Chapter 280 Bamboo Monster

She is a third-level wood type, and these bamboo monsters are only one level, and the highest is only two levels.

They could feel the energy in her body, far above them.

Although there is only a third-level wood system, it is quite different from their second-level wood series.

But it was only a few seconds before they went crazy again.

Her attraction is that they are irresistible. No matter how powerful her abilities are, they possess countless powers. As long as these powers are gathered together, they will definitely be able to subdue her.

After a few breaths, they went crazy again.

Lu Nanqi ran around in the bamboo forest. Because of their obstruction, the road had already branched out, and it was no longer the previous one.

She no longer insisted on taking it out, but took out the gasoline from the space, ran between them, and then sprinkled the gasoline on the dead leaves on the ground.

A barrel of oil was spilled by her.

The bamboo monster exploded with strength and surrounded her in a circle, making it impossible for her to retreat.

Lu Nanqi pulled out the vines and pounded the roots of the bamboos in the ground to get their deadly crystal nuclei.

The two bamboos suddenly swayed wildly in the quiet air, as if they were about to break their waists due to the strong wind.

After struggling a few times, he became limp and did not move.

She continued to pound the source of their life on the ground, and soon several crystal nuclei were collected by her.

The circle that had no entry and exit was also opened by her.

She jumped straight to the exit, and when she turned her empty palm, a lighter appeared, and she slammed it sideways into the circle.

The lighter drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed steadily on the gasoline she spilled.

The fire was ignited, instantly burning those bamboos.

The dense bamboo spread out in an instant, and the branches retracted, but the fire had already spread, and the bamboo was still shaking, struggling and trembling crazily before dying.

The bamboos farther away that were not affected immediately absorbed the burning bamboo crystal nuclei, and immediately became stronger. Using that stronger posture, they once again attacked Lu Nanqi more violently.

Lu Nanqi seized the opportunity and ran straight down the mountain.

No matter how long their branches are, they can't reach the foot of the mountain.

Lu Nanqi's figure gradually moved away, and the bamboo forest on the top of the mountain finally gradually regained its calm, no longer desperately trying to take her blood.

Everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Only the place that was burnt black forever recorded everything today.

Lu Nanqi arrived below safely.

The little goblin had already been waiting there, and she hated the time she spent, "I can't even escape, do you think you can abolish it?"

Lu Nanqi released the car from the space, slowly took out five crystal nuclei from his pocket, shook them flauntingly in front of them, and then slowly held them in his palm to absorb them, "It just happens to have the same attributes as mine, I should have known earlier. You should take the opportunity to dig a few more."

The little goblin jumped up, "Crystal nucleus, crystal nucleus, give me, give me..."

It rushed forward with claws and teeth. Lu Nan clasped all seven palms, holding them securely in his palm, "This is a crystal nucleus from trash. You are a great hero, do you still need my crystal nucleus?"

"I'm a villain, how can I be a great hero? I'm just kidding, Xiao Nanqi, don't be angry, you are a great hero, a great hero." The little goblin has rough skin and thick flesh, and doesn't know what face is like at all, "A hero Divide me into two crystal nuclei."

Lu Nanqi sucked one and put the other four back in his pocket.

I just wanted to stimulate it, but never thought about absorbing the crystal nucleus.

Absorbing a lot at one time is faster than slowly absorbing one by one, and the nuclei of supernatural powers are faster.

 Another bug appeared... the system automatically deleted my comment, 555~
(End of this chapter)

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