Chapter 242 Want...

Lu Nanqi glanced at the food, with undisguised greed in his eyes.

She's a refugee now, acting like a wretch who hasn't eaten in days.

When you see food, your eyes should not shine.

Liao Sponge responded well, imitating Lu Nanqi, staring straight at the pile of food, reluctant to move his eyes.

"Want? Then we have to ask our boss first!" The gatekeeper who brought them up teased.

Lu Nanqi nodded shamelessly, "I want it."

Want all the food!

There were footsteps ahead, Lu Nanqi shifted his gaze to the man who was walking towards her.

She raised her head and looked at the man with timidity in her eyes. She rubbed Liao Sponge and subconsciously stepped back.

The man stood in front of the food pile, took out two bags of biscuits from the box, and then continued to walk towards them, standing still in front of Lu Nanqi.

"Want to eat? Then take it." The man whispered.

Lu Nanqi glanced at him, snatched the biscuits suddenly, threw a bag to Liao Sponge, then tore open the package by himself, and started to gobble it up.

All the biscuit crumbs fell to the ground, she picked them up, and ate them back into her mouth without blinking.

It looked like he hadn't eaten anything in his entire life.

Liao Sponge learned from Lu Nanqi all the way, he would do what she did, and when it came to eating biscuits, he worked harder than Lu Nanqi.

The bag of biscuits was quickly finished, and both of them sighed in satisfaction.

It seems that food is the most delicious treasure in the world.

There was a test in the man's eyes, and after that, he finally relaxed his vigilance a little.

"Where did you come from?" he asked.

Lu Nanqi replied honestly, "Ning Da, there was a riot over there. A group of us came out from there. All the way to the present, everyone is dead, and only our two brothers and sisters are left. Thank you, brother, for taking us in."

"C City is still a long way from here, why did you choose to come here?" The man narrowed his eyes slightly.

There were tears in Lu Nanqi's eyes, "We went to the peace base, but we had no food and couldn't even enter the door, so we had to keep going all the way. We couldn't walk anymore. Should we meet you, the two of us probably... ..."

Speaking of this, two lines of tears fell down the dirty cheeks.

She didn't pay attention to her image, the clothes on her body had been baptized by zombies, and she looked really miserable at this moment.

In addition, she was originally thin and small, which made her look even more harmless.

Liao Sponge opened his eyes with fear and innocence.

The two matched well and quickly deceived the group of people.

Except for the man whom Ah Si called Brother Feng just now, he still looked at the two of them with some scrutiny.

Lu Nanqi took the initiative to show his kindness, "Thank you for your help. There is no way to repay your kindness. Whatever you want me to do, just give me a word, and I will try my best to do it for you."

"You said you can cook? Then show us your skills." Wu Feng opened his mouth and shot Lu Nanqi with sharp eyes.

Trying to see her flaws.

It's a pity that nothing can be seen.

After hearing his words, Lu Nanqi showed surprise.

It's like the joy of the rest of the life after a catastrophe, glad that they finally don't have to flee, thankful that they finally don't have to be displaced.

Seeing her smile, Wu Feng suddenly lost interest.

I thought it would be a spy sent by Jia Baihang and the others.

I didn't expect that I really came to seek refuge.


He waved his hand casually, signaling his subordinates to take the siblings down.

Lu Nanqi was taken directly into the kitchen.

It was a simple stove built temporarily by them.

It is made of wood, with a pot on it, very simple decoration, and the wood is dismantled from those bed frames in the supermarket.

enough luxury.

(End of this chapter)

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