Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 214 Don't fight with any of you

Chapter 214 Don't fight with any of you
There is a small gas station over there, probably because the location is not good, or it is too small for anyone to appreciate, the gasoline inside is still good for more than a month in the last days.

Meng Lun and Chen Xiaochen quickly finished the gasoline and brought it back within 15 minutes.

"I got it, what should I do now?" Chen Xiaochen's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Bump in!"

Through the walkie-talkie, Chen Xiaochen seemed to be able to feel Lu Nanqi's cold breath.

He trembled all over, and answered "Yes", thinking about the zombies inside, he felt terrified, but when he thought that this was Lu Nanqi's order, all his worries were instantly forgotten.

She would never let anything happen to them, he believed her.

With a heart in his hand, Chen Xiaochen mustered up the courage to rush into the car.

As soon as the car crashed into it, it was instantly surrounded by zombies.

Lu Nanqi raised his gun and shot at the zombies next to the car, yelling at some of them who were a little scared in the car, "Get out of the car and take Liao Sponge out!"

Time is running out, every minute and every second is related to life, and they are not allowed to be negligent!

Taking advantage of her helping them to kill the surrounding zombies, Chen Xiaochen and Meng Lun quickly got out of the car with Liao Sponge.

"What do you want to do!" Meng Lun asked her, his handsome eyebrows frowned, he was worried and unwilling to leave.

Liao Sponge looked at Lu Nanqi with an expression on the verge of crying.

Just because he is young doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything, he knew in his heart that Lu Nanqi must be doing something dangerous again to send them away.

It was like this every time, she was always used to bear the danger by herself, instead of assigning those dangers to others.

Lu Nanqi didn't talk nonsense, "Go! Don't waste my bullets!"

Chen Xiaochen pushed Meng Lun and Liao Sponge, and walked towards Lu Nanqi by himself, "You guys go first, I'll stay."

"Let's all go!" Lu Nanqi said sharply, "Don't drag me back!"

Her unkind words can stab their hearts.

Although Chen Xiaochen was heartbroken, at this moment, he still wanted to stay. He wanted to fight side by side with her, even if it was just to share the sporadic possibility for her, he was willing.

"I'll stay, and everyone will go!" Huo Ping said amidst their dispute, "I'm a fire-type supernatural being, so I'll stay as a matter of course. Don't argue with any of you."

Lu Nanqi pursed his lips, did not speak, and continued to shoot at the zombies next to the car, determined to make a gap.

Du Bing and Mu He stood beside her, attacking the zombies with her, and the exit soon became bigger and bigger.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Lu Nanqi finally stepped towards Lu Li with satisfaction, and pulled him towards the exit, "Go, get out!"

"Sister, let's go together!" Lu Li said with a pale face.

He couldn't trap her for saving Niu Weiyuan. She tried desperately to find ways to get him out of here, so how could he abandon her when she was thinking of himself.

"Leave as soon as I tell you, where do you come from so much nonsense!" Compared to Lu Li, she was even less polite, kicked him on the buttocks, and kicked him towards Meng Lun, "Take him out!"

Lu Li was still supporting Niu Weiyuan, but he had enough energy to spare, and was soon dragged away by the strong Meng Lun.

Just in the blink of an eye, the gap that was just opened was filled in an instant.

Before the rest of the team could get out, the road was blocked again.

Zhao Qingmeng huddled in the team, trembling so much that she forgot to cry, her face pale all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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