Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 188 Jia Baihang's Question

Chapter 188 Jia Baihang's Question
Jiabai stood in front of her and said: "I know you must know what I want to ask in your heart. We are all friends, and I don't beat around the bush. I just want to know, what are the real things that are dug out of the heads of zombies? What is the effect?"

"You should ask your brother Huo Ping these questions, not me." Lu Nanqi seemed to be smiling, and did not intend to give him a satisfactory answer.

It's one thing to tell Huo Ping about the crystal nucleus, but it's another thing to tell Jia Baihang.

She could judge that Huo Ping would not speak out casually, so he was a trustworthy person.

But it is impossible to tell whether Jia Baihang is also such a person, this man is extremely smart, and has deep thoughts, and he is even more cautious in doing things.

He is not as straightforward and simple as Chen Xiaochen, and he is not as daring as Du Bing and Huo Ping.

He is also very nice, careful and considerate of others, and can always think of others.

But his kind and warm smile never seemed to reach his eyes.

He is a person who likes to reserve things, even for himself.

To get along with such a man, it is bound to be 12 points of spirit.

That's tiring, so she'd rather just distance herself from him from the start.

So as not to cause trouble to the upper body and cause a commotion.

Jia Baihang smiled slightly, "But I think you should be more aware of these issues, shouldn't you?"

Lu Nanqi shrugged: "I'm just hearing it, I'm sorry, I can't give you an answer."

"Where there is no wind, there is no wave. Even if it is hearsay, it must be because of this kind of thing that it will become a gossip." Jia Baihang kept smiling all the time, put his hands in his pockets, and stared at her leisurely.

"Oh," Lu Nanqi smiled, and said, "I just heard that this thing is called a crystal nucleus, which is very important for supernatural powers. As for the others, I don't know. Mr. Jia wants to know more If you want something, you can only find someone else.”

"Seventh Sister is polite, just call me Baihang like everyone else." Jia Baihang didn't stop long, he could see Lu Nanqi's vigilance towards him, and after a few words of pleasantries, he left Lu Nanqi's residence.

If you know how to ask, you will not be able to find out why.

Lu Li let out a deep breath from the side, "Fortunately, I didn't continue to question, otherwise I really don't know how to answer."

As soon as Jia Baihang left, Lu Nanqi immediately turned to look at Lu Li, frowned and asked, "What did you tell him?"

"Sister, how could I forget your warning, don't worry, I didn't say a single word about the crystal nucleus, just now I was chatting with him, I kept changing the subject, just pretending to be stupid." Lu Li said for his cleverness Conceited, he changed his mind and asked curiously, "But sister, why did you tell him that the crystal nucleus has something to do with the ability?"

"Do you think Jia Baihang is the kind of person who is easy to dismiss?" Lu Nanqi said: "The matter of the crystal nucleus can't be hidden. If we can discover the function of the crystal nucleus, won't others discover it? It won't happen for a while One day, someone will come out, so it's better to give him some sweetness before then."

"That's right, he's so smart, and he didn't intend to absorb the energy of the crystal nucleus before, so it must be clear," Lu Li said, "Then when the matter of the crystal nucleus is really exposed, he will definitely not be able to say anything about us."

"So what if we don't talk about us?" Lu Nanqi smiled, not taking Lu Li's worries seriously.

There were so many people in the team last time, even if Jia Baihang didn't blame her, wouldn't the other people blame her after they knew about the crystal nucleus?
The reason why I told Jia Baihang.

(End of this chapter)

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