Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 215 1 Everything Comes Too Fast

Chapter 215 Everything Comes Too Fast

Last time in the shopping mall, she didn't see the zombies very clearly because of the dim light inside.

But today is different, the sky is bright and bright, and the zombies around can be clearly seen pouring towards them, towards the tide, without end.

Those rotting flesh and blood all reminded her that this was her ending, and she would become one of them.

She clutched the corner of Feng Hui's clothes tremblingly, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, not daring to let go.

Once or twice, her actions hindered Feng Hui's development, Feng Hui finally became anxious, and thrust the knife into her hand, "Chop, chop with the knife, learn from Lu Nanqi, don't give the team Do your part, at least don't hold back!"

Are all women in this world so different?

Either the strong can go to heaven, or the weak can die!

Why is his woman so weak?

I used to think it was cute, but now I just find it annoying every time I see it.

"Grass, where is the bad luck coming from? You can meet so many zombies every time! If you want to go out, go out quickly, and if you don't go out, stay here and die, where are there so many babblers!" Feng Hui got angry, Not polite to anyone.

The road was blocked again, and those who wanted to go out had to go over the roof of the car.

"Everyone leave, there must be no mistakes!" Huo Ping ordered.

No one wanted to die here. Although they were teammates, they still chose to leave when faced with the danger of their lives.

scrambling to leave!

Zhao Qingmeng climbed on the roof of the car, trembling, not daring to move forward, moving slowly like a turtle, a man following her was suddenly dragged down by the zombies surrounding the car, another man rushed to the rescue, They were also buried together by zombies.

Two people were sacrificed at once.

Feng Hui lost his temper, jumped into the car and pushed Zhao Qingmeng out of the car, you should hurry up and leave!
Zhao Qingmeng's foot slipped and finally fell to the ground outside.

Feng Hui jumped down and left.

Only Du Bing, Mu He, Lu Nanqi and Huo Ping were left in the crowd.

With less manpower, the zombies got closer to them in an instant.

Lu Nanqi put on a machine gun, fired at the zombies, and shouted impatiently at the remaining people, "Don't leave!"

Du Bing frowned, knowing that the matter was very important now, and any delay would only cause them more trouble.

A heart hanging, but still chose to turn around and leave.

"Be careful!" Mu He reminded in a deep voice, following Du Bing.

Lu Nanqi threw the machine gun to Huo Ping with a wave of his hand, and he re-sacrificed the crossbow from the space, took a new arrow, and shot towards the height of the house.

Huo Ping understood her meaning in an instant, and kept firing the machine gun in his hand, while holding the rope together with Lu Nanqi with the other hand.

With a sharp stare from the front of the car, the bodies of the two flew up from the pile of losses in an instant, and with the strength of the rope, they swung out of the pile of zombies and jumped on top of their heads.

In the meantime, Lu Nanqi took out another bomb from space and threw it into the car full of gasoline.

At the same time, Huo Ping also used his fire ability.

The bomb and the fire fell into the car at the same time, and then it exploded with a "bang". After the loud noise, there was an unusual calm.

Everything came too fast.

They had just escaped, and before they had time to help them break out of the encirclement, there was already an explosion inside.

No one even had time to pay attention to see if they escaped or not.

Lu Li supported Niu Weiyuan's body, and suddenly he sat down on the ground.

"Sister!" His roar was full of despair.

(End of this chapter)

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