Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 229 Crystal Nucleus Exchange

Chapter 229 Crystal Nucleus Exchange
She curled her lips into a smile, and quickly calculated in her heart, "Crystal cores are something that everyone wants, and special power crystal cores are even more scarce. If there are any, it depends on what you exchange with me."

Huo Ping put the backpack on the table, "As long as you have the fire-type supernatural crystal nucleus, you can choose the other crystal nucleus in this bag. Ordinary crystal nucleus of the same level is exchanged for ten, and the crystal nucleus of the same attribute is exchanged for one One, how?"

Lu Nanqi rummaged through his backpack, took out the only three wood-type supernatural crystal cores inside, and then took out two fire-type supernatural crystal nuclei from his own bag, "No, change it like this, Change it if you can accept it, and find someone else if you can’t accept it.”

Both of her fire abilities are level two.

One of Huoping's three is first-degree, and two are two-pole.

But judging from the fire ability that Lu Nanqi took out, one of her fire crystal nuclei is very pure, shining brighter than any other crystal nuclei.Really top grade.

Since it was a transaction, she would never do anything that would make her lose money.

Her two fire-type crystal nuclei are worth the three wood-type crystal nuclei no matter what.

Huo Ping simply said, "Deal."

With their precedent, all people with supernatural powers began to exchange their own attributes.

Lu Nanqi would not reject anyone who came, as long as they had wood-type crystal nuclei, they would all follow suit.

Tan Lei asked her curiously, "Aren't you from the space department? Why do you want to exchange wood department abilities? Or, did you exchange them for others?"

It's just that she really doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be kind.

Looking at her, he asked tentatively, "Could it be that any supernatural crystal nucleus in your space system can absorb it?"

It doesn't seem right, if that's the case, she directly absorbed the fire-type crystal nucleus, why bother to change the wood-type crystal nucleus?

"Of course it's useful." Lu Nanqi put away all the wood crystal nuclei, with a slight smile in his eyes.

Very good, the harvest is good, and I got ten wood crystal nuclei.

Four second-level, six first-level.

These are also enough for her to advance her abilities to the third floor.

"Don't be mysterious, what do you know, can you give everyone a popular science?" Tan Lei was very interested.

Lu Nanqi simply refused, "You should ask Mu He about this kind of thing, he should know better than me."

"Don't be like this. If he knew, I would have asked if it was right. It must be because he didn't know, so I came to ask you." Tan Lei looked at her, "My instinct tells me, you must know This crystal nucleus and the more specific content of the ability."

"Intuition is the most unreliable thing." Lu Nanqi put on his backpack and entered the bathroom first.

Because few women would go out to fight zombies, there was no men's and women's bathrooms next to the observation room, and they were all used casually.

The rooms are separated by wooden boards, so you can't see each other, but you can still hear the sound.

Lu Nanqi chose the corner one, and after entering it, he was not in a hurry to take a bath, but sat on the ground and immediately began to absorb the crystal nuclei.

More than 200 crystal nuclei are considered too many.

There are also those wood-based crystal nuclei as assistants.

After absorbing them one by one, the perception of the body becomes fuller and fuller.

The last ten wood-type crystal nuclei were absorbed together in the palm of the hand, her body became hot, and there was a fire burning on her chest. The feeling was strong, and she knew that she was about to advance.

Not only hot, but also burning pain.

The same pain as last time, maybe even stronger than last time.

She didn't know why this happened, but she felt so painful that she was about to suffocate, and even her face became hideous.

 Starting from this week, it will resume 4 times a day, at 0:12, 19:21, [-]:[-], and [-]:[-]. If there are any changes in the future, we will notify you again, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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