Chapter 238 How Touched

"No, I object!" Du Bing took her hand.

"You object, do you have a better way?" Lu Nanqi smiled.

Du Bing was firm, "Even if there is no other way, it is better than letting you go to the dragon's lake and tiger's den alone."

"Really, let your brother die there." Lu Nanqi looked indifferent, and sat back in the chair.

Tan Lei became irritable, "Don't, this kind of thing is not a joke, you can't wait for anyone for a minute, let's go, set off immediately, if you are worried, I will go with her, I promise you, even if It's death, and it's me who died before her, so I will protect her until the last second!"

"It's so touching!" Lu Nanqi seemed to hear the biggest joke in the world.

They probably haven't realized it yet.

She's the one who needs protection the least.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, give me the walkie-talkie, I'll get in touch with the other party, I'll deal with this matter alone!" She straightened her face, stopped fooling around, picked up the walkie-talkie on the table, and got out of the car first.

Du Bing quickly chased after her, "You can't do it alone, it's too dangerous!"

"Hey, I'll go with you." Tan Lei jumped out of the car.

Jia Baihang also said: "At least one person will accompany you, and then ask a few people to start from another road."

"After sending people over, then leave a few trash here, and let those people make noises and take our car away?" Lu Nanqi said.

In a word, they were completely quiet.

Yes, it is good to send people to rescue them, but after the personnel are sent away, who will be here to stand firm?

The remaining strengths are relatively ordinary, only a few of them have higher abilities, and it is indeed not wise to leave here.

"Then what should we do?" Tan Lei asked.

This is the key question.

Lu Nanqi said firmly, "I'll go alone."

"How about Chen Xiaochen accompany you?" Du Bing suggested.

"Give me one more burden?" Lu Nanqi refused.

Chen Xiaochen just walked up to them, and when she heard her words, she wanted to cry, "It's possible for me to share with you, don't be so heartless."

Lu Nanqi didn't care whether he was there or not, and said, "Thank you for sharing, but you don't need it!"

She put on her backpack and made serious preparations, "I'm leaving, Chen Xiaochen, take care of Lu Li for me."

Chen Xiaochen finally had a smile on his face, "Don't worry, I will fulfill my mission."


Lu Nanqi left, carrying her backpack and Liao Sponge.

It is enough to see courage alone, but instead of bringing a capable man with her, she brings a child.

In the eyes of many people, she is tantamount to going there to die.

Someone in the team sighed deeply, not optimistic about her decision.

Everyone subconsciously thought that she was worried about Huo Ping, which was why she lost her mind.

Not long after Lu Nanqi left, a voice came from the walkie-talkie.

A man's cold and honest voice said, "Jia Baihang, hand over the nuclear weapons, and I will let Huo Ping go, otherwise, just wait for the body to be collected."

Lu Nanqi stopped moving forward.

The nuclear weapon, isn't it the one already in her pocket?
It's easy to say anything you want, but it's hard to want it.

She walked on in silence.

Liao Sponge tugged at the corner of her clothes, "Aren't you going to answer? We can ask how Brother Huo and the others are doing."

"It's not necessary." She has his live navigation, which is more useful than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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