Chapter 272 The Strange Shadow

After eating and drinking enough, she walked around the space again, looked at the vegetables planted in the land, and then looked at the growth of the "power tree", and found that it was growing better than a few days ago. Satisfied, he stepped out of the space.

Two days of sleep, plus 12 hours of hot springs.

When I left the space, it was pitch black outside, and it was night.

The surrounding area is empty, desolate, and there is nothing.

All that was left to her was a starry sky that she could see when she looked up.

No one was there, no car, nothing really.

They all left.

Two and a half days, calculated according to normal time, at this time, those who went to find their relatives have already gone to look for them, and those who have returned to the base have already returned.

In the eyes of all of them, she, who disappeared out of thin air, probably died along with the creeper.

I don't know if the mechanical library she wants is still there, or has it all been taken away by them?

It's a bit of a mistake.

If they took them all away, wouldn't her trip be in vain?

Lu Nanqi sighed heavily, released a car from the space, and drove towards the troops.

It was late at night, the whole world was silent, only the sound of the wind was with her.

The car quickly stopped in front of the army gate, she jumped out of the car lightly, and entered with a flashlight.

Creeper has been killed.

During this period of time, she couldn't think of any other monsters that could mutate.

As for the zombies, she noticed when they came in that there were corpses strewn all over the ground. As expected, it must be Huo Ping and the others who got rid of these zombies when they came in, and their brains were all hollowed out.

She was cautious at first, but after walking for a while, she relaxed her vigilance.

Apart from the internal dangers in the army, the external dangers have already been eliminated by Huo Ping and the others.

Thinking back to the simple map that Huo Ping drew that day, he was looking for the dangerous places circled by Huo Ping.

Her intuition told her that the mechanical library must be among these dangerous places.

Looking for it, she also used a carpet search to search for nearby houses.

Habitually not letting go of any clues.

Soon, she found one of them, pried open the door and went in to see that it was a place where documents were kept.

Before the apocalypse, it was all secrets, and after the apocalypse, it was just a pile of waste paper.

After a quick glance, there was nothing she wanted, and she dexterously flashed out of the room and ran to another place.

After running for a few steps, the door of the back room suddenly slammed shut automatically.

She stopped suddenly, raised her defenses, and looked back vigilantly.

The back is empty, nothing.

It was probably her illusion, maybe it was just the wind blowing the door just now.

She thought so, but the pace under her feet couldn't help but quicken, she rushed forward quickly, and finally even started to run.

There seemed to be a shadow moving behind her, flashing past quickly, whistling past her side.

When she looked carefully, there was nothing.

This time, she could clearly feel the breath of life around her.

She stood up like a hedgehog, her feet spun, and the flashlight quickly shone around.

But nothing was seen.

The shadow was faster than her, dodging around while her flashlight shone.

It can be seen that the body is very sensitive.

"Who!" she said.

The surroundings are quiet, even the wind has stopped.

Full of depression.

This feeling is enough to be scary.

She raised her heart, and raised a pistol from the space, ready to fight.


A small white shadow in front of her jumped straight towards her face, and its sharp claws rushed towards her face.

Lu Nanqi's figure flashed sensitively, he held the trigger with his finger, and aimed at the white shadow with a shot.

(End of this chapter)

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