Chapter 270 She Disappeared...

She cast her eyes on Liao Sponge, who was far behind, and finally called him.

"Liao Sponge, come here!" While sacrificing vines and entwining the creepers, she ordered them, "Gather the crystal nuclei in everyone's hands and give them all to Liao Sponge!"

She looked at Huo Ping again, "Bring another creeper over! Prepare with earth-type abilities, trap them!"

"Chen Xiaochen saw the right time and sent them to the west!" She threw two grenades to Chen Xiaochen, and she placed vines to tie up the creeper that Huo Ping had attracted.

The thin body shuttled among them, entwining them together.

It's just that the vines are still too weak, and the one that was trapped before quickly broke two vines.

Everyone didn't care whether the power at this time could work or not, and they all fired at the two creepers.

Liao Sponge absorbed the crystal nucleus that everyone gave him. Seeing that Lu Nanqi was struggling, he didn't care about 21. Launch to the highest point.

In an instant, the two crawlers who were still alive fell to the ground screaming in pain.

"It's now, Chen Xiaochen!" Lu Nanqi seized the opportunity and gave the order while controlling the vines with one hand, and threw two grenades at the same time with the other hand, "Everyone get down!"

Almost at the same time, Huo Ping also released the ability at the moment the two threw the grenade.

The power of four grenades, plus the assist of Huo Ping's fire ability.

The huge blasting sound shook the entire ground, and the sound resounded in all directions.

Thick smoke billowed in all directions, instantly covering their figures.

Lu Nanqi was impeached, and the flying figure disappeared in the thick smoke.

Meng Lun, who saved the last person, subconsciously ran towards her.

Surrounded by misty, can not see anything.

There was no shadow of Lu Nanqi, no other people, no sound of her falling to the ground.

There was no roar of the monster, and it became quiet in an instant.

The silence makes people panic.

He couldn't feel the smell of human smoke, as if the human body lost its senses and couldn't feel anything.

He didn't wake up until the wind and sand choked his mouth and nose.

Running around, shouting everyone's names, but no one answered.


Time passed, and after an unknown amount of time, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and he was finally able to see his surroundings clearly.

Chen Xiaochen and the others lay quietly on the ground.

He checked them one by one and brought them all to the side of the wounded.

Fortunately, they were only stunned by the aftermath of the grenade.

On the wide field, he couldn't find Lu Nanqi's figure no matter what.

When all the smoke disappeared, there was only a deep crater on the ground that was blasted by the grenade.

There was nothing in it, it was empty.

Meng Lun knelt and sat on the ground bald, his heart clenched tightly, and even his breathing was heavy.

He clearly saw her being impeached by that force, but when he ran over, she disappeared... really disappeared!

He dared to judge what his own eyes saw.

Just looking at the empty surroundings, he couldn't help but start to doubt himself.

The explosion was so serious, and she was so close... Even the men were stunned, let alone her.

Perhaps what he saw was just an illusion after he was overly nervous.

But everything is so real.

He couldn't believe that Lu Nanqi was gone like this...

She is so strong, it is impossible to just disappear...

(End of this chapter)

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