Chapter 186
Huo Ping glanced at Lu Nanqi, pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "I plan to sneak back to the army in three days." He paused for a while, observed Huo Zhonglin's expression, and said very solemnly: "Let's lead the army together with Feng Hui." The combat planes in the middle are flying back."

When Huo Zhonglin heard Feng Hui's name, his expression changed drastically, and when he heard that he was going to bring the fighter plane back, he immediately stood up from his appearance and slapped his palm on the table, "No!"

Huo Ping didn't back down because of his anger, but said more firmly: "I know you will refuse, but this time I have to go."

"Don't forget that he is the enemy of our Huo family, and he is a disgrace to our soldiers. You still have to help such a person who discredited the army. Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?" Huo Zhonglin trembled his fingers straight Refers to Huo Ping, who is confused by anger.

Thinking of her dead daughter, her eyes turned red.

"Sister's death was not because of him." Huo Ping said solemnly.

"If it wasn't him, why did he leave the army?" Huo Zhonglin said hoarsely, "If it wasn't him, then show evidence that it wasn't him, otherwise I will never forgive him for the rest of my life! Tell me, is he just now? In the base? You call him here, and I will kill that bastard with my own hands!"

"Uncle Huo, don't get angry, it won't be easy for your wound to heal." Lu Li comforted him, but it didn't work, and Huo Zhonglin's chest was still heaving with anger.

Hearing what he said, Huo Ping didn't dare to say anything, for fear of harming Huo Zhonglin's health.

The door that was originally closed was suddenly pushed in from the outside.

Feng Hui's figure suddenly appeared at the door, not only walked in, but also went straight to Huo Zhonglin, "Don't call him, I will come by myself. Uncle Huo, after I go home to confirm whether my family is still alive, I will personally go to you to apologize .”

Huo Zhonglin smiled sadly, "Did you hear that, he himself said that he was guilty, and you dare to say that he didn't kill him, and your sister was clearly killed by him!"

He cursed and couldn't stop talking for a while, cursing and cursing, but his eyes turned red, and finally fogged up until he burst into tears.

Feng Hui kept his head down all the time, allowing Huo Zhonglin to scold him, with no emotion on his face, only those sharp eyes, hiding unconcealable sadness, covering his whole body.

Because of Huo Zhonglin's emotional instability, Lu Li had to stop the treatment, looked at them helplessly, and finally turned his attention to Lu Nanqi for help.

But he saw the latter sitting leisurely in the chair, unmoved at all, with an expression of just watching a play.

It's really... fickle.

After a long time, Huo Zhonglin's mood gradually stabilized, and he finally said, "I will not agree to this action!"

But Huo Ping said: "Dad, I didn't ask you to agree. I'm here to tell you. I just want to tell you that I won't be in the base during this time, so please be careful. But I will definitely do it with the utmost care." Come back quickly."

"If you dare to walk with him, believe it or not, I'll chop off your feet!" Huo Zhonglin became excited again, it was unbelievable that Huo Ping would say such words.

Huo Si's death is still vivid before his eyes, and every time he thinks about it, he feels heartbroken. In his heart, he already believes that Feng Hui is the murderer, so how could he be willing to let Huo Ping and Feng Hui stay together.

Huo Ping made up his mind, "Dad, I'm sorry."

Huo Zhonglin was furious and pointed at the door angrily, "Get out! I don't have a son who eats everything like you!"

Negotiations ended in his rage and didn't go well.

(End of this chapter)

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