Chapter 213 He Won't Die
Huo Zhonglin knew about this kind of research, but he turned a blind eye and refused to stop it. More than anyone else, he wanted to know why some people have supernatural powers, so he acquiesced in the existence of such things.

Lu Li has a healing ability, which is more attractive than other abilities that can attack zombies.

If his ability can heal people, does it also mean that it can heal zombies, then will human beings no longer have to die one after another, and this will not be the end of the world.

Those Frankensteins who love research will not let Lu Li go easily.

So, even if he really mutated into a zombie, at this moment, he didn't want Lu Li to expose his abilities to save him.

Lu Li refused, "No, I want to make sure you're okay!"

"You have to trust your sister. She has never been inaccurate in what she has said." Niu Weiyuan's tone was relaxed, as if he really trusted Lu Nanqi 100%, "Since she said I'm fine, I believe I won't If something happens, Lu Li, go and help everyone, this is the real way to save me."

"How can she guarantee that you will be fine!" Lu Li's tone was extreme.

While the two were talking, Lu Nanqi killed more than a dozen zombies. Hearing Lu Li's words, he turned around and punched them, "Damn it, Lu Li, where's your brain? Cleared up!"

Not to mention that she knew that Niu Weiyuan would not die, even if she didn't know this, she would never allow him to make a move.

In this regard, she admired Niu Weiyuan, and at least she was more clear about what was right and wrong than Lu Li.

Niu Weiyuan stood up from the ground first, picked up his gun again, and shot at the zombies one by one, urging Lu Li, who was stunned by Lu Nanqi for a while, "Don't waste time foolishly, get up and let's go together!" help."

There were complaints in Lu Li's eyes, all because he was puzzled by Lu Nanqi's inhumanity. He could understand her being ruthless to others, but these people were familiar with each other, how could she still refuse to save them?

Niu Weiyuan insisted not to allow him to treat him.

Lu Li was worried, so he could only pick up the knife and fight again. This time, he fought hard, more than twice as hard as before.

At this moment, there is only one thought left in his heart, quickly get rid of the zombies, and bring Wei Yuan back safely!

Only when people are forced to a dead end can they truly dig out their deepest instincts, fight and struggle, and try to make the final struggle of starvation and death.

Although he wasn't the one who hurt himself, Lu Li's psychology at the moment was probably like this.

There were a lot of zombies, and they were all around in darkness. Lu Nanqi lost his patience, and took out two pistols from the space, and fired at the zombies without blinking.

The men with guns next to them were almost out of bullets. Thinking that there might be other zombies at the gas station to deal with later, they silently put away their guns and switched to using knives.

Lu Nanqi seemed to have an endless supply of bullets, and after one batch was finished, he added another batch, which made those who had never been in contact with Lu Nanqi dumbfounded.

Just like that, the dumb-eyed man was immediately dragged away by the zombies, and instantly became food in the mouths of the zombies.

On the periphery of the zombies, the figures of Meng Lun and Chen Xiaochen finally appeared there. They were also killing the zombies, but there were too many zombies and the effect was not good.

"Meng Lun, go to the gas station ahead and find a way to bring gasoline here!" Lu Nanqi yelled outside.

The three of them listened to Lu Nanqi the most. Seeing what she said, they knew that she must have made up her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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