Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 281 The little goblin is gone

Chapter 281 The little goblin is gone
Therefore, she does not agree with the absorption of several pills at a time.

After preferring many, then a one-off burst of absorption.

The only difficulty is that the crystal nucleus has to be carried all the time, and there is no place to put it.

She thought about it for a moment, put the crystal nucleus into the backpack, and then put it into the space.

After everything was done, the car continued on.

The little goblin didn't get the crystal nucleus she wanted, so she was depressed all the time, curled up in the back seat angrily, and was as quiet as a dumb cat along the way.

Because of the delay in the bamboo forest, when she drove back overnight, it was early morning again.

The surroundings of the base were eerily dark, without even a single light.

There are no stars in the sky, and there is no crescent moon.

The whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

She slowed down and became wary.

Something was wrong, the surroundings were eerily quiet, and there was not even a trace of breath.

In the past, there were occasional people who left the base at night.

And there will be guards around the base.

But now not only is there nothing, but the surroundings are still pitch black, not to mention that there are lights and people guarding them.

It seems to be a dead city.

Curled up in the seat, the little goblin who didn't speak all day also slowly raised her head, resting her little head on the window, looking out.

Its eyes glowed with amber blue light, and it suddenly bared its teeth, with a fierce look on its face, and stood up from the seat, its small body was full of excitement.

"There are crystal nuclei, there are so many crystal nuclei, Ma De, I can finally have a full meal." It happily pressed the window switch, jumped out of the car with a sudden jump.

"Little fairy!" Lu Nanqi shouted loudly.

But just in a blink of an eye, its figure had disappeared from her sight.

It disappeared, so suddenly.

It was gone with her life!

Lu Nan was so angry that he wanted to be rude.

She slammed on the brakes and followed it in the direction where it disappeared, but she could no longer sense its breath or existence.

It turned off the induction between them?
She couldn't be sure of that.

But the truth is, she's completely lost touch with it.

She couldn't sense the reaction of its brain waves at all!
"Dead cat!" Lu Nanqi kicked on the wheel, wanting to leave it alone.

Remember what it said.

I really can't take the risk.

She couldn't just throw her life on such a reckless cat.

Then she probably won't survive a week at most.

Holding the flashlight, she moved forward cautiously.

In a dark space, you can only use your senses to feel everything around you.


In the dark alley on the side, such a voice suddenly came, especially abrupt in this eerie silence.

"Little fairy!" Lu Nanqi called out in a low voice, but there was no movement.

She stood still, listening to the movement over there.

If you listen carefully, there is nothing.

She slowed down on the spot, and the light of the flashlight slowly shone towards the quiet alley.

The densely packed zombies in the alley were instantly lit up by the light of the flashlight.


The silent night was instantly destroyed by this moment.

The screams that made people tremble, one after another, one after another, higher than the other.

What followed was the roar of nearby zombies screaming.

Like the sea, it can submerge everyone in this city.

Lu Nanqi's heart trembled, and his body flew back to the direction of the car like an arrow.

Ahead, shadows of zombies wandered over.

The light of the flashlight swept around, and countless zombies flooded into the intersections in all directions, galloping towards her frantically.

There are so many zombies near the base!
She took a deep breath, all she felt was coldness.

Corpse tide!

The only thing she could think of was this.

(End of this chapter)

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