Chapter 285 Spirit Zombie?

Holding up her gun, she calmly fired at them, while retreating towards the small door behind her.

"Come in quickly!" Du Bing urged, put the gun in the special hole on the door, and shoot the zombies closest to her, protecting her all the time to ensure her safety.

Lu Nanqi kept shooting in his hands, and with a flash of his small body, he entered the door.

There were already two people waiting beside her, and as soon as she entered, they immediately closed the door.

The zombies outside hit the door, making a loud trembling sound.

"You always give me countless surprises. You're finally back. It's good that you're back. It's good that you're fine." Du Bing was excited for a moment, and he opened his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry, I don't die so easily." Lu Nanqi patted him on the shoulder, pushed him away, and asked, "What's going on with these zombies? When did it start, do you know?"

Du Bing pondered for a moment, "It started when we came back the day before yesterday, but there were only a few zombies on the first day. Everyone didn't pay much attention to it. They just stepped up patrols. Yesterday there were suddenly a lot of zombies. Brother, there is no return. During the day, these zombies are wandering around, but at night, these zombies are like machines, persistently, just to hit our wall. It took a whole night last night Two-thirds of the ammunition has been used, and we can persist for another night at most tonight, and there will be no countermeasures tomorrow."

"But when I came back, I didn't see these zombies attacking you, why?" Lu Nanqi raised his doubts.

"I ordered all the lights in the base to be turned off, to minimize the things that attract zombies." Du Bing said, and sighed deeply, "I just didn't expect that there would be more zombies gathered here today. The previous You were the one who fired the gunshots. If it weren't for your gunshots, we still don't know that the number of zombies outside the base will become more and more unknowingly."

"This is not a normal zombie siege, there must be something wrong with it." Lu Nanqi said, suddenly stopped walking forward, turned to him and asked, "Where are my mother and Lu Li?"

"They're all right, they're safe, don't worry." Du Bing said, "Lu Li is also on the city wall, but not here, beside Chen Xiaochen and Meng Lun. Your mother has been staying in the residence for the past few days. Chen Xiaobao and Liao Sponge."

Lu Nanqi felt relieved.

As long as they're all safe, everything will be fine.

"Did you find out the problem with this zombie wave?" She continued to ask.

Du Bing glanced at her, and explained: "You should have guessed it, just like the time in the shopping mall supermarket, one zombie controlled the other zombies, if the analysis is correct, the zombie group this time is also similar to that one." The situation was exactly the same last time. As long as we kill the spiritual zombie, I believe that other zombies will not attack us so desperately."

"That's true." Lu Nanqi said.

He observed very carefully, this crucial point may not be noticed by those who have only seen it once.

But the problem is how to find the spiritual zombie that controls these countless zombies.

Moreover, this is an extremely intelligent zombie.

It does not choose to act during the day when it can be easily discovered by others, but specifically chooses to attack at night.

This not only affects their vision, but more directly, it is also the moment when their combat effectiveness is at their worst.

If they can't find the hiding place of that zombie, they will never be able to solve this zombie wave.

(End of this chapter)

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