Chapter 294
Its only advantage is that it has a large group of never-say-die fighters. They are fearless and willing to fight for it. Even in battle, they can constantly absorb new members.

And they fight, without sacrifice, is victory!
But this is the most difficult.

It is even more difficult than finding a way to kill it.

It was quiet in the residence, all the men were on the front line, the women stayed in the residence, and few of them dared to go out. In Lu Nanqi's room, only she, Chen Xiaobao and Ming Shu were there.

When there was a knock on the door, Lu Nanqi was sitting on the bed, wiping her knife with a cloth.

Ming Shu went to open the door, and there was a young woman standing outside the door, about the same age as Lu Nanqi.

Look, maybe he's three or four years older than Lu Nanqi.

Her eyes looked into the room, and slowly fell on Lu Nanqi, her eyes were filled with envy and admiration.

After waiting for a long time, she did not speak.

Until Mingshu who was standing inside the door asked her, "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

The woman seemed to have just woken up. She clenched her hands vertically by her sides, and stared at Lu Nanqi nervously, "Can I, can I go out to fight with you?"

In such a short sentence, she seemed to have spent all her courage before she managed to say it from her mouth.

After she finished speaking, she didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but became more nervous, her eyes were locked on Lu Nanqi's face, and she looked at her almost rudely.

For fear of missing any of her expressions.

"Follow me?" Lu Nanqi raised his eyes and stared at her indifferently. After just one glance, he lowered his eyes and continued to wipe the knife in his hand: "Why follow me? Do you know what the word 'fight' means?" ?"

"I know, it means the distance between life and death." The woman couldn't wait to speak, expressing anxiety, deeply afraid that she would reject her after a while.

"Fighting means that one day, you will also become that ugly zombie for your relatives to kill you with their own hands." Lu Nanqi corrected.

The woman's face was a little pale, but her figure was firm, and she was not intimidated by her words, "I understand, but I am not afraid of death. Fighting is not terrible. The cowardice of the human heart is more terrible than death. I just don't want to be someone I despise myself." That kind of person!"

Her words are correct, and her confidence is not enough, but she is completely sincere.

Lu Nanqi raised his head for the second time, this time he stopped what he was doing.

His eyes lingered on her for a few seconds, and finally his eyes gradually changed.

For the first time in more than a month in the last days, she showed an expression of appreciation.

It's been a long time since the end of the world, and it's the first time someone is facing this unbearable situation in the end of the world, and it's a woman.

Or rather, just a little girl.

She is stronger than men.

The corner of Lu Nanqi's mouth ticked up slightly, "You don't need other people's approval to fight. If you want to fight, no one can win you."

"Those men look down on me, maybe I can get a chance from you." The woman hurriedly explained.

"You should go to Du Bing, I believe he is a sensible person." Lu Nanqi said.

The woman blushed and lowered her head in shame: "I'm too weak... If you can give me a chance to learn, I, Tan Jiatong, will definitely remember your great kindness. I will repay this kindness to you sooner or later."

"If I help you, you will be kind to me. If I don't help you, will you hate me for the rest of your life?" Lu Nanqi smiled, as if he was just joking with her, but also seemed to care this point.

 It's too late to update, there are few people watching, the time will be updated at 0:12, 19:20, 21:[-], [-]:[-], and [-]:[-], okay~
(End of this chapter)

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