Chapter 257 Not a Good Omen
Huo Ping and the others quickly came down from upstairs, and the time did not exceed 5 minutes.

Several people looked embarrassed, with injuries on their faces. It seemed that they had fought, and the problem should have been resolved.

Wu Feng followed Huo Ping with his people.

In other words, those people also go to the army with them?

Lu Nanqi was still not sure.

Huo Ping had already walked to her car and knocked on her door, "Qi Qi, go to the car in front, we have something to discuss."

Every time he called "Qiqi", Lu Nanqi would have a hallucination, as if she was not calling her name, as if she was calling her lover's nickname, sweet and gentle.

It gave her goosebumps all over her body several times.

Such a gentle side, I am afraid that few women can resist it.

It's okay, she's not a girl.

When I got into the car, there were several key figures.

Feng Hui, Wu Feng, Jia Baihang, Huo Ping, Zhao Jinzhong, Du Bing, plus her.

The car sat in a circle and passed, which was crowded enough.

So, what is there that must be attended by her alone?
Both Wu Feng and Zhao Jinzhong were curious.

Lu Nanqi got into the car last and leaned against the edge of the door, next to Huo Ping.

Huo Ping left an empty seat for her. She was thin and thin, but she sat more comfortably than others.

A group of men looked at Huo Ping with disgust in their eyes. They looked like henpecked men. They haven't gotten through yet, tsk tsk.

Lu Nanqi folded his hands on his chest, pretending not to see their eyes, and asked, "Is something wrong again?"

This journey has only just begun, and the distance has not yet reached one-fifth, and there is another problem just after restarting the journey, so there is no need for this mission at all.

Things are not going well, not a good sign.

Huo Ping said, "There is a landslide [-] kilometers ahead, and now there are only two solutions. One is that we take a detour, but the journey will be delayed by an extra day, and within this day, we don't know if there will be landslides." What are the variables, one is that we climb over this landslide directly, but what we have to face is that there will be no cars, put everyone's cars into the space."

Oh, I have something to do with her.

If she said she wouldn't help with this kind of thing, would she still be able to walk together smoothly for the rest of the journey?
Since it was already established, there was really no need to talk to her about it.

"Do I have the right to refuse?" she asked.

Jia Baihang said bluntly, "No."

"Since everyone is a team, we must help together when we encounter problems, right?" Du Bing said, "Your space plays a big role, and it is the key to determine whether everyone's journey is smooth."

"You still have one to find Qingmeng. I can help, but I probably can't collect so many cars." Lu Nanqi was careful not to let people know that her space is a bottomless pit.

Appropriate embarrassment is to protect oneself.

Huo Ping breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you are willing to help, other things are easy to talk about."

Lu Nanqi waved his hand, "Is this the only thing? If there is nothing else, then I will get out of the car first."

It's really uncomfortable to stay in this narrow space, and the breath is full of the smell of a man.

Huo Ping took her hand that was about to knock on the car door, and said anxiously: "There is one more thing. I hope everyone will be familiar with several dangerous places in the army, so as not to run into misunderstandings."

He spread out a simple map that had been drawn in advance, and introduced the situation inside the army.

All of them must have fallen, but the danger remained.

(End of this chapter)

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