Chapter 286 Change Strategy
Not only can it not be solved, but with more and more zombies, the fate of everyone in the base is to follow this group of zombies and become countless new zombie members.

"Do you have any idea?" She looked at Du Bing.

What was waiting was Du Bing's downcast.

He said in a depressed mood: "I've been paying attention to the movement among the zombies, but I just haven't found anything. This zombie with psychic powers seems to be no better than the one you killed before. It's very smart and even understands A lot of things that we can't think of, for example, strategy."

Lu Nanqi smiled, "Human abilities can become stronger with the absorption of the crystal nucleus, so what do these zombies use to strengthen themselves? They also use the crystal nucleus. The one thing about humans is that they will also suck blood and eat fresh meat. Human abilities have been promoted, let alone zombies. They originally lived in the zombie group. If they want to advance, they are more difficult than anyone else. It's simple. There is definitely no comparison between the spiritual zombie I dealt with last time and the spiritual zombie I will deal with this time."

"Is there any way for you to lure that spirit zombie out?" Du Bing said solemnly.

"It's hard to talk about this kind of thing." Lu Nanqi hesitated, and didn't express what was in his heart.

I still have concerns, because if I say it, not many people will believe it.

"If you know anything, or think of something, please tell me." Du Bing solemnly asked, "This is related to the lives of everyone in the entire base. If you think of anything, please tell me in time."

"Continuing this fight is not an option. The bullets are used up. What are we going to do next?" Lu Nanqi frowned, looked at the endless zombies below, and asked, "How much gasoline is left in our base?"

"About two tank trucks." Du Bing said, "Have you thought of a way to deal with them?"

"They are all afraid of fire, and they will be gone after the bullets are used up." Lu Nanqi said in a deep voice, "Even if you use up all the bullets, it is impossible to kill them all. These ammunition must be kept. , for the following battle, and tonight, the first thing we have to do is to take precautions."

Du Bing did not suspect him, and immediately ordered to report to Huo Zhonglin to change his strategy.

Huo Zhonglin was already in a state of desperation, and nothing worked. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer bullets in each box.

Nothing is more precious than these ammunition.

Gasoline is nothing, as long as it can subdue this group of monsters, even if it takes his life, he is willing.

Immediately issued an order to allow them to use gasoline to fight.

He also heard that the dead Lu Nanqi was resurrected, so he rushed to the front to see what happened.

The first time he saw Lu Nanqi, Huo Zhonglin was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

For the first time, I am grateful for my wise decision.

He walked up to her quickly, holding her hand and performing vigorously, "You are back, have you brought back all the weapons in the mechanical library?"

"Weapon? What weapon?" Lu Nanqi sneered.

Give her the key to the mechanical library of the hidden mechanism, and just expect her to blow up the entire mechanical library, so that no one can get it.

What he can't get, no one can get.

Even if she was lucky enough to get those weapons, she would return to the base anyway.

She stayed right under his nose, and those weapons, as long as he wanted them, would return to his pocket sooner or later.

He calculated everything, and made a deal with her on the surface, but secretly, all kinds of dead ends were waiting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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