Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 273 Nima, has this little guy become a genius?

Chapter 273 Nima, has this little guy become a genius?


In the quiet night, the sound of gunfire was like thunder, and the birds hiding in the jungle not far away were startled and fled in all directions.


The white shadow jumped up behind her.

She backed away quickly, biting the flashlight on her mouth, and a silencer appeared in her palm, buckled on the gun.

Shiro Shadow on the opposite side seized the opportunity and attacked her again.

Seeing the white shadow reappear in her sight.

She turned her gun and aimed at Bai Ying's figure who was rushing again.

Feeling threatened, the white shadow stopped in mid-air, fell to the ground, stood firmly, also bent over, confronted her with grinning teeth, and stepped back cautiously.

"Don't move!" Lu Nanqi warned.

It's strange, the little thing on the ground is just a group of white cats.

How can animals understand human speech?

But face its vigilance, and meet its amber-like eyes.

She blurted out these three words.

As expected, Bai Ying did not move, her sharp claws scratched three marks on the ground, her amber-like blue eyes stared vigilantly at her pistol, and her small body was sharp.

Lu Nanqi, "..."

One person and one cat are in a stalemate like this, and no one will let anyone else.

But in Lu Nanqi's heart at this time, there was only a flash of thunder.

Nima, this little guy can really understand human speech.

Are you fine?
Thousands of possibilities flashed through her mind, and the gaze she stared at Bai Ying gradually turned into curiosity.

'You're just fine. '

Suddenly, an angry male voice rang in her ears.

Lu Nanqi's eyes widened suddenly, "Are you talking?"

But she didn't see it speak.

"It's just you and me here, it's not me talking, could it be a ghost?" Bai Ying gave her a foolish look.

In the night, looking at its pair of amber eyes that glowed with blue light, she could understand its contempt.

Rather than understanding it, it is better to hear the contempt in its heart.

It's just a bunch of cats, and they look down on her as a human being.

"Am I talking to someone now? Are you sure you're not a goblin?" Lu Nanqi asked deliberately.

Bai Ying frowned, "Don't call me a fairy, I'm a male cat!"

Lu Nanqi, "..."

She must be in a fantasy movie right now.

Ah, maybe she is really dead, that's why this environment was born.

Looking at the white cat in front of him, Lu Nanqi couldn't laugh or cry.

Why can she understand the cat's speech, and most importantly, can she hear its inner thoughts?

"You can hear what's in my heart!" The white cat suddenly flopped and took two steps closer to Lu Nanqi, and looked up at her seriously, "Do you know what I'm thinking in my heart now?"

Lu Nanqi twitched her eyebrows and gritted her teeth, "You're calling me a stupid woman."

She bent down, grabbed it by its fur, and lifted it up from the ground, "It's just a cat, how dare you scold me arrogantly, think it's too long!"

The white cat was not afraid of her threat at all, and even threatened her in turn, "Stupid woman, you dare to beat even your spiritual pet, believe it or not, I will send you to hell."

"Spiritual pet?" Lu Nanqi grabbed its body, observed it carefully, and laughed, "It turns out that animals are just like people, there are good and bad and there are liars."


The white cat is messy inside.

It actually met a foolish woman.

Can such a fool really become its master and survive in this troubled end times?
I'm really worried about her.

Lu Nanqi heard its heart clearly, "What master?"

"Hold out your hand," the white cat ordered.

Lu Nanqi stared at it for a while, put away the gun, and handed it with the palm upward.

The white cat raised its paw, suddenly showing its sharp claws, and piercing its nails into her palm.

(End of this chapter)

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