Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 258 His thoughts are clearly revealed

Chapter 258 His thoughts are clearly revealed
The location of the army is relatively remote from the city, and the external danger is temporarily unknown, but at least he is aware of the danger inside the army.

Those dangers hidden in the dark, after the baptism of the last days, many devices inside are paralyzed.

Naturally, there are many levels that are out of control due to equipment paralysis.

Huo Ping did not point out where the mechanical library was.

Lu Nanqi narrowed his dark eyes slightly as he looked at the places circled to indicate danger.

Good, at least an idea of ​​where the mechanical library is likely to be.

No need to search blindly anymore.

Huo Ping drew very clearly and explained in detail.

Lu Nanqi just listened quietly from the beginning to the end. In just a few minutes, he was able to remember all the positions.

What Huo Ping wanted was for her to remember.

Among these men, except for Zhao Jinzhong, all of them have served in the army.

He has long been familiar with everything in the military.

There is absolutely no need for him to explain it again.

Because of this, everyone's thoughts on him are clearly revealed.

Just cooperating with him.

Seeing her clear expression, Huo Ping finally accepted the words and said no more.

Zhao Jinzhong was still urging, "Tell me more, so I can go back and explain to my brothers."

It's a pity that Huo Ping is no longer willing to speak.

"Damn." Zhao Jinzhong strongly expressed his dissatisfaction, "Why is her life my life, but mine is not my life?"

Everyone looked at him and laughed silently, but no one paid any attention to him.

Seeing that he was really getting annoyed, Huo Ping said, "After getting off the car, follow Du Bing and Jia Baihang, and they will be in your team."

"Fool." Lu Nanqi smiled and knocked on the car door.

The driver heard the noise and stopped slowly.

Lu Nanqi got out of the car, and Zhao Jinzhong also got out of the car.

The two went back to each other's cars.

The convoy moved on.

Lu Nanqi sat in the passenger seat, lost in thought.

Based on what Huo Ping said just now, the weapons this trip might not be easy to hold.

If it was so easy to get, how could that old fox Huo Zhonglin give her the key to the mechanical library.

But knowing that it was impossible, she still wanted to try.

Occasionally there are zombies and roadblocks on the road, but they still get out of the car to solve them.

With Wu Feng and Zhao Jinzhong joining in, it will be easier to clean up.

The convoy arrived at the landslide quickly and smoothly.

Lu Nanqi got out of the car, put his car into the space first, and then moved forward one by one into the space.

Zhao Qingmeng was in front, and moved towards her, vowing to compete with her to the death.

When she put the car into the space, she couldn't wait to put the car into the space.

However, it is probably because there are too many things in the space, and when there are more than ten cars, they can no longer be stored in the space.

It's funny to put your hands on the car and use your thoughts.

Lu Nanqi smiled lightly, and calmly put the cars into the space one by one. After waiting for the last one, he walked up to Zhao Qingmeng, "Miss Zhao, you must be very tired. It's hard for you to be so considerate of everyone. Let me do it." .”

She put her hands on the car, and the car disappeared out of nowhere.

Zhao Qingmeng's hands were still on the car. The moment the car disappeared, she staggered a step and almost fell down.

"Miss Zhao, be careful, the body of a thousand gold falls, it will be bad if it is disfigured." Lu Nanqi frowned.

Zhao Qingmeng was so angry that he couldn't say anything in the end.

A large group of dozens of men, only two of them are women, destined to be noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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