Chapter 289 The Return
Those who had already thrown the wood down saw the opportunity and threw the torches down again.

In an instant, the zombies by the wall seemed to have fallen into a sea of ​​fire and were burned blazingly.

The zombies struggled in the flames, neighing in pain.

The originally powerful zombie was beaten to pieces in an instant.

With no attack, only real death awaits them.

Lu Nanqi has been paying attention to the movement in the zombie wave, but did not find anything suspicious.

The soldiers looked at the screaming zombies below, and their momentum became even higher, and they became even more excited when they fought the zombies.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her here, Lu Nanqi stepped back from the stage.

Du Bing followed her, happy and excited, "The zombies started to retreat slowly, your solution has worked."

What worked was not only her method, but also everyone's momentum.

Their high momentum will definitely make the psychic zombie think that they have a solution, so it is jealous, and sees that its subordinates have suffered heavy casualties.

That's why I chose to back off.

If they still don't have self-confidence, they will shrink their heads even if they stand on a high place.

That clever zombie with psychic abilities probably wouldn't take them seriously either.

"Don't be too happy too early, the key is still in the back. After this battle, there will definitely be more difficult problems waiting for everyone. If you have this time to be happy here, why don't you think about the next countermeasures quickly." Lu Nan Qi said seriously.

Du Bing was half joking, "With you as a military adviser offering advice, what are you afraid of?"

"No, don't place your hopes on me. Don't forget, I'm a woman you men have always looked down upon." Lu Nanqi blocked his thoughts.

Du Bing still followed her, "It's the moment of victory, everyone must be waiting for congratulations, where are you planning to go at this time?"

"Naturally go back to the residence." Lu Nanqi said: "I haven't been back for a few days, and my mother still can't figure out what the wild thoughts are, that's all right, you go do your business, and I will go by myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ming Shu came forward and rubbed Lu Nanqi into his arms, "Qiqi, you are back!"

Many people came.

Chen Xiaochen, Meng Lun, Lu Li, and two little ones.

Everyone who should come has come.

"I came back two days late, why did I become like this, without me, someone is bullying you, right?" Lu Nanqi laughed.

She didn't mention a word about the past few days, and simply summed up the past two days in a few words.

Everyone was curious about what happened after she disappeared, so it was obvious that she didn't want to say more, so she had to give up.

The most important thing is that she is fine, she is still alive and standing in front of them, and that is enough.

"Sister!" Lu Li hugged her tightly, with his tall body, he squeezed her tightly into his chest, unwilling to let go, full of self-blame and shame.

"Little kid doesn't cry as much as you do." Lu Nanqi pushed him away with a look of disgust, with a smile on his face, "It's okay, go on doing what you should do, don't worry about me because of my sister." If you delay the matter at hand, someone will ask for an opinion later."

"I just said Seventh Sister is fine, then she will be fine, you just don't believe me, look, she has come back well." Standing beside Lu Nanqi, Chen Xiaobao raised his chin high, even though Said, still unable to hold back the tears in his eyes.

The worries of the past few days were finally completely relaxed at the moment of seeing her.

(End of this chapter)

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