Chapter 187
Huo Ping and Feng Hui went out together, Lu Li continued to treat Huo Zhonglin, Lu Nanqi stood by, and she didn't get up from the chair until the treatment was over.

Because Lu Li had healed the two men in the observation room before, the abilities were exhausted. Therefore, the crystal nuclei given to him by Lu Nanqi, after treating Huo Zhonglin and supplementing the abilities, those crystal nuclei Being used up by Lu Li.

She thought about it, and she had to prepare some crystal core upgrade abilities for Lu Li.

Before going out, Huo Zhonglin stopped her and looked at her sincerely, as if he wanted something from her.

"What's the matter with Mr. Huo?" She stopped, but didn't go back, but looked sideways at Huo Zhonglin, waiting for his answer.

The latter looked unspeakable.

Lu Nanqi told Lu Li to go back first.

Soon there were only the two of them left in the room. Huo Zhonglin let out a long sigh, and finally said slowly: "I know you are a very capable person. Huo Ping plans to return to the army this time. Can Miss Lu..."

"Why?" Lu Nanqi was suddenly curious, why was he willing to change his mind?
She could see that he really hated Feng Hui very much.

Since this is the case, why do you still open this mouth to her?

When Lu Nanqi came out of Huo Zhonglin's office, it was 10 minutes later than Lu Li's.

There was no sign of Lu Li outside, so he should have gone back first.

Not far away, they saw Huo Ping and Feng Hui.

The two stood in front of her, blocking her way.

Lu Nanqi didn't have many accidents to meet them here, and it was even more obvious that the two of them came prepared.

She looked at them, not in a hurry to ask why.

Huo Ping was the first to speak, "I will go back to the army with Feng Hui this time. Are you interested in going together? You may have a chance to get a fighter plane, but you may not get anything, and there may even be danger."

"You should know that I won't agree to a deal without benefits." Lu Nanqi still just looked at them and didn't leave right away.

"It's not that there are no weapons. There are many weapons you want in the army. I know you have been collecting these things." Huo Ping said.

Lu Nanqi raised his eyebrows, but he was very observant. He knew that she was collecting these things after only getting along with her a few times.

That's right, she is collecting, so she is indeed tempted to go there.

What's more, it was still under such a big temptation from Huo Zhonglin.

The exact location of the mechanical library, it was enough for her to make a trip.

However, she still had doubts, so Lu Nanqi did not respond directly, "Let me think about it."

Huo Ping really wanted to convince her, but he also knew her temperament, so he chased her two steps. In the end, he chose to stop and watch her leave.

When Lu Nanqi went back, he accidentally saw Jia Baihang at the door of his residence. He was coming out of the house, and Lu Li was talking to him with a warm smile beside him.

Seeing her come back, Jia Baihang smiled indifferently: "You're back?"

"Looking for me?" Lu Nanqi couldn't help showing doubts on his face. In fact, he had already concluded in his heart that she was here to find him. because of the grains.

But it was Huo Ping who promised to explain to her, not her.

Therefore, facing Jia Baihang's approaching footsteps and his next words, Lu Nanqi directly shirked the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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