Chapter 287 Sharpshooter

In this case, she was expected to take out the weapon to save his life?

Then ask him to wait patiently, maybe one day when she is in a good mood, she will give him some weapons.

"So, you didn't get those weapons in the mechanical library?" Huo Zhonglin's expression turned dark red like a pig's liver and a little dark, ugly, like blood clogged all over his face.

Lu Nanqi looked equally bad, "Boss Huo, when you want others to do something, the most basic thing is to at least be honest. I should congratulate you, those weapons are exploding as you wish. During the explosion, they all disappeared. I should also be thankful that in that explosion, I was able to survive until now."

"That's not..." Huo Zhonglin tried to defend himself, but he couldn't say anything.

I don't know what words to use to persuade her to cover up my true face.

He baldly gave up covering up his ugliness, "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect things to get to this point."

"An apology will never change your desire to get rid of me together." Lu Nanqi ruthlessly exposed his true colors.

With the pleasure of questioning.

His expression put her in a good mood.

Everyone should come and see what kind of selfishness the leader they respect has.

"Let's just let this matter go, okay?" Huo Zhonglin shrugged, his bald figure looked as old as an old man.His voice is also a bit vicissitudes, "I made a mistake, so I caused such trouble to the base, if I told you the mechanism of the mechanical library from the beginning, maybe you can bring back all those weapons now In this way, our base doesn't have to defend the city wall so hard at this time, it's all my fault, it's because my vision is too narrow."

"No, you are wrong. Even if you really tell me the mechanism, even if I really bring those weapons back, they don't belong to the base."

Her voice is calm.

She can always be so cold, always be indifferent, and always be able to clearly distinguish between you, me and him.

Others and her can never be "us".

Because she doesn't need groups.

Huo Zhonglin sighed deeply, remained silent for a few seconds beside her, then turned and left.

They couldn't talk together, they couldn't see each other, and they were wary of each other. Apart from cooperation, they couldn't have the opportunity to take the relationship one step closer.

It's just that it's not that she doesn't want to integrate into the group, but that Huo Zhonglin is not on her list.

She didn't bother to pay attention to his emotions, and before he walked away, she had already integrated into Du Bing's side.

The number of zombies under the wall was still daunting. No matter how they eliminated them, they still did not reduce their number.

In their desperate battle, those zombies still approached easily.

At the foot of the wall, the corpses of countless zombies were piled up on the ground. Slowly, as they shot, the corpses piled up higher and higher.

Some zombies tried to climb up. They stepped on the corpses, pulled on the wall, and stretched their hands upward.

People on the fence can reach them as long as they try to reach down.

The soldiers guarding the wall became panicked. The more anxious they became, the more inaccurate their marksmanship became.

Some people lost their hands again and again in anxiety, wasting bullets.

Lu Nanqi glanced at a man with a blue face next to him, took the gun from his hand, and shot quickly at the zombies below, deducing what it means to be a sharpshooter who is quick, accurate and ruthless.

 Starting on Tuesday, there will be five updates for a week, adding updates for all the support of the cuties~ [PS: Cuties, don’t post the same comments under the chapters, because too many will be automatically deleted by the system, and other comments will also be added. Deleted, 555~~ I like to comment on the single brush, single brush, haha~ Do you know what the subtext is~~ (bad smile)】

(End of this chapter)

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