Chapter 271 What about Qiqi?
He tried to convince himself, tried to convince himself that she was actually still alive.

On the wide ground, sections of blasted vines fell down. He picked up a section and held it tightly in his hands, as if holding her life.

The few people who were knocked out gradually woke up from their coma as time went by.

Meng Lun had already returned from the panic and ordered everyone to rectify, and tonight they will temporarily stay where they are.

Huo Ping's eyes swept across his face, and turned to his empty back, unsure, "Where's Qiqi?"

Meng Lun pondered, as if he didn't hear his question, and continued to order the people around him to do things, "Let Zhao Qingmeng take out some tents, and rest here tonight, and ask her if there is any medicine in her space. Those with minor injuries should work harder tonight and take turns keeping vigil."

"Hey, Meng Lun, what do you mean?" Chen Xiaochen got up from the ground, walked towards him, and pushed him, "Where is Seventh Sister, why are you not answering? You want to kill us?"

Meng Lun said nothing.

Liao Sponge, who was huddled in the corner of the car and kept silent all day, finally broke down after hearing the mention of Lu Nanqi, who had endured emotions for almost a day, and burst into tears with a "wow".

Chen Xiaochen rushed over, "Liao Sponge, tell me where Seventh Sister has gone!" Could it be that this group of people did something excessive to Seventh Sister while we were unconscious? "

"It's gone, it's gone... Seventh Sister is gone..." Liao Sponge murmured, his eyes filled with grief and disappointment.

"This is impossible!" Chen Xiaochen yelled, "Who is Seventh Sister? Everyone here can die, but Seventh Sister is impossible. She is so powerful, how could she be gone? Your eyes must be lost Sha, that's why I got it wrong!"

"Meng Lun has seen it all, he saw it with his own eyes, Seventh Sister disappeared with those two monsters, she is gone!" Liao Sponge cried loudly.

Chen Xiaochen staggered, his face pale.

As night fell, the sky was getting darker, and there was no sun, only pale light shining on each of their faces.

Everyone's face was ashen and lifeless.

They sacrificed too many people, even the main force like Lu Nanqi.

Fortunately, these monsters were all resolved.

After all, the relationship is not particularly good, coupled with Lu Nanqi's usual temper, not many people are really saddened by her sacrifice.

It is not as good as other people's sacrifices, which makes them feel even more embarrassing.

Except for those few who were closer to Lu Nanqi, and a few who were more sensible, they regretted the loss of a generation of talents.

Huo Ping sat on the ground, his ears were full of their conversations, and he didn't react for a long time.

she died?
He never thought that such a word would be imprinted on her body.

Because she is always so good.

Liao Sponge said that she disappeared with those monsters...

Those creepers were blasted to slime and pieces, which means she...

Huo Ping raised his head abruptly, took a deep breath, cut off the thoughts in his mind, stood up abruptly, and walked forward.

What happened to her, he will check it out himself, definitely!

"I'll go take a look." He took a flashlight from Zhao Qingmeng, and began to search for everything about Lu Nanqi bit by bit.

There was nothing on the ground except for the blown-off vines and everything about her.

There was no cloth for her clothes, no smell of fresh blood, no trace of minced meat.

This shows that Liao Sponge's words are not trustworthy.

Nothing really happened to her!

It's just that Huo Ping couldn't figure out where she would be, where she was going, and why she left suddenly.

What's more important is the emotions of Meng Lun and Liao Sponge.

A look of despair that Lu Nanqi was already gone.

(End of this chapter)

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