Chapter 230 Just Cooperation
Why is this happening?

No one else can, only her?

At least in her previous life, she had never seen anyone like her.

After absorbing the last crystal nucleus, her body collapsed for a while, and the moment she fell, the whole person flashed into the space.

Staggering to the side of the hot spring, she jumped in without hesitation. The clear water instantly surrounded her, and she buried her head in the water.

It was not until a long time later that she calmed down, the pain dissipated, and when her body felt the sensation again, she felt much lighter than last time.

She has indeed advanced, she is sure of it.

Because every time she advances, she can feel the changes in her body.

so clear.

The only difference is that her pain this time is much less than before.

By the way, after washing her body in the hot spring, she entered the hut, changed into a set of clean clothes, and went outside to check the situation.

Those seeds that were easy to get in the vegetable market before have been planted by her, and they have begun to germinate.

Probably due to the good water and nutrients in the space, the vegetables that were planted grew very well.

Looking at the vast expanse of land around him, Lu Nanqi still felt that it was too small.

Looks like she still needs more seeds and trees to grow.

This river also needs to catch some fish to raise.

It's just that it's been more than a month since the end of the world, and I don't know if I can still catch healthy fish.

It would be even better if we could catch some more poultry in a place like that in the country.

After thinking about it, she left the space and left the bathroom.

Someone came in outside, it was a staff member of the base, dissatisfied with her dawdling, "Why are you procrastinating for so long!"

"Which woman takes a bath faster?" Lu Nanqi retorted.

Probably because of a person's natural jealousy, this person has never had a good face towards her.

It may also be the jealousy of women.

Lu Nanqi didn't bother to pay attention to her, went into the examination room by himself, took off his clothes to check them, made sure that there were no injuries on his body, put on his clothes again and left.

Back at the residence, Lu Li approached her, "Sister, why did you come back so late, is it because someone in the examination room made things difficult for you?"

It had been half an hour since he came back before she arrived late.

Because of yesterday's farce, rumors about her were flying all over the base.

Almost all are bad.

He could imagine that the women in the examination room must also be jealous of her.

"No, I wasted some time by inhaling and absorbing the crystal nuclei while taking a bath." Lu Nanqi explained, and then said: "When you have time, you also absorb the crystal nuclei you hit today, and come out with me tomorrow." Go to the far door."

"Are you planning to go to the army with them?" Lu Li's eyes sparkled, this way, he could go with Niu Weiyuan instead of staying in the base and worrying about his safety.

Lu Nanqi didn't say anything, but only ordered, "Go and call Meng Lun and the others over."

It seems to be a big deal.

Lu Li jumped out like a rabbit and quickly called them over.

In the small room, Chen Xiaochen, Meng Lun, Liao Sponge, and Chen Xiaobao all followed in to join in the fun, filling the room.

Facing them, Lu Nanqi remained straightforward, "Tomorrow I will go to the army, this mission is far more dangerous than anything you have ever experienced, so I will not force you to go, I want to go with me Yes, you can vote now, of course, if you don’t want to go with me, you can go out now. It is a matter of life and death, everything is voluntary, I hope everyone will understand.”

"Shall we go to the army by ourselves, or form a team with Huo Ping?" Chen Xiaochen asked.

"Let's go together, we don't form a team, we just cooperate." Lu Nanqi said.

She promised Huo Zhonglin to escort them, and he promised to give her the key to the mechanical library.

Pure transaction.

(End of this chapter)

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