Phoenix Dance

Chapter 756 The final farewell

Chapter 756 The final farewell
After Feng Range opened her slightly tired eyes, she stood up!

Then, he said to everyone present, "Let's go to the Palace of the Elven King!"

Saying that, she went directly along the road to the Elf King's palace last time.Seeing her actions at this time, the twelve elves flapped their wings and chased after her!

After they left one after another, the rest of Bai Jing and the others looked at each other at this moment, some didn't know what to say.Then, they also took out their long swords, and a very spectacular group of people with their swords together chased after Feng Range and the others!
At this moment, Fengrange Yukong's flying speed was not very fast, so Bai Jing and the others caught up after a while!After catching up with Feng Range and the others, they were flying over the top of the elves, and when they looked down, they could see the whole picture of the top of the elves.

The scenery on the top of the elves is as attractive as the island of the mermaid, so after seeing everything here, Bai Jing and the others, especially Gao Ying and Ran Yu and the other children, were completely stunned at this moment. up!

"Wow, is this the pinnacle of elves? It's so beautiful!"

"It's really beautiful! It's like a mermaid island, so beautiful!"

"It's like a fairyland on earth, like heaven!"


Hearing everyone's amazement at this time, the twelve elves flying beside Feng Range, as well as Sakir showed proud expressions at this time!

This is their homeland, and now they are happy from the bottom of their hearts to hear their partners praise their homeland so sincerely!At the same time, I feel proud!

In this way, they flew all the way to the palace of the Elf King!

Originally, no one from the Elf King's clan, let alone outsiders, could enter the palace of the Elf King without the permission of the Elf King.

But now, because Feng Range saved their elf family, the Elf King has granted all personnel related to Feng Range to enter his palace.

For this franchise, the Elf King has announced it on the entire elf peak.Therefore, when they saw a large group of them heading towards the palace of the Elf King, the elves below did not have a particularly big reaction even if they saw it.

From the intersection of the top of the elves to the palace of the elf king, Feng Range can reach it in about a few minutes at the speed of one person.However, since she was still dragging a lot by her side, by the time they arrived at the palace of the Elf King, more than 20 minutes had passed.

For their arrival, the Elven King seemed to have a premonition.When Brother Fengran and the others landed one after another, they saw him standing not far away with his guards, watching them quietly coming.

After all of them got down to the ground, the Elf King took a few steps forward and said to Feng Range, "Miss Feng, you should have solved the trouble for the mermaid clan! I really think you are really us!" Nobles of the two races!"

Hearing what the Elf King said at this time, Feng Range also looked up at him.

Looking at him, he replied lightly, "I don't know if I am a nobleman of your two clans, but I think it is a bit strange that you two clans, and even the outside world, suddenly have different levels of devilish energy! Even, this Only I can get rid of the evil energy, and I still suspect that the appearance of this evil energy is directed at me! As for the reason, I don't know. However, even so, you promised to borrow my promotion altar I can't go back on my word!"

"Shocked?" Hearing Feng Range's indifferent opening, the Elf King was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to respond!
The demonic energy of his elf clan had appeared for seven or eight years, but she, Feng Range, had only appeared today, and she even said that the demonic energy was directed at her.For such a possibility, the Elf King never thought about it.But for some reason, he felt that what Feng Range said seemed to be true!
Just like that, Elf Fruit, who was stunned for a while, spoke again with Feng Range's last sentence, "Miss Feng, no matter whether this devilish energy is coming for you, you saved it." The matter of my elf family is a fact. So, I promised to use your promotion altar, and my elf family will naturally not go back on my word! Are you going to use it now?"

"Well, take us there now!"

"That's good! Please!"

Feng Range brought all the people with her now. As for the Twelve Elves and Sakir, they were willing to follow her, so naturally she would not drive them away.

For this reason, when Feng Range went to the palace with the Elf King, Bai Jing and others, the twelve elves, and Sakir all followed them and walked in!

All the way they went in, they went directly to the root of the tree of life, to the promotion altar in the heart of the tree of life!
They didn't walk fast this way, they walked for about 10 minutes before they got there.

Seeing the familiar Jinbit altar appear in front of his eyes again, Feng Range felt a little restless at this moment!
This is the promotion altar she had been looking for for a long time, and she finally saw it!

At this time, Feng Range was not only a little restless, but also a little excited by this look.Step by step, she slowly walked towards the promotion altar, and reached out to touch the edge.

The Jinshi altar here is intact, and Feng Range's hand felt its strength as soon as it touched its edge.If she wants to activate the promotion altar right now, she only needs to add spirit stones to the groove next to it.

After Feng Range circled around the Jinbit altar, she stopped in front of everyone.Then, he said to them, "Are you all willing to follow me to the God Continent? If you are willing, just raise your hand and I will send you into the space!"

Hearing Fengrange's words at this time, all the elves and people raised their hands except the elf king and his guards!

And, one by one shouted, "We are willing to follow the master to the God of God Continent!"

"I am willing to follow the master to the God of Trace Continent!"

"I am willing to follow the master to the God of Trace Continent!"

"I am willing to follow the master to the God of Trace Continent!"


Hearing their shouts resounded through the entire space, Feng Range looked at the Elf King at this moment!

He asked him, "Elf King, Galarei, they are your people, your people, now they want to follow me, can I take them away?"

Hearing Feng Range's question at this time, the Elf King also raised his eyes to look at her.look at her.He said to him, "Miss Feng, since they swore allegiance to follow you, they are your followers, and you can naturally take them wherever you want!"

Hearing the Elf King's answer at this time, Feng Range stared at him blankly for a while...

Then, he came back to his senses and nodded slightly.Then, with a wave of his hand, all of them were taken into the space of the original wasteland...

(End of this chapter)

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