Chapter 282 Corpse Tide
So are the people in the base still safe?

The moment she thought of her mother and Lu Li, her entire face turned dark.

With so many zombies, are the people in the base prepared, and are there any combat countermeasures?
Before she could think seriously, she jumped into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight to the base.

The pistol was thrown out from space, aiming at the front where the headlights were shining.

One shot down one.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots and the roar of zombies mixed with shock, breaking through the silent night sky.

With such a loud noise, it is impossible for the people in the base to not wake up at all.

Sweeping the zombies in front of her, the car she sat in was even more courageous.

However, there are too many zombies.

No matter how much she shot, the zombies in all directions finally blocked her.

She was struggling for the last time, when the forward car suddenly slammed the steering wheel, killing the steering wheel completely, the car spun around on the spot, crushing countless zombies, then quickly backed up, taking advantage of the poor space in front of her , and moved forward at a high speed.

The car rushed out a short distance from the siege of zombies.

However, there were really too many zombies. What I could see in front of my eyes was nothing but densely packed zombies.

Going out at a glance, in the night, it is even more endless.

Her car was completely submerged in the crowd of zombies.

Those never-ending pain and tireless zombies were pounding on her car window one by one.

Two of the zombies in the front had already climbed onto the front of the car, and zombies also climbed onto the front of the car.

If she doesn't want to escape again, she will only end up being eaten.

She can leave, run away.

But the goblin has not been found yet.

If there was anything good or bad about it, she would not be comfortable.

She really hated this damn blood contract!
However, her perception with the goblin has been interrupted.

Unless it returned to her on its own initiative, she might not be able to find this huge and deserted city after searching for a year or so.

If it was determined not to let her find it, then in this vast world, she would never even want to know its whereabouts.

Lu Nan Qifan's eyebrows frowned into a mountain.

In the current situation, I don't care where it died.

It's best for it to hide for a lifetime and ensure that it is safe and sound for the rest of its life, otherwise she will enter its dream as a ghost and scare it to death!
She slapped the steering wheel to vent her anger, and without hesitation, she got up from the seat neatly, jumped up and opened the sunroof above her head.

It happened that a zombie climbed up, and when she opened the skylight, her withered and rotten hands stuck into the skylight.

Lu Nanqi raised his hand and stretched it out, the zombie's grinning mouth moved towards it.

Seeing that the zombie was about to bite her arm, she suddenly took out the dagger in her palm, aimed it at the zombie's mouth, and stabbed it straight.

The zombie struggled for a few breaths and lay still on the car.

Lu Nanqi got out of the sunroof and pushed the dead zombie off the roof. With his hands on both sides, he jumped hard, and his feet were firmly on the roof.

There was another zombie at the front and back, and when she jumped up, it also pounced on her, and one of the zombies on the ground even held her ankle firmly.

Lu Nanqi almost staggered, the vines shot out, pierced through the roof of the car, and hooked firmly, so as to avoid falling.

With the help of vines, she leaned to one side, kicked the zombie with one foot, and stabbed it with a dagger. The two zombies on top of her head were dealt with like this.

The bodies of the other two zombies fell down, and the surrounding zombies began to gnaw on the two dead zombies.

Taking advantage of this gap, she quickly shot the flashlight around in a circle, looking for a place to escape.

On both sides of the road are houses.

Other than that, there was no other place for her to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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