Chapter 290 Is there telepathy?

Everyone still had something to do, and they came here temporarily because they heard that Lu Nanqi was back, and they couldn't leave their posts for too long.

Seeing that she was safe and sound from head to toe, he felt relieved.

They returned to their respective positions one after another.

As soon as the others left, Chen Xiaobao tugged on Lu Nanqi's sleeve, "Sister Qi, can you sense what I told you?"

"In a dream?" Lu Nanqi looked down at her.

Chen Xiaobao's eyes sparkled, "So, you received it."

"A little bit, just a few words." Lu Nanqi suddenly realized the problem, "Could it be that there was a problem in the base at that time, so you conveyed such news to me?"

Chen Xiaobao nodded, "Well, a lot of zombies suddenly came to the base. I was afraid, so I wanted to find you. It seems that my ability is still too weak for you to sense me clearly."

"Is there really telepathy in this world?" Thinking of the cat that disappeared without a trace, Lu Nanqi couldn't help but feel a little emotional, "Don't worry, no matter how powerful the zombies are, but the base is so big, it won't be so easy. If you say you're falling, you're falling."

"You said, can we get through this difficulty?" Chen Xiaobao was frustrated, "Could it be that human beings really can't defeat these monsters, and they will still be wiped out in the end?"

"Why did you say that suddenly?"

"It's nothing..." Chen Xiaobao shook his head dejectedly, "It's just a sudden feeling."

She didn't want to say more, the child's thoughts were not hidden deeply, and Lu Nanqi could see through her emotions at a glance.

However, she didn't intend to ask more questions.

Seeing that her interest is so low, it must not be a good thing. The immediate matter is already urgent, so how can she worry about the future so far.

Let's solve the immediate problem first.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Let's go back to the residence." Lu Nanqi hugged her shoulder.

Several people returned to the residence side by side, only Liao Sponge followed behind them.

From Lu Nanqi's return to now, he hasn't said a word, and has been following her silently.

Those dark and bright eyes seemed to have lost their luster, no longer shining brightly and attractively.

After returning to the residence, Lu Nanqi and Chen Xiaobao returned to their room, and he also consciously returned to his own room, not pestering Lu Nanqi at all.

In the room separated by a wall, Chen Xiaobao and Ming Shu's non-stop questions could be heard next door, while Lu Nanqi only occasionally responded with one or two sentences, which was very perfunctory.

He nestled on the bed, weeping secretly, curled his small body into a ball, and the heavy down jacket hid his head under the coat.

With his face sunk between his knees, he couldn't see anything.

He deluded himself into thinking this way, biting his lips tightly, otherwise the crying sour in his nose would come out.

Outside, the man guarding the fence will return soon.

Victory, the zombies have left, and the corpses of the zombies are all outside the wall, so many crystal nuclei must be dug up.

I'm just worried that those zombies will go back on their word halfway, so no one dares to dig out the crystal nucleus for the time being.

Everyone's heart is excited and excited, so even if they are dirty at the moment, it will not affect their emotions in the slightest.

The man came back and stayed in the yard, still discussing the triumphant moment.

Someone else took the initiative to talk about the next plan.

Although the strategy is not very good, at least it is much better than the depression she saw when she first came back.

The battle plan is important, but sometimes, the hope of the people is actually better than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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