Chapter 185 Stupid
"Sister, if I don't save them, they might turn into zombies!" Lu Li couldn't understand Lu Nanqi's concern and caution. Since it is a healing ability, isn't it used to save people?Just like a doctor, if the doctor can't save people, why should you study medicine?
"Sooner or later, you will be killed by your innocence!" Lu Nanqi said coldly, very angry, and then asked, "How many people know about this?"

"I asked Wei Yuan to take me into the observation room, except for Wei Yuan and those two people, there is no one else." Lu Li said, "Don't worry, although there is surveillance inside, before we go in, let Wei Yuan turn off the surveillance. off."

"You really trust him." Lu Nanqi's tone was not friendly at all. Niu Weiyuan was capable. She had thought that it would be good if Lu Li could hand over him, but now, she realized that she seemed to be wrong.

Excessive intimacy is not necessarily a good thing.

There is a kind of excessive trust between Lu Li and Niu Weiyuan, and this relationship is already higher than that of Youda.

Not a good start.

"We are brothers, we are born and die, and we rely on trust?" Lu Li asked, "Sister, don't always be suspicious of everyone. Although the end of the world, I believe that people's hearts are still good. Take a look at these bases. People, they are willing to go through life and death for so many people in the base, this is kindness."

"How long do you think this kindness can last? Do you think these people who eat what you have exchanged with your life will really appreciate you?" Lu Nanqi pierced his ignorance and innocence with one sentence, "Don't be naive, look But the Jinyang base in City C knows, what do those people do when there is no food? Are they grateful to Song Li?"

Not only did they not, they tried to riot instead.

This is the heart of a sincere person, who will never learn to be content.

Lu Li tried to argue, "That's because Song Li's method is wrong. I believe this base will be better. Brother Huo and Uncle Huo can manage the base very well. Just look at the order here. At least it's not as good as Jin Yang's." It's such a mess."

"Don't hit the south wall and don't look back." Lu Nanqi knew that he had never experienced that kind of darkness, and he would never realize the danger of the real human heart. Only when he really met him, would he be unforgettable and truly grow.

As if she was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, she threw the backpack containing the remaining crystal nuclei into his arms, and then said: "I still owe Mr. Huo a treatment, let's go."

"Let me show you the injury first." Lu Li chased after him.

"Are you sure you still have enough abilities to heal me?" Lu Nanqi gave him a cool look, opened the door angrily and walked out first.

Lu Li lowered his head in shame. After healed those two teammates, he had indeed used up all his abilities. However, there was a crystal core. As long as he absorbed the crystal core, he could still heal her.

He also just wanted to save people with good intentions, why is my sister so fierce!
When Lu Nanqi and Lu Li passed by, Huo Zhonglin had just rushed out of the warehouse and was talking with Huo Ping in the office, with a smile on his face all the time.

"I know you two will come over, Huo Ping just has something to say, come, sit here and listen together." Huo Zhonglin changed his previous attitude towards Lu Nanqi.

This old fox is really real.

"You talk about yours. Lu Li will give you the last treatment, and we'll leave when it's over." Lu Nanqi sat down on the chair, raised his chin to Lu Li, and motioned for him to start.

(End of this chapter)

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