Chapter 293 Take the initiative
I don't know when the zombies will come again, or what they will do next.

They must prepare a perfect plan in order to truly feel at ease.

And Lu Nanqi's proposal was to take the initiative to attack and catch those zombies by surprise.

The daytime is good for them to fight, so many zombies must be hiding near the base.

You can send some quick-handed people out, take the opportunity to lure all the zombies into the house, and then set it on fire.

It is a convenient method without losing the ammunition in the base.

Of course, this is dangerous.

Because someone had to go out of the base to face the tide of zombies. It was very likely that after going out, they would never come back to the base.

Probably no one is willing to take the initiative to go.

And the more important purpose is to find the suspicious zombie with psychic abilities in such an operation and kill it.

In this way, all difficulties can be easily solved.

But obviously, the zombie with psychic powers this time is too smart and too good at hiding.

When ordinary people go out, even if zombies with psychic abilities appear in front of his eyes, he may not be able to distinguish them.

Therefore, there are only a few of them who can undertake this mission.

It's just that once they leave, who will run the base?
Think about it, there is probably no more suitable candidate than her, she knows the best about psychic zombies.

Lu Nanqi couldn't help but took a deep breath, and sighed again. Before she could express her opinion, Du Bing spoke first, "This time, let me lead the team out. I've also seen spirit zombies."

"We've all met, let's go together." Jia Baihang suggested.

Du Bing said, "You have a lot of ideas, so it's more suitable to stay at the base."

Indeed, a group of dragons cannot be without a leader. If everyone is gone, the hearts of the people in the base must not be scattered.

Who knows if they really went out to fight zombies, or if the high-level people fled collectively?

The three men looked at her, waiting for her decision.

"Look what I'm doing, go back, you've finished washing, why don't you follow me into the house and sleep?" Lu Nanqi returned to the courtyard and entered the house with a washbasin.

Du Bing stood at the door, "I'll let them dig out the crystal nucleus first, what's the next move... I'll come and discuss with you when the time comes."

Lu Nanqi took a deep look at him, but didn't say anything, and went into the room and closed the door.

Tan Lei, who left first, has turned back, frowned worriedly: "Is she willing to fight with us, or not? I can't understand her at all."

"She's been quiet all the time. You don't understand. Since she didn't expressly refuse, she is naturally willing." Du Bing explained: "Okay, don't worry about other things here, hurry up and let brother They went out to dig the crystal nuclei, and tried to dig all the crystal nuclei back. Also, piled up the dead zombies under the wall, and burned them when the zombies came again, so as to prevent the zombies from approaching, and also contribute to the base for heating. "

"Inhumane." Tan Lei said "tsk tsk", but the expression on his face was excited.

He left quickly, set about arranging this task, and went down in person to dig the crystal nucleus with the group of people.

The problem they were worried about did not happen. During the long hour of labor, no zombies were found.

The process of the matter was exactly the same as what Lu Nanqi said.

Although the mental zombie was smart enough, it was still a zombie with unwise thinking. It knew how to attack, but didn't know much about strategy.

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(End of this chapter)

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