Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 239 Yes, Yours Is Psychic Ability

Chapter 239 Yes, Yours Is Psychic Ability

"Maybe he wants to negotiate with us?"

Lu Nanqi looked down at him, "Are you scared?"

"I, I'm just worried that there are too many people over there. If you take me with you, something will happen, and you won't even be able to walk." Liao Sponge pressed his lips tightly.

Lu Nanqi smiled, "Don't worry, the first thing I will do is to leave you behind."

Liao Sponge took a few steps forward, grabbed her skirt nervously, and followed her closely.

It was cold, wearing too many clothes, and moving clumsily. He had to walk very fast to catch up with her.

Lu Nanqi slowed down, giving him enough chance to breathe, and said, "Let the other party be anxious."

"Have you already thought of a countermeasure?" Liao Sponge looked up at her again, this time with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"No." Lu Nanqi said, exhaling a white mist from his mouth.

It's autumn, but it's colder than winter right now.

Human mobility has declined, and zombies are still active.

The sudden change of the sky last time had killed many people in the major bases.

If things go on like this, humans don't need to fight zombies and wait for natural disasters to perish.

What human beings need is solidarity, not selfishness and indifference to watch their companions go extinct.

But she didn't know that this is the mentality of human beings. The reason why they can kill each other is not because they are too afraid of death.

She took Liao Sponge to a deserted road and looked down at him, "Close your eyes, use your senses, feel everything around you, and tell me what you feel, bit by bit."

He is very obedient and can do whatever he asks.

It's a pity that his ability is too weak, and the place where he can feel it is only within a radius of ten meters.

No matter how far you go, you won't feel anything.

Within these ten meters, there is nothing quiet.

It's not nothing, at least I can feel the presence of a few zombies.

Lu Nanqi led him to continue walking, "Attention, this side is already the opponent's territory."

"Since it's the other party's territory, why doesn't anyone exist?" Liao Sponge didn't understand.

"Either you want to catch the enemy off guard, or...there are not many members here." Lu Nanqi seriously explained that this is probably a scattered organization, which is why they do this kind of arrest and trade.

But the opponent's ability to capture Huo Ping, who was born as a general, has already shown the opponent's level, and it should not be underestimated.

If you don't have any real skills, how dare you come out and do it alone.

"In short, be careful." Lu Nanqi said: "Hold those crystal nuclei you hit earlier, and while absorbing the energy in the crystal nuclei, don't break the induction."

Liao Sponge still showed curiosity, with a touch of innocence belonging to a child, "Seventh sister, do I also belong to the supernatural power you mentioned? In other words, I also have supernatural powers?"

He looked forward to her answer, and was delighted by his ability.

"Yes, yours is a psychic power." Lu Nanqi said, carefully explaining the function of the psychic power to him, "It can perceive things that ordinary people can't feel, and it operates with the brain to detect everything around it It can even control people's thinking, and can kill people invisible with their spirit."

Liao Sponge's eyes widened because of her words, "So, I won't be a useless kid anymore! That's great."

"But before that, what you have to do is to strengthen yourself and fill your weak body with countless crystal nuclei." Lu Nanqi said, "So, don't talk nonsense. After this is done, give You have two hundred crystal nuclei as a reward."

"I have crystal nuclei, and there are 53 crystal nuclei left in my bag. I have been counting them all the time." Liao Sponge was a little proud.

(End of this chapter)

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