family and other people in the Feng family!

However, for those who have hurt her, even caused her to die.Feng Range will never spare them!

A person who would harm his own family members must be a person with evil intentions!If such a person stays in the family, it is hard to guarantee that one day the whole family will be harmed!
Therefore, in a certain sense, although Feng Ranqing and Feng Ranyue are also members of the Feng family, Feng Range not only doesn't care about them, but also hates them!
After she returns to the God Continent, she will definitely avenge her death!If this hatred is not avenged, the knot of hatred in her heart will never be broken.

Having such a bad mood is not good for her future cultivation!
She believed that when she returned to the God Continent, if she really chose to take revenge, her grandfather's love for her should not stop her.For such firm belief, Fengrange couldn't help being very confident!

It took them a day and a night when they went from Cangsen Country to Mingling Country.Now that they are going back, Feng Range has raised the speed to the fastest level.Directly, the time required for one day and one night was reduced to one and a half days!

After they returned to the foot of Suoyun Peak again, Feng Range felt a little nervous when he looked up at the mountain peak that soared into the clouds.

It's getting dark now, but Feng Range doesn't want to rest at the foot of the mountain and wait for the next day to dawn before rushing on.

So, she said to Gao Ying, Ran Yu, Mo Xuan, and Bai Jing who were following her, "We are going to climb the mountain overnight, can you do it? If you can't, I will send you into the space Go, let you come out after I get there! Moreover, when I climb, I will move my pace, and you must ensure that you can keep up with my speed! Can you?"

Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, everyone was a little dumbfounded after understanding the meaning of her words!
Climbing the mountain overnight and requiring them to keep up with her speed, she deliberately sent them into space!
Regarding Feng Range's words, everyone now understands what she said.Therefore, when they heard what she said, everyone knew that it was useless for them to object.

So, they shrugged their heads one by one and said to her, "In this case, you can send us into the space! However, after we reach the peak of the elves, you must let us come out to see the space of the elves." What does it look like!"

"Yes, Master, you must promise us this!"

"You must agree!"


Hearing that they asked her one by one at this time, Feng Range slightly pursed her lips and nodded in agreement!

After agreeing to their request with a nod, Feng Range directly wrapped each of them with his divine sense without saying a word!Then, send them into the space of the original wasteland!
After sending everyone into the Shihuang space, she stood on the spot and took a deep breath, and then she was ready to climb Shuoyun Peak again!

This time, because he already knew the path to the top of the elves, after Feng Range exerted his strength, he went directly to a height of tens of meters.Immediately afterwards, she left an afterimage at a distance of more than ten meters with an unprecedented fast movement, and moved towards the peak of the elves on the top of the cloud at a speed of more than ten meters!
When she was on her way, the twelve elves she had left on the top of the elves missed her very much after two days and two nights of separation.Now, they are standing at the entrance and exit of the top of the elves, waiting for her return!

Because Feng Range was climbing the mountain quickly with all her strength, and because the towering cloud peak was really high, when Feng Range was approaching the edge of the peak of elves, her energy was almost exhausted.

At this moment, her breathing has become very chaotic, and she is panting heavily!Just when she was thinking about whether to stay where she was and rest for a while, take a few pills to restore her strength and energy before continuing on the road below!Galarei and the others who were standing above waiting for him also vaguely sensed her aura at this time.

So, I left the entrance and exit, and came towards the edge!

Just as they soared out of the edge, they saw Feng Range who was struggling to climb up at a glance!Then, Hedeli and Hilary, two females among the twelve elves, immediately flew to her side, holding her arms one by one, and brought her to the top of the elves.

After her feet landed firmly on the ground, she took out some pills and took them almost immediately to adjust her breath!
At the same time, according to the request of Gao Ying and the others before entering the Shihuang Space, they were released at this moment!
While Fengrange was adjusting his breath, Saqier shouted excitedly, "Master, you are finally back! If you don't come back again, I'm afraid Brother Saqisi and the others should look for you!"

Feng Range heard his excited shout, but didn't respond at all.

Her strength and energy consumption are too great, so she urgently needs to recover now!When she went to look for the Elf King later, in her current situation, she would definitely not be able to use the altar of advancement.

However, fortunately, she is a god of pills, and the pills in her hands are all top-notch pills.After taking a lot of pills at once, and after some breath adjustment, her condition has recovered to seven or eighty-eight...

At this time, she opened her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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