Chapter 241 Acting
As soon as the call came down, his face was pale.

At the critical moment, Lu Nanqi didn't absorb his crystal nucleus any more. He frowned, fixed his eyes on Liao Sponge, and listened widely.

"Yes, yes..." Liao Sponge tried hard to know how many people the other party had, but before he could see clearly, he fell to the ground in a daze.

"Sponge!" Lu Nanqi screamed, catching his limp body.

Liao Sponge fell into her arms, with shame in his eyes, "I'm sorry, Seventh Sister, I let you down, and I couldn't help you find out how many people were inside."

"That's enough, this is enough, you've helped a lot." Lu Nanqi said, his eyes sore, tears fell down, his expression became flustered and frightened, and he shouted to the surroundings, "Help , who will save us, who will save us..."

Soon, the two gatekeepers rushed out and kicked Lu Nanqi up, "What are you yelling, you want to lure the zombies over, don't you!"

Lu Nanqi held Liao Sponge in one hand, and grabbed the pants of one of the gatekeepers with the other, "Brother, please help my younger brother, he hasn't eaten for several days, if he keeps starving, he will die... ..."

"Let's go, let's go, what kind of society is it now, who would be so kind!" The gatekeeper impatiently kicked her again.

Lu Nanqi was kicked and lay on Liao Sponge's body, and started yelling again, "Help, someone will save us, save my brother..."

"Hey, I said you never finished!" The gatekeeper man was angry.

At this moment, the walkie-talkie on the man's waist rang, "Si, what's going on?"

It was exactly the same as the man's voice she had heard before.

This is indeed their den!
"Brother Feng, there is a woman with a child who is distressed here and wants us to take her in." The man named Ah Si reported truthfully.

Lu Nanqi seized the opportunity and began to beg again, "Please do me a favor, please do me a favor and save my brother's life. I am willing to be a cow and a horse to repay you. I can do everything, including washing and cooking, as long as you I will definitely be able to properly handle the things I have explained, so I beg you to take us in..."

Soon, another voice came from the intercom, "Can you cook? Bring it here."

Liao Sponge lay in Lu Nanqi's arms, unable to react.

Already stunned by her tears.

When the tears fell for the first moment, there was a hint of joy in his heart.

She thought she felt sorry for him, so she cried.

Only now did he finally understand.

The purpose of her tears was just to give herself a weak identity so that she could successfully sneak into the enemy's den.

He lay in Lu Nanqi's arms, a little dumbfounded.

Seventh Sister could cry too.

Just use your tears on this kind of place.

Probably only she can think of it and do it.

Lu Nanqi hugged the chat sponge, and just took two steps before falling to the ground again, begging to look at the gatekeeper, blushing with embarrassment, "Brother, I really can't hold him, can I trouble you, help me take him in?"

"There are so many things to do!" The gatekeeper was dissatisfied, but he picked up the chat sponge and took it upstairs with ease.

Lu Nanqi followed behind them, taking the opportunity to observe the surrounding environment.

Except for the two goalkeepers standing at the door, they climbed all the way to the second floor and found no other goalkeepers.

Entering the supermarket on the second floor, the floor is very clean, all the shelves are stacked together, and the center of the entire supermarket is empty.

Those foods were all piled up in the same place by them, packed in boxes one by one, in a big pile.

(End of this chapter)

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