Chapter 284 She is still alive!

Du Bing asked someone to adjust a large lamp to shine on her side.

It was too dark to see people clearly.

He thought he was dazzled, and he was not sure who he saw, so he asked someone to turn on a light, and then pulled Niu Weiyuan beside him, "Look, who is that person?"

"Seventh Sister?" Niu Weiyuan was shocked for a moment.

It doesn't make sense, isn't everyone saying that she's... dead?
Jia Baihang followed suit, "It's indeed her!"

Lu Nanqi beckoned to them, then raised his gun again to shoot at the group of zombies at the gate of the base.

Du Bing understood what she meant in an instant, and said to them: "She is coming back. Let's help attack the zombies by the gate and make room for her. You support her. I will go down and open the gate for her."

"There are so many zombies, how did she come here? It's too risky, let her stay on it, and let her come back after the wave of zombies disperse." Niu Weiyuan suggested.

Du Bing said: "She came back at just the right time. We need her to help us. Remember what happened in the supermarket in the shopping center? All the zombies attacked us in an orderly manner. After she killed one of them After one zombie, those zombies instantly became headless masters. Don’t you think the group of zombies this time is very similar to last time? Maybe she can do what we can’t do.”

His words instantly opened everyone's memory.

That's right, at that time, she ignored the approach of other zombies around her, and just hit that one zombie.

Just when everyone thought she would be thrown to death by a zombie and gnawed on the ground, she killed that zombie, and the zombies that were heading towards her also disintegrated in an instant.

At that time, this issue was not seriously considered.

Everyone just thinks that she is more lucky.

Now after Du Bing's deliberation.

Suddenly it made sense.

Everyone no longer disagrees.

Niu Weiyuan even specially asked three more people with good marksmanship to come up and attack the zombies at the gate together.

Soon, the zombies in front of the gate fell one by one, lying on the ground.

The place that was originally only half a meter wide has become at least a meter wide.

Seeing their cooperation, Lu Nanqi made persistent efforts, replaced the pistol with a submachine gun, and shot wantonly at the zombies at the door.

A large number of zombies fell to the ground, and the gap at the door was getting wider and wider.

The timing is perfect.

She took a few steps back, then sprinted forward with all her strength, kicked her heels against the wall, and jumped down from the sky.

Several people on the opposite side saw her jumping off, and more aggressively shot the zombies in front of the gate.

At the height of the sixth floor, she just jumped off without blinking.

This jump, the visual distance of the jump, just landed in the middle of the zombie group.

Everyone sweated for her.

The moment Lu Nanqi fell, the vines were also sacrificed at the same time.

The fence was bare and there was no place for her to fix it.

She shot hard, shooting the vine directly into the wall, and the front end of the vine was firmly stuck in the wall.

At the same time as the body fell, with this strength, seeing that she was about to fall into the crowd of zombies, the body quickly changed direction and went to the gate of the base.

Another shot was fired, which stabilized her body and direction.

After a few breaths, her body swung past the zombie's head and landed firmly on the ground.

The moment she landed, the door behind her opened simultaneously.

Her sudden appearance drove the zombies crazy.

The zombies not far away started to stir and rushed towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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